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40 Cards in this Set

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Where is the mediastinum located?
in the thorax between the pleural cavities and is divided into 5 parts
What are the great vessels of the mediastinum?
brachiocephalic artery
left common cartoid artery
left subclavian artery
pulmonary trunk
What is the anterior mediastinum consisted of?
loose fat
lymph glands
What does the middle mediastinum consist of?
ascending aorta
superior vena cava
bifucation of trachea
pulmonary veins
phrenic nerves
What does the pericadiacophrenic vessel supply?
the diaphragm and membrane
What does the posterior mediastinum consist of?
thoracic aorta
azygous vein
hemiazygous vein
accessory azygous vein
vagus nerve
thoracic duct
splanchnic nerves
What does the thymus produce?
T lymphocytes
When is the thymus the largest and most active?
in neonates and pre-adolescense
When does the thymus begin to atrophy?
by teens
Where is the thymus located?
in the superior mediastinum
What is the fibrous pericardium?
strong outer cover of dense connective tissue that holds the heart in place and stops overfilling with blood
What does the fibrous pericardium adhere to?
the diaphragm and parietal pleura
what does the serous pericardium create?
a lubricated enviornment with serous fluid
What does the serous pericardium do?
provides a space for the heart to expand and contract.. protects and anchors the heart
What are the layers of the heart wall superficial to deep?
What is the epicardium made of?
simple squamous epithelium and a deeper fat layer
What does the epicardium secrete?
pericardial fluid
What is the myocardium formed by?
cardiac muscle
Where is the myocardium thicker and why are they?
left ventricle...thicker in the ventricles because they pump against gravity
What is cardiac muscle?
fibers that contract as a single unit and have special cell to cell contacts termed intercalated discs
Describe muscle impulses in cardiac muscle
muscle impulses are distributed to all the fibers in the atria or ventricles at the same time and immediately
What is the cardiac skeleton?
a structure of dense connective tissue separating atria from ventricles that supports valves
What can be said of the cells in the endocardium?
they are biologically the same as the endothelial cells lining blood vessels
What does the endocardium form?
forms a barrier between the blood and heart tissues
What does the coronary sulcus divide?
atria from the ventricles
What does the the anterior inter ventricular sulcus divide?
anterior aspect of the two ventricles
What does the crista terminals divide?
the rough from the smooth parts of the atrium
What is the function of the trabeculae carneae?
contract to tighten chordae tendinae and keep valves closed
What is the cardiovascular system divided into?
pulmonary and systemic circuits
Expliain the pulmonary circuit
oxygen poor blood is brought to the heart and pumped to the lung and oxygen rich blood is brought to the heart from the lungs
Explain the systemic circuit
oxygen rich blood is pumped from the heart to the body and oxygen poor blood is returned from the body to the heart
What is the blood flow through the heart on the right side
deoxygenated blood fills the right atrium from the body

deoxygenated blood flows into the right ventricle from the right atrium

deoxygenated blood pumped into pulmonary artery to the lungs from the right ventricle
What is the blood flow through the left side of the heart?
oxygenated blood fills the left atrium from the pulmonary veins returning from the lungs

oxygenated blood fills the left ventricle from the left atrium

the left ventricle pumps oxygenated blood to the body from the aorta
chordae tendinae
relax during atrial systole and become tense during ventricular systole to prevent atrioventicular valve eversion
papillary muscle
contract to tighten chordae tendinae
What are the five parts of the cardiac cycle?
atrial systole
early ventricular systole
late ventriucular systole
early ventricular diastole
later ventricular diastole
What happens during the atrial systole?
atria contract
AV valves open
semilunar valves are closed
When do AV valves close?
during ventricular systole to prevent backflow of blood into atria
What causes the first heart sound?
AV valve closure
What happens when early ventricular systole occurs?
atria relax
AV forced close
semilunar vavles are closed