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34 Cards in this Set

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fertilized ovum develops into an organism with most of the human features.
embyronic phase
first 8 weeks of pregnancy
facilitates nutrients; gas exchange between embryo/fetus and mother
protective covering the develops over the skin; white cheese-like substance that adheres to the skin
vernix caseosa
a fine downy hair
embryonic tissues

outer layer
embryonic tissues

middle layer
embryonic tissue
inner layer

two umbilical arteries carry away what kind of blood
What to take to prevent neural tube defects and how many micrograms
Folic Acid; 400 micrograms
what provides a safe and comfortable temperature for the fetus
Amniotic fluid
what is formed in the intestines from swallowed amniotic fluid

urine is excreted into the amniotic fluid when kidneys mature
adversely affects normal cellular development i the embryo/fetus
leads to microcephaly, mental retardation, learning disorders
fetal alcohol syndrome
most infants lose what % of their birth weight b/c of fluid loss
By what month do infants reach double their birth weight
5 months
By what month do infants reach three times their birth rate
12 months
Average length of newborn
20 in
By 6 months, how many inches do they gain
5.5 in
By 12 months, how many inches do they gain
3 inch
Normal head circumference is about how many inches bigger than chest circumference

9-10 months the head and chest are about equal
1 inch
which fontanel decreases until closure occurs between 9 and 18 months
anterior fontanel
Which fontanel between the parietal bones and the occipital bone closes between 2 and 3 months after birth
posterior fontanel
by what month has depth perception fully developed
12 months
What reflex: startle to a loud noise; both arms extend and legs outward with fingers spread; then retracting limbs
Moro reflex
what reflex: infants lips are touch
sucking reflex
What reflex: touching the baby's check and baby's head turns to side
Rooting reflex
What reflex: small object placed against the palm of the hand; fingers to curl around it; disappears 3-6 months
Palmar grasp reflex
What reflex: objects placed beneath toes causes them to curl around. Diseappears 8 to 10 months.
Plantar reflex
What reflex: head turned to right side and left side of body shows flexing
Tonic neck reflex
What reflex: holding baby upright so feet touch flat surface and legs move u and down like walking
Stepping reflex
What reflex:sole of foot is stroked, the toe rises and the other toe fans out
Babinski reflex
a positive after one can be motor neuron damage
infant to 12 months: Erikson Develop

depend on parent; fulfillment of needs
being sensitive to their needs
meeting needs promptly
responding consistently
trust versus mistrust
Cognitive Development: Piaget
4 months: perceptual recognition
6 months: remember certain objects and look for them for a short time.
12 months: concept of both space and time
Moral Development:
associate right and wrong with pleasure and pain.