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52 Cards in this Set

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What are the four macronutrients?
Water, carbohydrates, protein, and fat. These are needed for energy and important functions like building new cells and facilitating chemical reactions.
What is the function of water?
We need water to digest, absorb, and transport nutrients. Water helps regulate body temperature, carries waste products out of the body, and lubricates our moving parts.
What is the purpose of proteins?
It's needed to build and maintain muscles, bones, and other body tissues.
What fatty acids are most dangerous to our health?
Saturated Fat and Trans Fat
Adults need ___% of their daily calorie intake in the form of fat.
The food pyramid guide, MyPyramid highlights what that is not always represented in other food pyramid guides?
Physical activity, gradual improvement, and especially personalization.
According to both the MyPyramid and the DASH eating plan, most Americans should make what dietary changes?
Consume fewer refined grains
Can vitamins and minerals be toxic?
Yes, if you consume excessive amounts.
Energy Drinks?
If you consume them in excess or at the wrong time they can be harmful.
Greatest Risk of Transporting Food borne Illness
Defrosting meat and poultry at room temperature
Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA)
The average daily amount of any one nutrient an individual needs to protect against nutritional deficiency.
Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR)
Intake ranges that provide adequate nutrition and that are associated with reduced risk of chronic disease.
Dietary Guidelines for Americans?
Set of scientifically based recommendations designed to promote health and reduce the risk for many chronic diseases through diet and physical activity.
Graphic nutritional tool developed to accompany the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
Daily Values?
Set of dietary standards used on food labels to indicate how a particular food contributes to the recommended daily intake of major nutrients in a 2,000 calorie diet.
Essential Nutrients?
Chemical substances used by the body to build, maintain, and repair tissues and regulate body functions. They cannot be manufactured by the body and must be obtained from foods or supplements.
Amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water by 1 degree centigrade; commonly shortened to calorie.
People are at a greater risk for early onset of heart disease if they to gain weight in the ____.
Healthy weight loss is?
1-2 lbs per week
Leading cause of death in the US?
Cardiovascular Disease
Controllable risk factors for CVD?
Tobacco use, hypertension, unhealthy blood cholesterol levels, physical inactivity, obesity, and diabetes.
Uncontrollable risk factors for CVD?
Older age, male gender, a genetic predisposition, black or other minority racial/ethnic status, and postmenopausal status.
When blood flow to brain or part of brain is blocked.
Signs of a stroke?
FAST: Facial numbness of weakness, Arm numbness or weakness, Slurred speech, Time to call 911.
Leading controllable risk factor for all forms of CVD?
Tobacco use.
Optimal range for blood pressure?
Signs of hypertension?
Referred to as silent killer because it often causes no symptoms.
Condition characterized by uncontrolled growth of cells.
Benign tumor?
Grows slow and unlikely to spread.
Malignant tumor?
Prone to spread and invade surrounding tissue.
When cancer spreads from one part to another.
Most significant risk factor for all forms of cancer?
Advancing Age.
What type of cancer is leading cause of cancer death?
Lung Cancer
What are three skin cancers?
Basal Cell cancer, Squamous cell cancer, and melanoma. All are associated with tanning beds.
ABCD evaluation of moles for melanoma?
Asymmetry, Border irregularity, Color variation, and diameter larger than 1/4 inch.
What stage in life are eating disorders more likely to develop?
Muscle dysmorphia?
Men believe they appear thin when muscles are actually quite large.
What has been recognized as a psychological disturbance that leads to obesity?
Binge Eating Disorder
What eating disorder carries the highest rate of all psychiatric diagnosis?
Anorexia Nervosa
What's the order of the Female Athlete Triad?
Disorder eating patterns(exercise), amenorrhea(cessation of menstrual period), premature osteoporosis.
People are at greater risk for early onset of heart disease if they tend to gain weight in what area?
Healthy weight loss is how many lbs. per week?
1 - 2 pounds.
Twin studies support a genetic tendency toward?
Why is abdominal fat considered a greater threat to health than thigh and hip fat?
It's associated with high cholesterol levels and higher risk for heart disease, stroke, diabetes, hypertension, and some types of cancer.... it is a disadvantage because it breaks down more easily and enters the bloodstream more readily
Girls experience an increase in body fat during what period of their life?
What is the greatest influence on the growth of weight problems in America?
Physical Activity
According to the Size Acceptance Movement, is there an ideal body shape?
Achieving a healthy body weight for life depends mainly on the ____ choices you make.
What happens to women after menopause?
They experience a shift in body fat from the hips and thighs to the abdomen.
Deficiency of Red Blood cells.
Osteoporosis is associated with low intake of?
How do you find a weight loss plan that offers the best chance of success?
AVOID plans that will drastically change your eating patterns.