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35 Cards in this Set

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the often fatal condition of poisoning with the botulin toxin.
brain death:
irreversible, total loss of higher brain functions, reflected in a flat line brainwave pattern, as opposed to the wavy pattern made by an active brain
brand names
the names companies give to drugs; the names by which they are sold
breathalyzer test:
: a test of the alcohol level in a person's breath, which reflects the blood level of alcohol.
breech birth:
: a birth in which the infant is born in a position other than the normal headfirst position.
bronchi (BRONK-eye):
: the two main airways in the lungs; branches of the windpipe (trachea). The singular form is bronchus.
bronchitis (bron-KITE-us):
a respiratory disorder with irritation of the bronchi; thickened mucus; and deep, harsh coughing.
bubonic plague:
a bacterial infection causing swollen lymph glands and pneumonia, frequently fatal.
bulimia (byoo-LEEM-ee-uh
: repeated binge eating, usually followed by vomiting (also spelled bulemia).
: the smallest units in which independent life can exist. All living things are single cells or organisms made of cells
people who have reached the age of 100 years or older.
cesarean (si-ZAIR-ee-un) section
: surgical childbirth, in which the infant is taken through a cut in the woman's abdomen
s: rooms; in the heart, large, hollow areas that receive incoming blood from the lungs and tissues and ship it out again.
a plant with flowers that may provide some limited medical value in soothing intestinal and stomach discomforts.
chancre (SHANG-ker):
): a hard, painless sore; chancres develop early in syphilis infections.
administration of drugs that harm cancer cells, but that do not harm the client, or at least do not harm the client as much as the disease does.
chicken pox:
a usually mild, easily transmitted viral disease causing fever, weakness, and itchy blisters.
child abuse
verbal, psychological, physical, or sexual assault on a child.
chlamydia (
an infection of the reproductive tract, with or without symptoms; a frequent cause of ectopic pregnancy or failure to become pregnant
cholera (KAH-Ier-uh
): a dangerous bacterial infection causing violent muscle cramps, severe vomiting and diarrhea, severe water loss, and death.
: a type of fat made by the body from saturated fat; a minor part of fat in foods.
slender bodies inside the cell's nucleus, which carry the genes.
in relation to illness, this term refers to a disease or condition that develops slowly, shows little change, and lasts a long time.
chronic dieters
people who frequently diet in unhealthy ways in an attempt to lose weight.
chronic obstructive lung disease (COLD):
(COLD): a term for several dis­eases that interfere with breathing. Asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema are
chronic stress:
: unrelieved stress that continues to tax a person's resources to the point of exhaustion; stress that is damaging to health
chronological age:
age as measured in years from date of birth. cilia: hairlike structures extending from the surface of cells that line body passageways, including the trachea and upper lungs
hairlike structures extending from the surface of cells that line body passageways, including the trachea and upper lungs. The cilia wave, pro¬pelling a coating of mucus along to sweep away debris.
peer groups that reject newcomers and that judge both their members and nonmembers harshly.
a narcotic drug that is commonly used for suppressing coughs.
a person who is so focused on the needs of others that the person's own needs are neglected. Also, an enabler who is a member of the family of, or has a close relationship with, a person addicted to a drug
: an upper respiratory tract infection.
colostrum (co-LAHS-trum):
a milklike substance rich in antibodies; the breast milk made during the first few days after birth.
cerebral thrombosis:
the closing off of a vessel that feeds the brain by a stationary clot, or thrombus.