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61 Cards in this Set

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What is physical activity?

Any movement that makes your body use extra energy.

The ability to handle everyday work and play with out becoming tired is called ______?


4 benefits of physical activity?

1. increases strength

2. move better

3. healthy blood pressure

4. better lung function

What are the 2 types of endurance?

Muscular and Cardiovascular

Strength is your body's ability to _____________.

Use force

What is flexibility?

Ability to move joints fully and easily through a full range of motion.

What sports/players/positions would have really good flexibility?

gymnast, football kicker, dancer, karate person.

What 3 things do you need to do in order to properly weigh yourself?

1. Naked

2. Pee first

3. In the morning

What are the 5 PE fitness tests?

1. Pacer

2. 1 Mile

3. Sit-Up Test

4. Push-Up Test

5. Sit and Reach

How many bones are in the adult human body?

206 bones

What is the skeletal system? What does it do?

It is the framework of bones and other tissues, and it supports the body.

The places where 2 or more bones are connected is called __________.


What is the function of tendons?

Holds muscles to bones and muscles to muscles.

Ligaments hold ________ in place at the joint.


Soccer players have a 50% chance of injuring their ___________.


Cartilage allows joints to move easily, ______ bones, and supports soft tissues such as those in the ______ and _____-.


Ears and nose

Ball & Socket joint is located _____________.

Hips and shoulder

Pivot joint is located in the ____________.


Gliding joint is located in the _______________.


Hinge joint is located in your ______________.

Elbows and knees

What is the purpose of the muscular system?

Move parts of the body and controls organs.

How many muscles are there in the adult human body?

Over 600

What does the circulatory system do?

transports essential materials to the body cells and removes their waste products.

This vessel carries blood away from the heart ________.


This vessel carries blood back to the heart ____________.


This vessel connects arteries and veins, and gives blood to cells _______.


The __________ is the body's biggest artery.

? Aortic

High blood pressure is know as _________.


A good, standard, normal blood pressure reading is ______.




What does plasma do for the body?

Carries nutrients to the cells.

What do platelets do for the body?

Clot and thicken at the site of a wound.

What do red blood cells do for the body?

Carries oxygen from lungs to the body.

What do white blood cells do for the body?

Help fight infections inside the body

What are the 4 blood types?

1. A

2. B

3. AB


If you are type B, who can you accept a blood transfusion from?

O & B

26 million people have ________ disease.


Almost _ _______ people die every year from heart disease.

1 million

Who has more symptoms for a heart attack? Men or Women?


What's the universal sign for a person having a heart attack?

Grabbing the left upper arm

What does AED stand for? What does the machine do?

A= Automated

E= External

D= Defibrilator

It shocks the heart causing it to pump blood and beat.

Give 3 examples of steps you can take to exercise safely.

1. wear the right clothes

2. wear proper shoes

3. light colors during the night time

3 examples of individual sports.

1. Swim

2. Running


3 examples of team sports.

1. Baseball

2. Soccer

3. Football

_______ is the excessive loss of water from the body.


True or false... is caffeine a drug?


What are some side effects of steroids?

Blocks growth

Heart attack risk increases

What is the difference between conditioning and overworking?

Conditioning- You have breaks

Overworking- Non-stop movement

What is a sprain?

Injury to a ligament

What is a strain?

damage to a tendon or muscle

What is tendonitis?

Inflammation / swelling caused by overuse

What is a dislocation?

Bone forced from its normal position within a joint

What is a fracture?

break in a bone

What is a stress fracture?

small fracture caused by strain

What does R.I.C.E. stand for?





The universal sign for choking is?

Hands grabbing the throat.

Call _____ if it is truly an emergency.

? 911

If a person is having a seizure, what should you do?

Lay them on their side

True or false..... You should pop burn blisters?


If someone is bleeding the first thing you should do is?

apply pressure

The ABC's of CPR are?




When doing CPR how many compressions and how many breaths should you give them?

30 compressions and 2 breaths