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140 Cards in this Set

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What are the three things that you're body is made of?
cells, tissues, and organs
What is an organ?
two or more tissues working together.
What is a body system?
a group of organs that work together.
What is tissue?
A group of similar cells that perform a single function
What is a disease?
any harmful chnage in your body's normal activity
What can diseases cause?
an organ or system not to work properly
What is a noninfectious disease?
a disease that is not caused by a virus or living organism
What are the 8 different causes of noninfectious diseases?
Congenital, herditary, accident, nutritional defect, metabolic disorder, cancer, immune defect, multiple causes.
What are examples of diseases that are caused by each of the 8 causes of noninfectious diseases?
congenital = cleft lip
hereditary = cystic fibrosis
accident = brain injury
nutritional defect = iron deficiency
metabolic disorder = diabetes
cancer = leukemia
immune defect = asthma
multiple causes = high blood pressure
What are the 14 most important systems and organs in your body?
Heart, circulatory system, lungs, respiratory system, brain, nervous system, endocrine system, digestive system, urinary system, skin, skeletal system, musuclar system, eyes ears.
Why is the heart important?
pumps blood to every cell in the body, part of circulatory system
Why is the circulatory system important?
carries blood and nutrients to every cell in th ebody, inlcudes heart, arteries, capillaries, and veins.
Why are the lungs important?
are used for breathing, part of the respiratory system.
Why is the respiratory system important?
takes oxygen into the body and releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere; system includes the nose trachea, bronchi, and lungs
Why is the brain important?
controls and coordinates all mental and physical activity; part of the nervous system
Why is the nervous system important?
controls the boyd's actions and reactions and the body's adjustments to the environment
Why is the Endocrine system important?
produces chemical messengers called hormones; includes the pituatary gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, adrenal gland, pangreas, ovaries, and testes.
Why is the Digestive system important?
provides the body with nutrients by acting on food and excretes digestive waswte products; includes the mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestines, and anus
Why is the urinary system important?
excretes urine, which is motly water and waste products from cells; includes kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra
Why is the skin important?
encloses the body, pretects the bdoy from pathogens, insulates the body, and helps the body get rid of wastes
Why is the skeletal system important?
provides structure and support for the body; protects organs such as the brain and the lungs
Why is the muscular system important?
provides movement inside and outside of the body
Why are the eyes important?
organs of sigh
Why are the ears important?
organs of hearing
What is your circulatory system made up of?
heart, blood vessels, blood
Describe the heart.
muscular four chambered organ.
Describe what the heart does.
The two upper chambershold blood and are called atria. the two lower chambers pump the blood and are called ventricles
What does the right ventricle do?
The blood that enters it is low in oxygen, it is pumped into the lungs, valves that are inbetween the ventricles and atria prevent the blood from flowing backwards. it picks up oxygen in the lungs and retruns to the left atrium and goes to the left ventricle.
What does the left ventricle do?
The high oxygen blood is pumped to the rest of the body including te heart itself.
Why does some blood get pumped in the blood itself?
because it too needs oxygen to keep working (beating)
What are some diseases that happen in the circulatory system?
heart disease, heart attack, heart faliure, congenital disorder, leukemia, hypertension, anemia, platelet disease,
What is heart disease?
any condition that affects the heart's ability to pump blood.
What is a heart attack?
happens when part of the heart does not receive enough blood and the heart does not pump well. part of the muscle dies.
What is heart failure?
a condition that slowly develops as the heart muscle gets weaker, the heart cannot pump enough lbood to keep the body going. may be caused by hypertension, congenital disorder, or a heart attack
What is a congenital disorder?
any disease, abnormaltity or defect that is present at birth but not inherited
How many different types of convenital eart disease are ther?
over 30
How can you prevent these diseases?
nutritious diet, plenty of exercise, not being overweight, and not smoking.
How can some heart disease be controlled?
medicine, but some need surgery, but the best is making good health choices from the start
What are the three major types of blood vessels?
capillaries, veins, arteries
Wat are arteries?
carry blood away fromt he heart to various organs.
What are veins?
carry blood from various parts of the body back to the heart
What are capillaries?
very small tubes that connect arteries and veins some of them are so small that you need a miscrope to see them
What is blood made of?
plasma and a solid part
What is the solid part of blood?
blood cells, red & white, and also contains platelets
What are red blood cells?
carry oxygen to the cells of your body
What are white blood cells?
they help fight infections, may increase if you're sick
What are platelets?
platelets stop bleeding by plugging leaks in youru arteries, veins and capillaries
What is hypertension?
When blood tries to pump blood through a blocked artery, condition in which the pressure inside your large arteries is too high, damage to heart, arteries, kindeys and brain
What is anemia?
a disease in whic hyou body does not have enough red blood cells. without them your body cells dont get enough oxygen. eating foods high in iron or an accident in which you lose a lot of blood are causes.
What is sickle cell anemia?
causes the body to produce defective red blood cells
What is leukemia?
it causes defective white blood cells to form in very large numbers.
What is platelet disease?
when there are too many or too few platelets, too little may cause you to bruise or bleed easily, too many cause you to get blood clots
What is the respiratory system?
process in which a body takes in and uses oxygen and gets rid of carbon dixide and water
What is the process of the respiration?
aire enters the body through nose and mouth and then enters the trachea, then splits into two tube s called bronchi. each bronchi attaches to a lung, the bronchi break into small tubes called bronchioles and end in alveolis
What are alveolies?
small thin air sacs in which oxygen from the air enters your blood and corabon dioxide and water from your blood go into the air.
What is respiration controlled by?
the brain, you don't have to think about it, the muscheles in the chest and between the chest and abdomen move your chest and help you breathe
What is cystic fibrosis?
mucus in the lungs is thicka nd sticky and clogs the lungs.
What is asthma?
causes the small bronchiloes in the lung to narrow, it causes shortness of breath, wheezing, or coughing, smoke dust pollen or other things may cause asthma attacks, cold air, exercies, and respiratory infections may also trigger attacks
What is emphysema?
disease which causes the alveloi to get thin and stretched, the oxygen and carbon dioxide can't move through the damaged alveoli and difficulty breathing
How can they be treated?
asthma and cf with medicine they can lead fairly normal lives, emphysema cant be cured it can be completely prevent by not smoking.
What is the nervous system?
it is the command and control system for the body that consists of several parts : central nervous system and peripheral nervous system
What is the central nervous system?
made up of the brain and spinal bord. brain is the main organ of the nervous system and the spinal courd is a bundle of nerves that run down the back inside the backbone, it is the main pathway for messages between the brain and periperal nervous system
What is the peripheral nervous system?
made of all of the nerves outside the brain and spinal cord, it has two main parts, the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system
What is the somatic nervous system?
it contains the nerves that send information between the CNS and bones, muscles and skin
What is the autonomic nervous sytem?
it controls the body functions such as digestion, breathing, blood pressure, and heart rate, which you usually do not control
What are four diseases of the nervous system?
alzeheimers, brain tumors, parkinson's, guillain-barre syndrome
What is Alzheimer's disease?
a degenerative disease of the brain that often causes loss of memory and changes in behavior, no known cure
What are brain tumors?
abnormal tissue growth in the brian; brain tumors may be cancerous or non cancerous, surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and medicine cure it
What is Parkinson's disease?
a degenerative disease of the nerbvous system that is usually associated with trembling of the arms, legs and face, stiffness of the limbs and slow movemetn, no know cure but medicine can slow the progress
What is guillain-barre syndrome?
a disorder in which the bodys immune system attacks part of the peripheral nervous system; first casues muscle weakness and a tingling sensation in the legs may cause paralysis and difficulty breathingn no cure symptoms can be treated with physical therapy
What are sources some sources of nervous system diseases?
injuries may damage brain and affect your ability to think, move remember, or speak. spinal cord injuries can stop messages from traveling between your body and brain
What is the endocrine system?
a networrk of glands throughout the body that produce chemicals that c`ontrol many body functions.
What is an endocrine gland?
a group of cells or an organ that produces hormones
What is a hormone?
chemicals released into your blood by the endocrine system to regulate body functions
What do some hormones do?
regulate growth and some hlep with digenstion, some cause your body to change from being a child to being a adulct, hormones affect nearly every body function including your metabolism
What is the nervous system?
it is the command and control system for the body that consists of several parts : central nervous system and peripheral nervous system
What is the central nervous system?
made up of the brain and spinal bord. brain is the main organ of the nervous system and the spinal courd is a bundle of nerves that run down the back inside the backbone, it is the main pathway for messages between the brain and periperal nervous system
What is the peripheral nervous system?
made of all of the nerves outside the brain and spinal cord, it has two main parts, the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system
What is the somatic nervous system?
it contains the nerves that send information between the CNS and bones, muscles and skin
What is the autonomic nervous sytem?
it controls the body functions such as digestion, breathing, blood pressure, and heart rate, which you usually do not control
What are four diseases of the nervous system?
alzeheimers, brain tumors, parkinson's, guillain-barre syndrome
What is Alzheimer's disease?
a degenerative disease of the brain that often causes loss of memory and changes in behavior, no known cure
What are brain tumors?
abnormal tissue growth in the brian; brain tumors may be cancerous or non cancerous, surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and medicine cure it
What is Parkinson's disease?
a degenerative disease of the nerbvous system that is usually associated with trembling of the arms, legs and face, stiffness of the limbs and slow movemetn, no know cure but medicine can slow the progress
What is guillain-barre syndrome?
a disorder in which the bodys immune system attacks part of the peripheral nervous system; first casues muscle weakness and a tingling sensation in the legs may cause paralysis and difficulty breathingn no cure symptoms can be treated with physical therapy
What are sources some sources of nervous system diseases?
injuries may damage brain and affect your ability to think, move remember, or speak. spinal cord injuries can stop messages from traveling between your body and brain
What is the endocrine system?
a networrk of glands throughout the body that produce chemicals that c`ontrol many body functions.
What is an endocrine gland?
a group of cells or an organ that produces hormones
What is a hormone?
chemicals released into your blood by the endocrine system to regulate body functions
What do some hormones do?
regulate growth and some hlep with digenstion, some cause your body to change from being a child to being a adulct, hormones affect nearly every body function including your metabolism
What is your metabolism?
it includes all the processes by which your body breaks down food and converts the engrgy in food into engery your body can use for growth and repair
What are the glands of the endocrine system?
pituitary gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, pancreas, adrenal gland, testes, ovaries
What hormone do each of the glands in the endocrine system produce?
pituitary gland - growth hormone, thyroid gland - thyroid hormone, parathyroid gland - parathyroid hormone, pangreas - insulin, adrenal gland - sex hormones and hormones for salt metabolism, testes - male sexual-development hormones, ovaries - female sexual-development hormones
What disease happnes in the endocrine system?
diabetes, type 1 & 2, hyperthyroidism
What is hypothyroidism?
causes the thyroid gland to produce too much thyroid hormone and speedus up metabolism and causes weight loss and makes a person feel warm, sweaty, and nervous, may feel tired and have trouble sleeping.
What is type 1 diabetes?
the body produces little or no insulin usually happnes to young kids
What is type 2 diabetes?
the body produces insulin but doesnt use it properly, usually happens to overweight people or it is hereditary
What is insulin?
a hormone produced in the pancreas that helps your body store sugar.
What is the digestive system?
the body system that breaks down food so that it can be used by your body.
What is the digestive process?
food enters your mouth and down your esophagus to the stomch, the stomach holds the food and partially digests it, it then goes to the small intestine, where water is absorbed, then goes to the large intestine and leaves the body through the anus
What are digestive enzymes?
special protines that help digestion they are produced int he mouth stomach and small intestine they break down food and make it usable
What does the liver do in the digestive process? Pancreas?
the liver produces bile which helps digest fats. The pancreas produces a mixture of enzymes that break down fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.
What are the diseases of the digestive system?
celiac disease, crohns disease, ulcerative colitis, stomach cancer
What is celiac disease?
a disease that makes the body allergic to a protein called gluten if they eat food with gluten their immune system damages the lining of the small intestine and they cant absorb nutrients
What is Crohns disease?
attacks the lining of the intestines and casues diarrhea, cramps, and fever
What is ulcerative colitis?
a smiliar disease to crohns disease which attacks the colon, the two disease are commonly grouped as IBD (inflammatory bowl disease.)
How is stomach cancer caused?
alcohol abuse, tobacco abuse, a diet that i high in smoked food and salted fish or meat, a diet low in fiber andhigh in starch, and has no known cause
How can stomach caner be treated?
surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy
What are kindeys?
organs that remove wastes and water from blood, they maintain the level of salt and fluid in the body and it helps control blood perssuer
What does the urinary system include?
two kidneys, two ureters, the urinary bladder, and urethra.
What is the process of urination?
blood travels to your kidneys where it is filtered through nephrons, together the waste and water form urine, urin leaves the kindeys through the ureters, it is trandwported to the urinary bladder, where its stored and eventually leaves the body through the urethra.
What are nephrons?
collect waste rpoducts and water from the blood
What are ureters?
transport urine from the kindeys to the urinary bladder
What is the urethra?
where the urine leaves the body
What is kidney disease?
can be caused by hypertension and diabetes, the unused sugar from diabetes damages small blood vessels and nephrons in the kindeys. in hypertension the nephrons are damaged when they are put under the pressure from hypertension
What can waste build up cause?
kindey failure
What is polycystic kindey disease?
hereditary, growths called cysts form in kidneys and replace large portions of the nephrons
What are the four basic types of tissue?
epithelial tissue, nervous tissue, muscle tissue, connective tissue,
Where is epithelial tissue found?
skin and stomach lining
Whee is nervous tissue found?
found in nerves, brain and spinal cord
Where is muscle tissue found?
in the muscles
Where is connective tissue found?
bones ligaments and tendons are made of it
What is skin?
a prtoective covering for your body receives signals such as pain and touch, they travel to the brain along nervous tissue
What are bones?
solid structures made of proteins minerlas and connective tissue, blood vessels in side your bones deliver nutrients to the living bone cells the bones give you stability they protect important organs and the bone marrow is were blood cells are formed
What are muscles?
tissue that make it possible for your body to move
What are diseases of skin, bone, and muscle?
skin cancer, eczme, psoriasis, osteoporosis, rickets, muscular dystrophy
What is osteoporosis?
a bone disease that causes the bones to be brittle strikes older adults it can be treated with calucium vitamin D and sometimes hormones
What are rickets?
bone disease that strikes younder children and is from a lack of vitamin D and can be treated with a proper diet.
What is muscular dystrophy?
a group of severl inherited muscle disease that cause muscles gradually to become weak and disabled. no cures but tream and therapy can suppor people who have MD
How do you see?
light passes through th te corne the pupil and lens of your eye, the lens focuses light ont he retina, the cells of the retina send electrical impulses along the optic nerveto your brain, the brain changes it to an image
What is the retina?
a layer of cells at the back of the eye
How do you hear?
sound waves reach the outer ear and ar funneled toward the eardrum and make the the vibrations travel through the three small bones of the middle ear to th einner ear. the inner ear converst the vibrations to into electical impulses which go to the brain.
What is the second function of the inner ear?
maintaining your balance
What are the three small bones of the middle ear?
hamme,r anvil and stirrup
What is the ear divided into?
3 parts: inner ear, outer ear, and middle ear
What can a disease of the middle ear cause?
people to be dizzy and nauseated becuase the inner ear is sending incorrect messages to their brain
What are noninfectious eye diseases?
cataract, glaucoma
What is a cataract?
a clouding of the natural lens of the eyes it can be replaced by a lens similar to a contact lens
What is glaucoma?
a disease that causes high pressure in the fluid inside the eye it damages the optic nerve and casues a permanetnt loss of vision most cases cant be cured but can be treated and vision can be saved
What is the most common hearing problem?
deafness, the partial or total loos of the ability to hear. it may be hereditary or happen during the birth process, meningitis, leukemia, and diabetes can cause deafness, loud noise is the most common.