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76 Cards in this Set

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Why is Health & Safety a serious business that everyone needs to know about?

Because although most people work comfortably, illnesses, injuries and fatalities still occur sustainably each year due to the nature of some work environments and duties.

Individuals can suffer from accidents that can cause illnesses and minor or major injuries, resulting in physical and psychological pain, loss of income and job security, and a change of lifestyle. On the other hand, employee injuries can cause organisations to suffer from absenteeism, higher insurance cost, lost productivity and hidden costs.

Will the employer legally be at fault if an employee did not report a safety hazard and an accident occurs?

No. Likely not.

What are some hidden costs of accidents?

How much are hidden costs commonly estimated compared to direct costs?

Between 5 & 7 times the direct costs.

• Stopped production

• Spoilage of materials

• damage to equipment

• Replacement of staff

• Training and Retraining

• Retooling

Who is responsible for occupational health & safety?

It's a three-way responsibility.

The organisation must commit to maintaining a safe work environment for all of its employees.

Employees and everyone in the workplace must comply with safety protocols, and they must look after themselves, others who may be working with them and anyone in the vicinity.

Governments must continue to ensure minimum standards of acceptable safety practices by introducing safe laws and regulations.

Give three examples of workplace hazards that have recently gained recognition and advanced?

• Inhalation and absorption of chemicals

• Exposure to radiation

• Fire management

Is health and safety a fundamental right in the industrialised world?


What is the first step to committing to health and safety protocols?

Have a goal.

A written organisational safety policy is the starting point for any successful safety program.

What is the Health & Safety Work Act designed to do?

Ensure the health and safety of workers in workplaces by:

• protecting workers from harm to their health, safety, and welfare by eliminating or minimising risks.

• Providing fair and effective workplace representation, consultation, co-operation, and resolution of health and safety issues.

• encouraging unions and employers to constructively promote improvements in work health and safety practices, assisting PCBUs and workers to achieve a healthier and safer working environment.

• promoting the provisions of advice, information, education & training.

• Securing compliance with this Act through effective and appropriate compliance and enforcement measures

• ensuring appropriate scrutiny and review of actions taken by persons performing functions or exercising powers under this act.

•providing a framework for continuous improvement and progressively higher standards of work health and safety.

Who does the HWSA comply to?

All workers in all places of work, whether they are full-time, part-time, in training, or a contractor, and applies regardless of a person's level of experience or responsibility in their job.

What is a PCBU and what does it stand for?

A Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking is a business entity, company, organisation, or sole trader. (Previously referred to as an employer, but the HWSA gave a new definition to employers responsible for health and safety.

What are the primary duties of a PCBU?

Ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health & safety of:

• Workers of the PCBU, while at work.

• workers whose work activities are influenced or directed by the PCBU while carrying out the work.

• Other persons is not put at risk from work carried out as part of the business.

Ensure the provisions and maintenance of:

• a work environment that is without risks to health and safety

• Plant & structures

• Systems of work

The safe use, handling, and storage of plants, substances and structures.

Ensure the provisions of any information, training, instruction, or supervision necessary to protect all persons from risks and that the health of workers and the conditions at the workplace are monitored to prevent injury or illness or workers.

• Supply adequate facilities for the welfare of employees.

Who is in charge of ensuring a PCBU meets the law?

Designated representatives, called officers.

What are the responsibilities of an officer?

• Exercises due diligence to ensure the PCBU complies with duty and obligation.

• Influence the management of the business, director, CEO, or general manager.

Can a PCBU delegate the responsibility of being an officer to anyone?


For an officer, what does due diligence include?

Taking the reasonable steps to

• acquire and keep up to date knowledge of work and health and safety matters

• gain an understanding of the nature of the business operations and any hazards and risks associated with those operations.

• ensure the PCBU has available use, and uses, appropriate resources and processes to eliminate or minimise risks to health and safety from work carried out as part of the conduct of the business.

• ensure the PCBU has appropriate processes for receiving and considering information regarding incidents, hazards and risks and for responding in a timely way to that information.

• ensure the PCBU has and implements processes for computing with any duty or obligation of the PCBU

• to verify the provisions and use of the resources and processes.

What are employee responsibilities?

• take reasonable care for their health and safety

• take reasonable care that their acts or omissions do not adversely affect the health and safety of other persons

• comply, as far as the worker is reasonably able, with any reasonable instruction that is given by the PCBU to allow the PCBU to comply with this act.

• Co-operate with any reasonable policy or procedure of the PCBU relating to health or safety at the workplace that has been notified to workers.

Do workers have the right to refuse to undertake unsafe or dangerous work?


What are visitors and customers responsibilities?

• take care of their own health and safety

• Make sure their acts and omissions do not put other persons health and safety at risk.

• Follow any health and safety instructions that are given to them by the PCBU.

A PCBU commits an offence against offence of reckless conduct in respect of duty if. . .

Without reasonable excuse, engages in conduct that exposes an individual to whom that duty is owed to a risk of death or serious injury or serious illness and is reckless as to the risk to an individual of death or serious injury or illness.

If an individual who is not a PCBU or an OFFICER commits an offence of reckless conduct, what conviction could they face?

A term of imprisonment not exceeding five years or a fine not exceeding 300,000, or both.

If a PCBU or an OFFICER commits an offence of reckless conduct, what conviction could they face?

A term of imprisonment of up to 5 years or a fine of up to 600,000, or both.

If anyone commits an offence of reckless conduct, what convention could they face?

A fine not exceeding 3 mill

What is the HSR's role?

Voice about health and safety.

Create a link between management and workers.

Enable fair representation

And can also be the emergency coordinator for the business and liaise with the emergency services officials.

True or False

A HSR is formally elected by fellow workers to represent them on health and safety matters within the workplace?


True or False

A fellow worker elected for the HSR does not need specialised training.

False. Only an individual who has completed initial training can issue provisional improvement notice or cease unsafe work orders.

What are the functions and powers HSR's have to enable them to effectively represent management and workers?

Functions include

• Investigating health and safety matters

• Monitoring health and safety measures

• Making recommendations

• Providing feedback

Given the power to

• Enter and inspect workplaces

• Obtain certain business information required to perform the role

• Accompany and consult with workspace inspectors.

• Accompany a worker to a meeting on health and safety matters (if requested).

True or False

In case of an emergency that poses a risk to building occupants, emergency service officials will assume the incident command role and work with the onsite emergency coordinator?


What are some safety procedures and instructions organisations may provide or display to minimise or prevent risks?

• Health & Safety brochures, site instructions, etc.

• Completing any required documentation.

• Following procedures for work area housekeeping.

• procedures with handling and storing hazardous chemicals.

• Labels for hazardous chemicals.

• Material safety data sheets (MSDS)

• Specific guidelines and procedures to apply in specific areas.

• Training

• Following safety guidelines relevant to workplace procedures like

- maintaining stocks of cleaning products and equipment

- sterilising equipment

- disposing of spilled substances, dangerous products, sharps and waste.

- wearing PPE

What is a hazard?

A hazard is any source of potential damage, harm or adverse health effect on a person or persons.

What is risk?

Risk is the likelihood that a person may be harmed or suffer adverse health effects if exposed to a hazard.

Please explain the process a PCBU should implement when managing risks?

Consider whether to

eliminate it by substituting, isolating or implementing.

minimise by putting in control procedures, maintaining area and equipment, training, appropriate PPE.

Why is it essential for an employee to be able to identify, assess, and manage office hazards?

Because if hazards are not dealt with immediately, it can be a risk to anyone who may come into contact with it.

What are some office hazards?

• Workstation set up

• Slips, trips, and falls

• Safe handling

• Working at heights

• First aid

• Emergency response

What is the appropriate way to manage hazards?

Eliminate by removing the hazard if possible

Isolating it if you cannot to keep people away

And take steps to minimise the chance of someone being hurt.

What are the three basic steps to Hazard Management?

Identify the hazard:

• creating a checklist

• Reviewing and analysing processes

• observing and talking with workers

• Having a toolbox meeting

• Maintaining a hazard register

• regular maintenance

Control the hazard:

• Eliminate

• Isolate

• Minimise


• After a hazard has been controlled, it should be updated in the register.

Monitor the hazard:

• ensure the controls that have been put in place are working.

• evaluate the effectiveness of training.

• Constantly review.

Control the hazard

Monitor the hazard

What are the purposes of a pre-start check list?

• Make sure equipment is suitable and working and not damaged,

• Ensure the safety of the worker

• Prevent possible injuries

Why are Pre-start checks necessary for some organisations?

To ensure the basic standards of safety have been met.

What are the most important things to set-up in the workstation and how?







And how you use them daily.

What does ergonomics refer to?

Are the studies of the relationship between people, equipment, environment

What does ergonomics improve?

General well-being

Performance and productivity

Short and long term health


True or False

Ergonomics can be used to address a wide range of workplace issues, including workstation layouts, manual handling problems and mental and physical problems?


True or False

Ergonomics considers the physical and psychological attributes of an individual and how they relate to the job, equipment used, information used, and the physical and social environment in which the work is performed?


What are the physical attributes ergonomics considers?

Body size and shape

Fitness and strength


Existing medical conditions

Previous history of injury

What does OOS and/or RSI stand for and what can cause it?

Occupational Overuse Syndrome or Repetitive Strain Injury is caused by repetitive use of keyboard and mouse, which can be a painful condition that inhibits a person ability to work at a computer.

What does ACC suggest to avoid OOS or RSI?

Take regular breaks


Stretch every 15 to 1 hour for neck, shoulders, trunk, arms, and wrists.

What are the three common accidents that occur in the workplace?

Slips Trips and Falls

Describe what you would do if you saw spilled liquid on the floor at work?

I would apply the EIM rule by

Cleaning up the mess immediately or if not possible I would isolate it by putting a barrier around it or minimise the risk with a warning sign until it can be cleaned up.

What are the three most common factors resulting in slips, trips and falls?

Poor design of the workplace

- obstructions on the floor

- wet slippery, or uneven floors

-inadequate lighting

Poor workplace practices and procedures

- lack of signposting

Inappropriate behaviour

- misuse of equipment

- inappropriate footwear

- failing to manual handling

What are some basic safety principles to reduce slips, trips and falls?

• good housekeeping

- cables out of the way

- objects stored

- doors closed

• Stairways, isles, walkways and landing in good order and clear

• Carpets should be secured and in good condition

• Hard floors should be kept clean and dry

• safety signs and barricades should be used to warn people of a protection hazard

What does manual handling refer to?

Any activity requiring a person to










Hold or Otherwise, handle any animate or inanimate at work

Hold or Otherwise, handle any animate or inanimate at work

or Otherwise, handle any animate or inanimate at work

or Otherwise, handle any animate or inanimate at work

Otherwise, handle any animate or inanimate at work

Why does Manual Handling pose a risk to individuals?

It involves straining the body with load to move in pushing, pulling, sitting, bending or twisting motion.

Name injuries that can occur during Manual Handling of heavy loads and got, old, slippery or sharp object?

Back injuries

Musculoskeletal disorders l

Sprains and strains

Injuries from slips trips, and falls.

What are somethings one can do to minimise injuries from occurring during manual handling?

• Get help or use the right equipment when lifting heavy objects

• Lift object correctly

• Dont overreach for high or low objects

• make sure you don't obstruct your view when carrying objects.

• Take breaks, stretch and relax, and use only as much force as you need to do your work.

• Try using assistive equipment if appropriate to the tasks you are doing.

What are the three myths dispelled by the ACC regarding physical activity at work?

• That there are safe weight limits for lifting and manual handling, but there are no safe limits because each person is different.

• That if everyone had the right assertive equipment, we would eliminate disomfort, pain, and injury related to manual handling, but acc said that is not the case.

• That there is a clear ' cause and effect' link between injury severity and the amount of weight carried, lifted, pushed or pulled. But there is no clear link. Worker who regularly carries 20kg loads can still experience severe back pain when tying his shoelaces.

Explain ladder safety

Read safety warnings and follow instructions

• Select the appropriate ladder

• It will be 3 feet from the step-up point

And angle the ladder using the four up one out principle.

What can you do to avoid falls and injuries from occurring in the office place when using a ladder to access shelves, store boxes at a height or change a light bulb?

• remove shoes that may be unsafe

• ensure ladder feet are firm on the floor

• Face straight on the task

• Never stand higher than two steps from the top of a ladder.

• Ask someone to hold the ladder firmly

• Minimise the time you spend on the ladder

• Never use a ladder as a horizontal work platform.

How can you minimise falls and injuries from occurring in stairwells?

• ensure handrails are fitted

• display signs instructing to use handrails for support and walk slowly

• keep clear

• use cordless equipment if working in a stairwell

T or F

An employer must take all practicable steps to provide procedures to deal with emergencies that may arise while employees are at work?


What does ERP stand for?

Emergency Response Plan 🚨

What should your emergency response plan entail?

• Prevention

• Escape route planning

• How to raise the alarm

• How to respond to first aid emergency

• First aid kits

• Fire and Natural disaster evacuation

• Hazardous goods stored on site

• Emergency Kits

• Emergency contacts updates

• Power and Water outages

• Wardens

• Assembly points

• risk to general public

• Fire extinguishers

• Crime

• Flooding

What tool can help identify issues that must be considered when drafting an ERP?

A checklist

The best emergency action plan will include...?

Employees in the process and training for emergencies

What emergency incidents must you know how to respond to as an employee if they were to occur?

• Accidents


• Crime

• External threats

• Fire

• Flood

• Near misses

• Sudden illness

What are some ways to respond if you witness an accident within your organisation?

• Act quickly

• Ring emergency services

• Perform first aid, if qualified to do so.

• Stay with victim untilparamedics arrive.

• Report the incident.

What are some reasons why buildings and offices need evacuation training?


Chemical spills

Toxic or explosive gas releases


Violent behaviour

Bomb threats

T or F

The larger the building the more organisation is required to ensure everyone is evacuated effectively and as safely as possible.


True or false

Every organisation should have a tried and tested evacuation plan?


What are some starting points of most evacuation plans?

A location as the central evacuation control center

• Assembly point

• Location of an external assembly area

Why does the PCBU need to clearly communicate who will be in charge during an emergency?

To minimise confusion

What general training should staff undergo for an emergency evacuation plan?

Emergency response procedures

Individual roles and responsibilities

Threats, hazards, and protective actions

Communication procedures

Means for contacting family members in an emergency

Evacuation and shelter procedures

Location and use of common emergency equipment

T or F

A PBCU is not responsible for providing information about first-aid arrangements to their employees?


What needs to be considered when assessing the workplace first aid needs?

• The nature of the work carried out

• Workplace hazards and risks

• The nature and size of your workforce

• Staff work patterns

• First- aider/s holiday and other scenes

• History of your workplace accidents

• Specific needs of travelling, remote or lone employees.

• Remoteness of any worksites from emergency medical services

• Employees in shared or multi-occupancy sites.

• Provisions for first-aid for members of public and visitors etc

Once an emergency response plan is complete and reviewed carefully, where does it need to be displayed?

In an area where all employees will have access to it.

Why is it a good idea to allow emergency practice drills for employees?

They allow employees and management to become familiar with the emergency procedures, escape routes, assembly locations and identify the strengths and weaknesses of the plan and make improvements.

How often does the evacuation plan need to be reviewed?

At least every 12 months and update whenever necessary

Under what circumstances can an organisation decline a request to form a health and safety committee?

If five or more workers request a committee, but there are less than 20 employees and not a high-risk industry as prescribed in the regulations.