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Population at risk

The population susceptible to a disease, defined by either environment or by demographics


Number of cases (old and New)/ Population at risk

Point Prevalance

P = C/N where C is number of observed cases and N is the population sixe at risk at that time

Snapshot at that time

Period prevalance

PP = C+I/N


C is old cases in the population

I is the new cases within a period

N is the size of population at risk

Factors contributing to INCREASED PREVALANCE

* Long duration of illness with a. Low cure rate and b. Low case fatality

* Immigration of diseased population

* Emigration of healthy population

* Increased new cases

* Increased detection

Factors contributing to DECREASED PREVALANCE

* Short duration of illness due to a. High cure rate, b. High Case Fatality

* Decreased new cases

* Improved cure rate

* Immigration of healthy population

* Emigration of diseased population

Uses of prevalance data

1. Assessing health care needs

2. Planning health services

3. Measuring occurance of conditions with gradual onset

4. Study chronic disease


The number of new cases in a a given period in the specified population

Time period must be specified

Measures rapidity with which new cases are occuring in the population

Can be expressed as

A) absolute numbers

B) Cumulated Incidence

C) Incidence Density

Cumulated incidence

CI = No of new cases/ Population @ risk at the beginning *10 to the power of n

Attack Rate

Assumes that the entire population at risk was followed up for the time period of observation

Risk (incidence risk)

Probablity that an individual will experience a health status change over a specified follow-up period

Assuming that

a. The individual does not have the disease under study at the beginning of the period

b. Did not die for other causes during that period

Corresponds to Cumulated Incidence

Incidence Desnsity @ Incidence Rate

ID = Number of new cases/ Total 'person-time' of observation * 10 to the power of n

* More accurate

* Describes trends

* Evaluates the impact of primary prevention programmes

Prevalance Relationship

P = Incidence * Duration

Changes in prevalance from time to time is due to change in incidence or duration of measurement or both.

Case Fatality

CF = No of deaths due to the disease/ No. of persons with that disease

Reflects severity of the disease

It is not a Rate, but a proportion or Ratio

Differentiate from Mortality = No of deaths/ population @ risk

Types of descriptive studies

1. Case reports

2. Case series

3. Ecological Studies

4. Cross-sectional studies

Case Reports

Single case

New presentation

Unfamiliar pattern or disease

Rare manifestations

Generate hypothesis regarding pathophysiological mechanisms

Case Series

Study a larger than one group eg. >10

* to assess play of chance

* to delineate the clinical picture

No comparision group is a drawback

Ecological study

* A type of descriptive study

*Group as the unit of analysis

* No individual level information is taken

* Relate exposure to disease across populations

Cross-sectional surveys

Type of Descriptive study

* Observation of a cross section of a population at a single point in time

* Also known as prevalence studies

*Recruitment of study participants from population or population sample

* Observe for the presence of one or more Exposures or one or more outcomes

Analytical Study

* It is a type of epidemiological study in which there is a comparision group

* But the investigator has NOT assigned the exposure

* Investigator merely measures the exposure and the outcome/disease in both groups to arrive at conclusions

Descriptive Study

* A type of epidemiological study

* Studies a health event in terms of Time, Place and Person

* No comparison groups or assignment of exposure


Cohort: a group of individuals sharing same common attributes. Eg. Birth cohort, the persons sharing the same birth D/M/Y

Cohort study

* Exposure to Outcome

* Select exposed and unexposed cohorts

* Follow up to see outcome in both

* Measure incidence of disease in both

* Compare incidences using Relative Risk (a measure of association)

Types of Cohort Studies

1. Prospective Study>Exposure>Outcome

2. Retrospective Exposure>Outcome>Study

3. Ambispective (Bi-directional) Exposure>Study>Outcome

Steps of Cohort Studies

1. Selection of study population

2. Gathering of baseline info

3. Follow-up

4. Analysis

Cohort: Selection of study pop

1. General pop or a subset of it

2. Special exposure cohorts (eg. Occupational groups)

Cohort: Baseline info

Sources: Records, Interviews, Examinations, Measurement of environment


* Valid assessment of exposure status of members

* Identification data

* Exclude those with outcome disease at baseline

* Define individuals @ risk for outcome disease

* Obtain data on co-variables (other significant exposures)

Cohort: Choice of Comparision Group

1. Internal comparision group, unexposed persons from the same locality, occupation, factory

2. External comparison group, when internal comparison group is unavailable, use the national data

Cohort: Follow-up

1. Uniform and complete fu of ALL cohorts

2. Complete ascertainment of Exp & Outcomes

3. Using standardised diagnosis of outcome measures

Relative risk

In the analysis of a cohort study.

It is the ratio between

1. The exposed with disease / total exposed

2. The unexposed with disease / total unexposed

RR= 1 Exp not associated with outcome

RR< 1 Exp is positively associated with outcome

RR > 1 Exp is negatively associated with outcome

Cohort: Strengths

1. Incidence can be calculated due to FU

2. Examines multiple outcomes for one exposure

3. Clarity in temporal sequence of events

4. Good for investigating rare exposures

Cohort: Weakness

Large sample

Long time

Not good for disease with long latency

Differential loss to FU between groups can bring about bias

Case control studies

* A type of analytical study

* Opposite in direction to case control studies

* from Outcome to Exposure

Case Control: Selection of cases

All or a sample of source population with outcome of interest

* Clear definition of outcome

* Prevalent cases may be related to variables associated with survival

* Incidence cases may be related to variables associated with development of disease

Case Control: Sources of cases

1. Hospital/Clinic: Easier, but may represent severe cases

2. Population based: Not biased by factors drawing patients to a particular hospital, like availability of a certain treatment or location

Case Control: Selection of Controls

* Select from the same source population as that of cases

* Select independent of exposure status

* Can be Pop based, Health care facility based or from friends and neighbourhood

Odds Ratio

Result of Case Control analysis

1.Odds that the case was exposed / 2.Odds that the control was exposed.

1 = a. Probability that the case was exposed/ b. Probability that the case was not exposed

2 = a. Probability that the control was exposed/b. Probability that the control was not exposed

Odds Ratio: Interpretation

OR = 1 Exposure not associated with Outcome

OR > 1 Exposure is positively associated with outcome

OR < 1 Exposure is negatively associated with outcome

Case Control: Strengths

1. Good for rare outcomes

2. Good for long latency diseases

3. Quicker

4. Less expensive

5. Fewer subjects

6. Multiple exposures can be examined

Case Control: Weakenesses

1. Susceptible to recall bias about exposure

2. Selection of an appropriate comparison group is difficult

3. Rates of disease in exposed and unexposed individuals cannot be determined

Steps of Case Control studies

1. Select Cases: those with disease

2. Select Control: those without disease with similar attributes

3. Measure exposure in both groups

4. Calculate 'Exposure odds' for both

5. Find the 'Odds Ratio' by looking at the ratio between both Exposure odds

Clinical Trials

* Experimental arm of epidemiological studies


* Brings findings of basic science research to better prevent, diagnose and treat diseases

* Involves people

* it is a planned experiment

* one or more comparison groups

* Prospective study

Objectives of Clinical Trials


Drug/Treatment/technology/ delivery system/organisation of health care/primary prevention methods/screening programmes/early detection strategies


1. Used in clinical trials to reduce selection bias

2. All subjects stand equal chance to be in any of the groups

3. All groups have similar participants

4. Confounding, Co-inerventions and Bias are minimised


* To balance groups during follow up

* Levels: Single = Participant

Double = Participant and Investigator

Triple = Participant, Investigator and Analyst

* Reduced Co-interventions: Effects of other therapies, differential treatment by team

* Reduced Bias: Participants reporting symptoms differently or Team interpreting reported symptoms differently

Phases of Clinical Trials

Phase 1, Safety and acceptability, up to 50 healthy volunteers

Phase 2, Long term safety, dose and schedule, early indications of efficacy, 100 to 500, low risk

Phase 3, Effectiveness, 1000 or more, high risk, leads to licensing

Phase 4, post - marketing surveillance, Community based

Measures of Epidemiological studies

1. Internal Validity

2. External Validity

4. Accuracy = Validity + Precision

Precise is all results being in the same range or side

Valid is all results around the central target, but not in the same side

Errors in estimation

1. Random Errors: unknown or uncontrollable errors of two types

a. Sampling error

b. Measurement error

Minimised by larger sample size and

precise measurements

2. Systematic Errors: Major threat,

"a process that tends to produce results that depart systematically from true values"


Threats to validity in epid studies

1. Selection bias

2. Information bias

3. Confuonding

Selection bias

Representativeness of the study population to the target population

Types of selection bias

1. Surveillance mechanisms used to notify of exposure or outcome

2. Screening and diagnosis, prior knowledge of exposure increases risk of higher diagnosis

3. Admission to health care facilities of cases and controls can be biased

4. Selective survival, inclusion of cases that survived who may be less (or more) exposed

5. Non response/Loss to FU of cases and controls who are <or> exposed or at risk

Dealing with selection bias at design stage

Use incident cases

Use pop based design

Same criteria for Cases and Controls

Same procedures, tests and intensity of measurement

Dealing with selection bias at Data collection stage

Minimise non response and loss to fu

Keep records of all losses adn have baseline data on them

Make sure diagnosis is not affected by exposure status, use blinding.

Dealing with selection bias at analysis stage

1. Compare non-responders with responders on baseline variables where large differences mean selection bias (small difference does not rule out bias)

2. Sensitivity analysis to deduce the direction and magnitude of biases, using the study results and external info.

Information Bias

Do measurements accurately represent the phenomena of interest?

Bias results from measurement procedures of variables.

Information bias in Cohort studies

Cohort: collection of info leaning towards a specific outcome due to collection of better outcome data in the exposed than in the non exposed

Information bias in Case Control studies

Case Control: a. Info leans to specific exposure, b. Recall bias in subjects, better data on exposure in cases than controls

Information bias in investigator and subjects

Investigator: Systematic collection of data supporting the expected results (conscious or unconscious) Prevarication: Systematic distortion of the truth by subjects.

Dealing with information bias

1. Precise operational definitions

2. Detailed measurement of protocols

3. Repeated measurement of key variables

4. Training: certification and re-certification

5. Data audit (of interviewers and data centres)

6. Data cleaning (visually on computer)

7. Re-run of all analysis before publication

Effects of Confounding

* Confusion of effects

* Effects of extraneous factors is mistaken for the effect of actual exposure

* May simulate an non existent effect

* May hide an existing effect

* May change the direction of the effect, by affecting both, the exposure and outcome

* May increase or decrease the strength of association

Dealing with confounding

Design stage:


Matching by match analysis


Analysis stage:

Stratification: Check if any variable is a confounder

Multivariate analysis : Regression analysis

Evaluation of association

Crude association:

1. Is it due to chance, if no

2. Is it due to selection bias, if no

3. Is it due to information bias, if no

4. Is it due to confounding, if no

Only then is it a causal association

Internal Validity

To obtain an accurate estimate of disease frequency and effect of exposure on health outcomes in study population

If the findings in the study brings out the truth in the study it is called internal valididty. It is to see how independent variables influence the dependent variables.

External Validity

To obtain an estimate that is generalisable to relevant target population.

If the truth in the study is generalisable to the trugh in the universe it is called External Validity.

There is always a trade off between Internal validity and External validity


Bias that cannot be avoided

Qualitative research

Studies social reality from the subjectively interpreted and experienced EMIC perspective

Inductive (as opposed to deductive hypothesis testing in quantitative) reasoning.

Validity is based on subjective credibility

Interpretation of responses is the analysis

Requires conversion in abstract inter-cultural catergories

When to do Qualitative research?

To understand the circumstances in which events occur

To seek depth of understanding

Provide insights into meanings of decisions and actions

Need to explore and explain behaviour

Unfamiliar subject matter, insufficient research.

When suitable vocabulary to communicate with responders is not available

To have a holistic view of social phenomenon

Methods of data collection in Qualitative research

In-depth individual interviews

Focus group discussions

Participant observations

Features of Qualitative data

1. Interpretative and open ended

2. Iterative, than fixed

3. Emergent than pre-structured

4. Partnership between participant and investigator

5. Investigator is the instrument in the research process,

6. learner is the co-interpreter

In-depth interviews

1. Open ended

2. Individual

3. Discover individuals framework of meanings

4. Obtains rich contextual info

5. Avoid investigators assumptions and structures of understanding

When to do in-depth interviews

1. Complex subject

2. Knowledgeable respondent

3. Highly sensitive subject matter

4. Geographically dispersed respondents

5. Peer pressure is an issue

6. Social desirability is a threat

Technique of in-depth interview

1. Follows an interview guide

2. Probes

3. Reflecting on remarks made by informant

4. Collects respondent's perspective and words

5. Level of structure varies.

In-depth interview: Advantages

1. Most in-depth, to understand why of a behaviour

2. Data on how people think and talk: Conceptualisations of behaviour

3. Exact words and language people use amongst themselves.

4. EMIC perspective = insider's persepective

In-depth interview: Disadvantages

1. Based on a few people, not systematic but purposeful or convenience sample

2. Not generalisable

3. Very long, lost of data, takes time to analyse

4. Researchers opinions of what the data means

Focus group discussions

1. 6-8 similar participants

2. Moderator and note taker are extra

3. Flexible interview guide

4. Used when interaction is important

5. Cost and time are issues

6. Idea generation

7. Problem identification

8. Identify local vocabulary/terminology

9. To evaluate messages for an intervention

Focus group: Advantages

Some are more comfortable in groups

Natural way to talk about problems

Collects info on social normal

Can provide lots of data in a limited time

Focus group: Disadvantages

Difficult to access practice of personal or sensitive behaviour

Not generalisable because of dominant personalities

Transcribing is time consuming

Analytic challenge

Participant observation

Qualitative data collection technique

Researcher participates in a social event or group to make observations

Data is deep and detailed

Difficult to systematically collect, hard to take notes, details may be forgotten

No defined analytic methods

Grounded theory

Qualitative data analysis method

1. Transcripts to Themes to Text categories

2. Find relations among categories,

3. Build theoretical models

4. Quotes from interviews used as exemplars

Content analysis

Qualitative data analysis method

1. Theoretical framework

2. Set of codes for variables in the theory

3. Apply codes systematically to se of tets

4. Unit-of-analysis-by-variable matrix from the texts and codes

5. Statistical analysis of matrix

3 ways to use qualitative methods

1. A tool to generate ideas for subsequent quantitative study. Qual>Quant>Result

2. To help understand the results of a quantitative study. Quant & Qual> Result

3. The primary data collection method. Sometimes along with quantitative methods. Qual>Results<Quant

Analysis in Qualitative methods

Triangulation, since no one method is adequate to explain all data.

1. Analyst/Theory

2. Methods

3. Data sources

How are qualitative methods useful?

1. Identification of health determinants, underlying attitudes, percepts and behaviour

2. Facilitate understanding of policy, social & legal contexts in which decisions are made

3. Shed light on the success of an intervention

4. Explains social and programmatic impediments to informed choices and use of services

Types of data

1. Qualitative

A. Nominal - eg. Names, address

B. Ordinal - eg. Stages of a disease condition

2. Quantitative

A. Discrete - eg. Family size

B. Continuous - eg. Height, Weight

Central values of Data




Arithmetic Mean (AM)

Add all observed values and divide by number of values

SUM is denoted by Sigma Xi (the jagged E space Xi)

Sample Mean is denoted by X bar (X with a horizontal bar on top)

Population Mean is denoted by Mu (the symbol used for micro as in mcg)


The middle value of the distribution, 50% of data will fall either side of median.

Useful when there are extreme values

In a sequence of 11 values, the sixth value is the median


Most frequent value

The only statistics that can be used on nominal data (many having the same name, colour of car etc)

Used to describe an epidemic with respect to time

Dispersion and types

Measure of variability (swimming pool average depth versus extremes)


1. Range

2. Inter quartile range

3. Mean deviation from mean

4. Variance/Standard deviation


The difference between the minimum and maximum values of observation

Adv: Quick and easy indicator of distribution

Disadv: Influenced by estreme values, since it uses only two data points

Inter Quartile Range

The inteval beweeen the value of the upper quartile (Q3) and the lower quartile (Q1).

IQR = Q3 - Q1

Adv: Unaffected by extreme values

Disadv: Covers only the middle 50% of observations

Mean Deviation

The average of the absolute (ignoring the sign) deviations of the observations from the arithmetic mean.

Adv: Based on all observations

Easy to grasp the meaning fo the procedure

Disadv: Ignores the sign of the difference of the value of the observation and the arithmetic mean

Not widely used because of the availability of a more advantageous measure

Standard Deviation

The square root of the average of the squared deviation of the observations from the arithmetic mean

The square of the SD is called variance

Adv:The SD is the most improtant measure of distribution. SD is in the same unit of measurement as the observation, so it is suitable for further analysis

SD together with arithmetic mean is useful for description of the data

Co-efficient of variation (CV)

To compare the relative variablility in different groups

Defn: the coefficient of variation is the SD expressed as a percentage of the AM

CV = (SD/AM) * 100

Choice of central/dispersion values

1. Mean / SD if there are no extreme values

2. Median / IQR if there are extreme values

3. Mode / Range for qualitattive variables/ time distrubution epidemic curve

Mean and SD are used the most

Define Sampling

Procedure by which some members fo teh population are selected as representatives of the entire population

Define Study Population

The population to which the study results will be inferred


Time - Seasonality, Day of the week, Time of the day

Place - Urban, Rural

Person - Age, Sex, Other demographics

Why do we sample populations?

1. To obtain information from a large population

2. To ensure the efficency of a study

3. To obtain more accurate information

Sampling terms

1. Basic Sampling Unit (BSU) - Elementary unit that will be sampled. Eg. People, hospitals, health care workers

2. Sampling frame - List of all sampling units in the population

3. Sampling scheme - Method used to select sampling units from the sampling frame

Types of samples

1. Non-probability sample

2. Probability sample

Non-probability sample

Probability of being selected is unknown

Convenience samples - Biased, results show best or worst scenario

Subjective samples - Based on knowledge, Time/Resource constraints

Probability samples

Every unit in the population has a known probability of being selectd

Only sampling method that allows to draw valid conclusions about the population

Random Sampling

A type of probability sampling

Removes selection bias

Allows application of statistical theory

Sampling error

* No sample is a perfect mirror image of the study population

* Magnitude of error can be measured in probability samples expressed by standard error of mean, proportion, differences

* It is a function of Sample size and variability in measurement.

Methods of probability sampling

1. Simple random sampling

2. Systematic Sampling

3. Stratified sampling

4. Cluster sampling

5. Multistage sampling

Simple random sampling

Principle: Equal chance for all sample units

Procedure: Number each unit and draw randomly

Adv: Simple. Sampling error, if any, is easily measrued

Disadv: Needs complete list of units, does not always achieve best representation

Systematic Sampling

Principle: A unit is drawn every k units, equal chance for each unit

Prodecure: Calculate sampling interval (k=Total units/Sample size)

Draw random number (< or = to k) for first sample

Draw every k units from there on

Adv: Ensures representativity, easy to implement

Disadv: Dangerous if list has cycles

Stratified Sampling

Principle & Procedure: Classify pop into homogenous groups (Strata), Draw samples from each strata, combine results of all strata

Adv: More precise if variable associated with strata

All subgroups represented, allowing separate conclusions about each

Disadv: Sampling error is difficult to measure

Loss of precision if small nubmers sampled in individual strata

Cluster sampling

Principle: Random sample of groups (clusters) of units (first randomly select groups, wards in a town)

Secondly, all or proportion of units included from selected clusters

The sampling unit is not a subject but the cluster of subjects. It is assumed that the variability between clusters is minimal and the variability within each cluster is as observed in general population

Adv: Simple, does not need list of all units, Less travel/resources are needed

Disadv: Imprecise if clusters have homogenous units (all upper class in the ward)

Sampling error is difficult to measure

Stages of a cluster sample

Stage 1:

* Select the clusters to be included

* Compute a cumulative list of the populations ineach unit with a grand total

* (I'm stumpted) Divide grand total by number of selected clusters to obtain sampling interval

* Chose a random number to identify the first cluster

* Use the sampling interval to find the subsequent clusters

Stage 2:

* In each cluster select a random sample using a sampling frame of subjects or households

Multistage sampling

Principle: Several chained samples, Several statistical units

Adv: No complete listing of the population is required, Most feasible approach for large populations

Disadv: Several sampling lists, Sampling error is difficult to measure

Key sampling issues

* We sample since we can't study the whole population

* Sampling leads to sampling error, but that is measurable

* Appropriate sample size ensures precision of the study, like a good design and quality assurance ensuring the validity

* Probablilty sampling is the only sampling that lets us the use of statistics as we know them.

Steps in estimating Sample Size

1. Identify the one major study variable

2. Determine the type of estimate of that variable (% or Mean or Ratio etc)

3. Indicate expected frequency of factor of interest (from literature review?)

4. Decide on the desired level of precision of the estimate

5. Decide on acceptable risk (by which the estimate can fall outside its real population value)

6. Adjust for population size

7. Adjust for estimated design effect

8. Adjust for expected response rate

Alpha and Confidence Interval

Alpha is the significance level of a test.

It is the probability of rejecting the null hypthesis when it is true (type 1 error)

Finding association when there is none

Confidence interval: The probability that an estimate of a population parameter is within certain specified limits of the true value; commonly denoted as 1-Alpha

Beta and Power

Beta: The probability of failing to reject the null hypothesis when it is false (type 2 error)

Finding no associaton when there IS association

Power: The probability of correctly rejecting the null hypothesis when it is false; commonly denoted as 1- Beta


A measure of how close an estimate is to the true vlue of population parameter. It may be expressed in absolute terms or relative to the estimate

Info needed to calculate sample size

1. The desired width of the confidence interval (+ or - 5 units of protein)

2. The level of confidence desired (normally 0.95)

3. The magnitude of population variance (20 grams of protein)

Look up example in slides

Design effect

The design effect is 1 (no design effect) in simple random sampling

For cluster sampling the design effect is taken as 2.

Values needed to find sample size for analytical studies

* Desired values for the probabilities of Alpha and Beta

* The proportion of the baseline (Controls): Exposed for CC studies or Diseased for Cohort studies, based on previous studies

* Magnitued of the expected effect (RR or OR): Minimum effect that the investigator considers worthy of finding, based on previous studies

* Different formulae depending on design, RQ and type of data

The 10% rule of sample size

* the sample size calculations give only the Minimum needed size

* Confounders are not considered, only crude exposure and outcome association is considered

* Therefore increase the sample size by 10% for each confounder/ or variable added

Selection of study population

Based on:

1. Representativeness

2. Adequate size

3. Acceptable cost and time

Process of selecting Study Population

Step 1: General population refined by Clinical and Demographic criteria gives target population

Step 2: Target population is further refined by geography and temporal (within a specified time) charecteristics to give us the Accessible population

Step 3: A subset of the accessible population is the study sample

Inclusion and Exclusion criteria

Inclusion criteria narrow our choise from the general population to accessible population. (Eg. Demographic, Clinical, Geographical and Temporal criteria) Exclusion criteria narrow the choise from the accessible population to give the study sample subset (Eg. Subjects not suited for regular follow up, who have poor quality of data, high risk of adverse effects etc.)

Internal validity and External validity in selection of study sample

The inclusion criteria takes care of the representativeness of the population therefore taking care of the generalisability of the study results which is the External validity

The exclusion criteria take care that the study subjects are the right match to bring about the robustness of the study results, therefore contributing to Internal validity.

Clinical vs. Community population

Clinical population if the study sample is patients: Relatively easy and cost effective

Community population if the study involves general public: Relatively difficult and expensive

Recruitment goals for study sample

Feasibility must be considered in chosing the accessible population and sampling methods


a. Subjects should adequately represent the target population and

b. should be of sufficient size to meet sample size requriements

Achieving a representative sample

Design Phase:

chose samping methods well

Implementation Phase:

a. Avoid errors in applying Inclusion and Exclusion criteria on the target population

b. Monitor adherence to the criteria as the study progresses

Non responses in a study

More in observational studies

Influences the inernal and external validities of the study

Repeat contact attempts

Design that avoids discomfort to participants: Incentives, local language questions etc.

Steps in selection of study sample

Step 1: Define Target population, by application of inclusion criteria of demographic and clinical description

Step 2: Define Accessible population, by application of inclusion criteria of geographic area and temporality

Step 3: Define Subset of population, by application of a parsimonious set of exclusion criteria, by eliminating subjects who are inappropirate or unethical

Step 4: Define Sample by using sampling techniques that estimate Sample Size

Step 5: Recruitment strategy should be to find a sample large enought to meet the needs of the study and to minimise bias due to non-response or being lost to followup

Project management principles

1. To ensure the defined objectives are met

2. To ensure deliverables are delivered within timeframe and budget at the expected quality standards

3. The end result should give directions for future implications (a better tommorrow)

Principles of project management

1. Resource allocation and management

2. Time management

3. Efficency in process

4. Planning and scheduling activities

5. Monitoring and supervison

6. Reaching the goal with best possible quality standards

7. Communication

8. Data management

9. Finance management

10. Team work and co-ordination

Research life cycle under project managment

Starts from Formulating study objectives > Planning the anaysis > Preparing Data collection instruments > Collecting data > Analysing data > Drawing conclusions.

It also includes choosing the design of the study and estimating sample size

Indicators for project management

What will the study generate? Rates, Ratios, Proportions or quantitative variables

Identify the information needed to calculate the Indicators, such as outcome variables, Covariates, risk factors, confounders

Advantages of an analyisis plan

Helps to focus on study objectives

Dummy tables help to avoid comparisons for which the study was not designed

Makes sure only needed data is collected

Saves time for publication therefore saves time for disseminisation and policy change

Common reasons for study failure

Badly defined RQ, RH and RO

Unrealistic timelines

Inappropriate or incompetent staff lacking direction, motivation and training

Inadequate monitoring and failure to respond to contingent situations and to carry out mid-course corrections

Information collected with data collection tools

Facts, Knowledge and Jugements

Facts: Individual charecterestics, Environmental charecteristics, Behaviour

Knowledge: Risk factors, Healty lifestyles

Judgements: Opinions and Attitudes

Different data collection tools

1. Abstraction forms - to copy records from other records (medical, personal etc)

2. Structured observation guide - Checklist of items

3. Questionnaire - Self or Interviewer administered (in person, on phone, in computer)

Key elements of data collection tools

1. Clarity of words

2. Balance of phrases

3. Length of sentences

4. Comprehensiveness of responses

5. Constraints of responses

6. Utility of instructions

7. Order of questions

8. Context of questions

Four components of a data collection tool

1. Intro and conclusion: About the presentation, objectives, informed consent and concluding statmetns

2. Instructions for data collectors: Prompts, Skip patterns. Use different font for instructions

3. Identifiers: Exactly identifying the respondent (to be kept seperately), Coded ID numbers

4. Body of the instrument: Open, closed and semi-open items

Open questions

Respondent must generate the answer

Advantages: Freedom, stimulates memory, used to generate closed responses later, Useful at hypothesis raising stage

Disadvantages: Difficult to code and analyse, May be unfocused or incomplete

Open questions with closed answers

Expressed as an open queston and analysed as a closed-end question. Like an MCQ, but each response has to answered as Yes/No

Please refine this description

Closed questions

3 types: Dichotomous options, Multiple options and Quantitative answers

Dichotomous Closed questions

Yes/No, Male/Female

Advantages: Forces a clear answer, useful for well framed issues

Disadvantages: May oversimplify the issue

Mulitple options closed questions

MCQ, with one or more responses

Advantages: More than one choice of answer

Disadvantages: Difficlut to choose only one

Quantitative Closed questions

Somehow the answer is quantified as a number, Pain 0 to 10, How many km of walking?

Advantage: Creates continuous varialbes

Dsiadvantages: May require validation, some questions are difficult to be handled as a continuous variable.

Semi-open questions

Suggested answers with an "other" option

Advantage: Leaves door open for an unplanned options

Disadvantage: Difficult to analyse

Formulating a questionnaire

1. Short and precise questions

2. Simple everyday language

3. Avoid negatives or double negatives

4. Only one question at a time

5. Be specific

6. Use neutral tone

Questionnaire Sorting order

Simple to complicted,

General to specific

Casual to intimate

Group question on the same topic

ID questions at the beginning or at the end

In chronological order if a sequence of events is studied

If complex questions are abound, introduce simple questions in between

Triangulate through multiple questions if the subject is important

Data collection tool layout

Split sections

Dont split questions across pages

Space out

Large fonts

Number all Q

Vertical format for closed ended questions

Standardise coding procedures

Use auto-correct procedures (data validation)

Finalising a data collection tool

1. Check and suppress unnecessary questions, Add missing questions

2. Review the instrument: Colleagues, experts, statisitician (for coding) field workers and data entry operators

3. Language: The language of administration to respondent, Transaltion in 3 stages:

a. Initial formulation , b. translation and C. Back translation

Testing a data tool

1. Check for clarity, understanding and acceptability

2. Check flow and skip patterns

3. Check pertinence of coding

4. Estimage the time needed to ask all the questions

5. Pilot test with a few volunteers: Similar to target pop, not present in the study

Data quality

A. Reliability (precision): Reproducibility, Repeatability, Stability

B. Accuracy (validity): Correctness of a measure

Steps of Data collection

1. Draft a question by question guide, keep improving on the fly

2. Train staff who will collect: Slideshow, Discuss, Clarify, Simulate

3. Initiate collection and ensure quality: Pilot, Supervisor to daily checks, onsite availability, no pressure

4. Review collected data for quality and completeness,

5. Debrief staff to trouble shoot difficulties

6. Validate

Review of data

Team checks before respondent leaves,

Supervisor checks before leaving location,

Each data collector takes responsibility by signing each filled form,

Supervisor counter signs

PI Checks as they reach him

Checking data



Consistency: Do the anwers make sense, do they have internal consistency

Validation of data

Select study participants at random

Conduct a second interview

Compare results

Debrief discrepancies: with Individuals or the whole team as appropriate

Data management process

Define variables

Create database and dictionary

Enter data and correct errors

Create dataset for analysis

Backup and archive the dataset

Data management elements

Data structure

Data entry

Individual and aggregated databases

Mother and daughter databases

Database documentation


1. Structure: Name of database, Number of records, etc.

2. Variables: Name, Values, Codes

3. History: Creation and modification records

4. Storage infromation: Media, Location, Backup schedule

5. Additional information

Unique identifier


Secured by quality assurance practices

Has info about subject

Each digit represents some ID feature (1&2 village, 3 Street, 4 no in family, 5 person etc.)

Entering values

Interger - specifiy number of digits

Numeric - Specify number of decimal places

Alpha nummeric - All caps, specify length

Dates - specify format

Variable names

Clear: Refer to questionnaire, Understandable acronyms (EXERDLY)

Short: No space, 10 charecter limit

Consistent: Similar acronym format for related itesm (EXERDLY, EXERMOR, EXEREVE)

No duplicates


Design data collection tools with codes builtin

Prefer numerical codes

Decide on codes for missing values (9, 99 or 999), Not applicable values (8, 88 or 888)

Avoid cumbersome codes

Use 1 or 0 as baseline for gradients

Data Dictionary

Explains Variable : Name, Acronym, questionnaire item, values, meaning of each value

Useful: when sharing database with others, when revisiting the database after a long time

Check before data entry

Ascertain skip patternsAuto codingCalculations

Legal limits of entry

Copying data from preceding record

Data entry

Check, comment, clarify

Clean data

Mark each form when data entry is completed

Validate after entry

Aggregated databases

Sorts by certain variable and aggregates by that field count

In normal database each record is an observation

IN aggregated observation are pooled togther by some variable


Mother and daughter databases

When info is available at various levels

Store info from each level in separate databases

Link records accross databases using unique identifier codes.

Objectives of data analysis

Plan the analysis

Programme the crude analysis

Deal with chance, biases and thrird factors

Assess causality

Measure clinical/public health impact

Sequence of data analysis

1. Identify the study type

2. Identify the main variables

3. Become familiar with the data

4. Charecterise the study pop

5. Examine exposure/ outcome association

6. Create additional two way tables for other variable or secondary objectives

7. Conduct advance analysis

DA: Identify study type

1. Look at study design and

2. all study documents

3. Review data collection processes and

4. Review data anaysis plan

4. Look at the database

5. Decide on software for analysis

Study type and Analysis plan

1. Descriptive - Acute - Cohort/Surveillance - Incidence

2. Descriptive - Chronic - CS Survey - Prevalence

3. Analytical - Acute - Frequnt - Cohort - Relative risk ratio

4. Analytical - Acute - Rare - CC study - Odds ratio

5. Analytical - Chronic - Frequent - CS Study - Prevalence ratio

6. Analytical - Chronic - Rare - Prevalent CC Study - Prevalence Odds Ratio

DA 2. Identify Main variables

Exposure and outcome

Potential biases, confounders

Variables for subgroup analysis

DA 3. Familiarise with data

Look up the frequency distribution for each variable

Look at all the descriptive data of stuy population

Look at the database for review of number of observations to find duplicates or missing values

Check if all data fits into approved ranges

Check consistency of data.

DA 4 Charecterise the study population

Look at base line charecters of all demographic variable for all groups

Look at the frequency distribution of clinical features and health problems

DA 5 Examine primary association

The exposure outcome association,

Based on the hypothesis

Based on prior knowledge

Based on study design

DA 6 Additional two way tables

For the other associations for secondary objectives using other variables

DA 7 Conduct advanced analysis

Look for dose response

Stratify the sample and analyse

Use Multivariate analysis

Tips for Data Analysis

Be systematic, Don't skip steps

Be prepared with empty shells

First do the recoding: new groups or starta can be created at this stage for more in depth analysis (eg. ages 20-30, Income:upper etc.)

Look at the descriptive data and find associations with main vairables (education-exposure-outcome)

Do the analytical analysis last

Avoid: Post-hoc analysis trying to find new, unplaned associations with available data.

Avoid: Data drenching - Squeezing the data for more findings

DA Analytical stage

Univariate analysis:

Frequency of outcome by single descriptive variables

Frequency of outcome by other variables

Startified analysis:

Frequency of outcome by income, stratified for age and gender.

Multivariate analysis:

Logistic regression model

Ethics where?

Any study with human participants

Risk or not

Even for observational studies

Evolution of ethical codes

1947 Nuremberg Code - Risk benefit analysis, competence of researchers and voluntary consent

1964 - Helsinki Declaration - Revised '83, '89, '96, 2000, '08, '13 - Individual rights, informed decisions, investigator's duties, welfare and vulnerability of participants

1978-79 - Belmont report - Ethical principles of Autonomy, Justice, Beneficence. Informed Consent and Ethics committee

1992-93 CIOMS Guidelines - revised 2002 - Adverse drug reaction reporting and saftety of participants, Risk-benefit Balance, Pharmacovigilence

1996 - Int Council on Harmonisation - Good Clinical Practice

ICMR Ethical guideines for human participants

2000 and 2006 - All institutions doing bio-med research to follow in leter and spirit

Other guidelines - Genome policy an genetic research 2000, Indian Good Clinical Practice (GCP) 2001, Amendments to Drugs and cosmetics act 2002, assisted reproductive tech 2005, Stem cell research and bio-banking 2006

Core ethical principles

Autonomy: Obligation of researcher to respect the decisons made by people concerning their health. Respecting human dignity, not interfering with it.

Justice: Obligation to provide all with what they deserve. Treate all equally farily and impartially. Must not impose the research on anyone

Beneficence: Positive steps to prevent harm, not only being correct and fair. Sometimes steps to prevent harm to others may put us in a conflicting situation set against their autonomy and justice

Non-maleficence - Obligaton to 'first, do no harm'. When harm can't be avoided, minimise it. Wrong to waste resources that could be used for good.

Informed consent

Process of informing the potential particpants about the proposed reasearch in a systematic manner and empower them to take an informed decision to participate in the research study. So that they understand the procedures, risks and benefits, get all questions and concerns answered and take a learned and informed decison to or not to particpate

Repeat several times during the study if necessary

Group consent is taken in some situations (tribals) but does not replace a individual consent.

Informed consent document

It is an appeal or an invitation to participate

Written in simple local language

With the name of the insitute on top

Ends with the signature of the particpant and an independent witness

Consists of the following:

a. Research description

b. Risks

c. Benefits

d. Alternatives

e. Confidentiality

f. Compensation

g. Contacts

h. Voluntary participation and withdrawal

Stakeholders in Informed Consent process

Researcher and institution: Provide infomration, discussion and explanation, ensure comprehension and voluntary decision

Participant: Needs to get informed, and make a free and independent conset without yeilding to coercion or force

Sponsors, monitors and regulators: Assess the fairness of the consenting procedure and verify the consent documents.

Other issues related to IC

Language: Simple, local language translated (after back translation)

Impartial witness: not a part of the study

Test understanding of the IC and document it.

Apart from written pictorial consent is possible

Audio and video consent are mandatory now, in India, for Investigational New Drug (IND) trials

Scientific Review of study

Explores the scientific novelty, rationality and relevence

1. Justification: in context of national priorities

2. Safety, scientific mertis and feasibility: Review of toxicology/ animal studies and and lab data

3. Technology transfer and capacity building at sites.

Looks for soundness of study design:

Incl and Excl criteria, Randomisation/ blinding, procedures and followup protocols, sample size calc, End-point assessments and pharmacy plan

Regulatory review

1. Evaluate pre clinical trials data

2. Assess in country regulations for drug/vaccines/product import

3. National regulations on special situations - genetic material, organs, stem cells, reproductive tech etc

4. Intellectual property issues in transfer of samples and data

5. Exchange of visitors/ scientists

6. Foreign funding

7. Research in high-security areas and borders.

Range of ethical issues in health research

1. Competence of researcher/ team

2. Protection of human rights, esp in vulnerable groups

3. Confidentiality and non-discriminatory practices

4. Informed consent and study specific IEC material

5. Mechanism for reproting and managing adverse events

6. Care and support for research participants: Standards, long-term care, Post-trial access to care

7. Reimbursement and compensation

8. Continuing review of progress of the study

Role of Institutional Ethics Committe/Board

1. Does the study have benefit?

2. Are rights protected?

3. Does benefit outweigh risks

4. Will the participants or communities have access to the study findings and the benefits of research?

5. Mechanism of safety, care and support to participants

How ethics influence the practice of medicine and research

1. Growing expectation about accountability: questions about the responsibility of the Govt. & Researchers due to advocacy

2. Universal right to health care

3. Place for self responsibility is fading, blaming the researchers for mishaps

4. Need to include Bio-ethics in medical curriculum

Ethics is being addressed and challenged increasingly. The policy makers and researchers should search for solutions with sensitivity and realise the scope for improvement of practices

Challenges to Clinical Trials in India

Rapid expansion in 1st decade of 21st century

Then regulatory clamp down due to reforms in 2012-13

Main challenges now are:

a. delayed approval

b. quality of ethics review

c. Problems with import and export of samples

d. Deficiency of trained investigators and good centres

e. Clause of compensation to participants of clinical trials

f. A/V consent for IND trials

Review and regulatory bodies

Scientific review: Insititutional scientific advisory committee/ ICMR

Ethics review: Institutional Ethics Committee / National Ethics Committee

Regulatory review: MoH Screening committee/ Drug controller general of India/ Genetic Engineeering approval commitee

Ethical issues for clinical trials

1. Mechanism for independent ethical review

2. Mechanisms to ensure protection of human subjects

3. Check for adequate community engagement and support

4. Informed consent

5. Standard of care and post-trial support

6. Use of placebos

7. Confidentiality

Issues in trial implementation 1

1. IC procedure

2. Strict adherence to Incl and Excl criteria

3. Good lab practices, quality control and assurance

4. Adherence to intervention

5. Follow up

6. Standardisation of protocols in multi-centre trials

Issues in trial implementation 2

7. Independent monitoring

8. Safety assessment: Report and manage Adverse events

9. Reimbursements, compensation and grievence redressal

10. Trial stoppage rules

11. Documentation archival

Impediments to trial participation

In the participant:

1. No knowledge

2. No access

3. Suspicious or afraid of research

4. Can't afford to participate

5. May not want to go against primary health care provider's wishes

In the healh care providers:

1. Lack of awareness of clinical trials

2. Unwilling to lose control of clientele

3. Belief that standard therapy is the best for the patient

4. Concernted abou the added admin burden due to trial

Seven steps of a research protocol

1. Identify topic, RQ and objectives

2. Outline an one-page concept paper

3. Prepare dummy tables

4. Write draft protocol

5. Prepare instruments and annexes

6. Submit for peer review

7. Seek ethics approval

Rationale for the one-page concept paper

Time is precious, for you, for the committees, for everone

Brevity forces focus

If a concept paper can't be developed, abort the idea and save time

Outline of One-page bullet style concept paper

1. Background and justification

2. Objectives

3. Methods

4. Expected benefits

5. Key references

6. Budget

CP Background and Justification

Importance of the problem

The known about the problem

The unkmown about the problem (lacunae)

CP Objectives

2-3 objectives, Specific to general, Primary and secondary

CP Methods

One point per bullet:

* Study design

* Study pop

* Operational definitions

* Sampling procedures

* Sample size

* Data collection

* Analysis plan

* Human participant protection

CP Expected Benifits

What action will be taken following results

Future research agenda

CP Key references

Not more than five

As per std guidelines of icmje.org

CP Budget

4-5 lines

No detailed justification

Divided into Salaries/ per-diem, trave, equipment, supplies and miscl.

ICMR calls CP as Pre-proposal format

Title in 25 words

Intro in 250 words

Novelty in 100 words

Applicability in 100 words

Description: Methods, Feasibility, Outcome and Budget in 700 Words

ICMR's Short-term studentship (STS) for medical UGs format

Title 25 words

Intro 300 words

Objectives 100 words

Methodology 800 words

Implications 100 words

References 300 words

Draft Protocol

Uses the concept pater as summary for outline

Does not exceed 2000 words

Intro is <20% of total

Five to ten key references

Methods section in protocol

1. Study design

2. Description of interventions (for experimental studies only)

3. Study population

4. Operational definitions

5. Sampling procedures

6. Sample size

7. Data collection

8. Analysis plan

9. Project implementation plan (Quality assurance practices)

10. Human subject protection

Protocol: Study design

Explains how objectives lead to indicators and to study design

Describes the type of study (experimental/cohort/case control/ Cross sectional)

Describes logistical arrangements (prospective/retorspective)

Protocol: Description of interventions

Describes intervention or treatment

Who? What? When? How?

Protocol: Study population

Use time, place, persons

Inclusion and exclusion criteria

Not to be confused with study sample

Explain how study population is suitable to address the objectives

Protocol: Operational definitions

Spells out and justifies: Key exposures and key outcomes

Clarity and specificity is essential in defining them

References, if applicable

Protocol: Sampling procedure

1. Describes and justifies the type of sample used (random, systematic, cluster etc)

2. The procedure to collect the sample in practical terms

3. Explains randomisations procedure, when applicable

4. Refrences

Protocol: Sample size

Details all parametres used to arrive at sample size

Explains the formulae and software used


Protocol: Data collection

Lists all data to be collected

How will the data be collected: Instruments and methods

Who will collect data: Training and background of staff

Protocol: Data analysis

Data entry

Software used

Recoding stage: new groups based on existing variables

Descriptive stage: Prevalance and Incidence

Analytical stage: Types of analysis (univariage, stratified, Mulitvariate)

Protocol: Project implementation

Address the sequential steps of the processes:

A. Data collection, entry, analysis and reporting

B. Roles and responsibilities of various investigators

C. Project governance procedures

D. Co-ordination of project activities

E. Project timeline

Explain the quality assurance practices to be followed in each of the above steps

Protocol: Human subject protection

Explains the steps that will lead to:

A. Minimisation of risks and confidentiality

B. Maximisation of benefits

C. Compensations (without undue incentive)

D. Informed consent

E. Approval procedures (ethics committee)

Protocol: Data collection instruments

List in full: Questionnaire, abstraction forms, Structured observation guide, Interview/ FGD guide etc.

Protocol: Annexes

Will contain:

Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)

Training framework for field workers

Participant recruitment material

Adverse event reporting and management forms

Informed consent forms

Study management forms

Protocol: Finalising

Send for peer review to colleagues and experts

Review by ethics committee

Archive all drafts, to see the way the protocol draft has changed at various points

www.equator-network.org has templates of protocol for different study types.

Scope of health research

1. Get new information

2. Verify available Information

3. Explain cause and effect

4. Test new methods/drugs

5. Evaluation of ongoing programmes

Research question to objectives

1. Use scientific/epidemiological terms for objectives

2. One verb per objective

3. Sort objectives as primary and secondary

4. For descriptive studies use 'to estimate'

5. For analytical studies use 'to determine'

Dimentions of research

Theoretical - Applied

Preventive - Theraputic

Bench based - Bed side

Exploratory - Confirmatory

Implementational - Translational

A good hypothesis

Simple: One exposure and one outcome

Specific: Clear definition of participants and variables

State in advance: In writing

Focued on primary objective

Categories of research questions

1. Descriptive questions - Only observation

2. Analytical questions - Involves comparisions, Interventions to tesh a hypthesis

Practical answers through health research

1. At an individual level:

a. healthy behaviour, b. Prevention, c. Early diagnosis, d. Proper treatment, e. Rehabilitation

2. At the community level:

a. Improve health behaviour and priorities, b. Prevention and control programmes, c.Support to the affected persons, d. Stigma reduction

Uncertainity to research question

1. Frame the problem in specific clinical/public health terms

2. Focus on one issue

3. Use plain everyday language

4. One operational verb (more, only if needed)

5. Should cover the question, the answer and the planned action

6. Stated only as a question.

Considetations in planning health research

Adequate justification for use of resources

A clear research question

Standard case definitions, unambigous outcomes

Sample - representative and of adequate size

The 'So What' test of a study







Research Hypothesis

* It is a more specific version of the research question. with details on Sample, Exposure, Outcome and Statistics

* Descriptive studies do not need a hypthesis, only for analytical studies

* Research questions that need a research hypothesis are those that use the comparitive words. (leads to, causes, compared to, < or >, associated with, related to, similar to)

Stages of research

Planning - Methods, Team, Reviews

Data collection

Meaningful conclusions

Appropriage decisoins leading to actions

Help in reduction of suffering

Breadth and depth of inquiry

* Humans - Healthy, at risk, diseased, dead

* Environment and society - Housing, Social practices etc.

* Health care delivery - Infrastructure and delivery of health care

What is a research question

An uncertainity that the researcher wants to resolve by making measurements in the study population.

Begins with an uncertainity and narrows down to a concrete, researchable issue

It is about what the researcher wants to know, not about how he will get to know.

2 main challenges

1. Confounders: Affect variable and outcome

Reduced by proper design and stratification

2. Effect modifiers: Affects only outcome due to extraneous factors influencing it.

Disturbs the Variable-Outcome relationship

Reduced by proper knowledge

Important methods in research



Data collection instruments

Measurement tools

Statistical analysis

Quality control

Life cycle of research

Data needs --> Research question --> Objectives --> Plan the analysis --> Prepare data collection instruments --> Collect data --> Analyse data --> Draw conclusions --> Recommendations --> Inform stake holders

Focus of health research

Improve population health

Predict Illness

Prevent disease

Effectively reduce morbidity and mortality

Interventions at various levels for disease prevention and control

Major study designs

Quantitative - Qualitative

Observational - Experimental

Prospective - Retrospective

Sources of research questions

1. Mastering what's published

2. Being alert to new ideas

3. Cultivating a healthy skepticism

4. Try to apply new tech to old problems

5. Keep imagination up

6. Choose a guide or mentor

How to conceive a research question

Review state-of-the-art information

Raise a question

Decide on the its worthiness by peer review

Define measurable exposure and outcomes

Sharpen the initial question

Refine the question by specifying details

Errors in research

1. Random errors: Human, Chance and unknown errors

Reduce by precise measurements and increasing sample size

2. Systematic errors or Bias: Due to fautlty tools, measurements, procedures etc.

Reduce by improving study design