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16 Cards in this Set

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Health behaviors
behaviors undertaken to enhance or maintain health
Health habits
health-related behavior that is firmly established and performed automatically
5 Stages of change & explain
1.Precontemplation-person has no intention of changing his/her behavior
2.Contemplation- people are aware they have a problem, but have not yet made a commitment to change them
3. Preparation-individuals intend to change behaviors but may have not begun to do so
4.Action-individuals modify their behavior to overcome the problem
5.Maintenance-people work to prevent relapse
Correlates of health behaviors
-demographic factors
-personal control
-social influence
-perceived symptoms
-access to health care
Fear Appeals
efforts to change attitude by arousing fear to induce motivation for change
Cognitive behavior theory (CBT)
uses principles of learning theories to modify behavior
Behavior therapy
behavior is controlled by its consequences, so changing these would lead to behavior change
Cognitive therapy
thoughts lead to behavior, so changing thoughts will change behavior
ABC of behavior
A-antecedent (when does the person do it?)
B-behavior (what is the person doing?)
C-consequence-(what happens after the person does it?)
consequences that increases the likelihood that a behavior will be repeated
consequences that decrease the likelihood that a behavior will be repeated
What do stimulus control interventions do?
attempt to modify health behavior by changing its antecedents (a preceding occurrence or cause or event)
Social learning theory is...
some behaviors are learned by observing others
CBT interventions:
-self monitoring
-stimulus control
-cognitive restructuring
Social engineering
modifying the environment to support behavior change
Barriers for health behaviors
-lack of incentives
-lack of motivation
-instability of health habits over time