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130 Cards in this Set

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allergy (n)

(pl. -ies) allergy (to sth)
a medical condition that causes you to react badly or feel ill / sick when you eat or touch a particular substance
e.g. I have an allergy to animal hair.
immune system
= Immunsystem
diaper (n)
(NAmE) = nappy

e.g. a diaper rash

= Windel
mimic (v) / (n)

--> mimicking
verb (-ck-):

1) to copy the way sb speaks, moves, behaves, etc., especially in order to make other people laugh
e.g. She’s always mimicking the teachers
e.g. He mimicked her southern accent
= nachäffen
= nachmachen

2) to look or behave like sth else
SYN = to imitate
e.g. The robot was programmed to mimic a series of human movements
= nachmachen


a person or an animal that can copy the voice, movements, etc. of others

= Imitator
antibody (n)
(pl. -ies) a substance that the body produces in the blood to fight disease, or as a reaction when certain substances are put into the body

= Antikörper
= Abwehrstoff
hay (n)

1) grass that has been cut and dried and is used as food for animals
e.g. a bale of hay
= Heu

2) (NAmE, informal) a small amount of money
the reverse was true
= das Gegenteil war richtig
one limitation of the study
= eine Einschränkung der Studie

e.g. one limitation of the study is that it measured disease and exposure simultaneously and thus shows only part of the picture.
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
= Magnetresonanztomographie

(medical) magnetic resonance imaging (a method of using a strong magnetic field to produce an image of the inside of a person’s body)

e.g. an MRI scan
ankle (n)

the joint connecting the foot to the leg

e.g. to sprain / break your ankle
e.g. My ankles have swollen
e.g. We found ourselves ankle-deep in water
e.g. ankle boots (= that cover the ankle)

= Knöchel
= Fussgelenk
toe (n)

1) one of the five small parts that stick out from the foot
e.g. the big / little toe (= the largest / smallest toe)
e.g. I stubbed my toe on the step
= Zehen

2) the part of a sock, shoe, etc. that covers the toes

3) -toed (in adjectives) having the type or number of toes mentioned
e.g. open-toed sandals
e.g. a three-toed sloth (= Faultier)

1) an American animal that lives in trees and moves very slowly
= Faultier

2) (formal) the bad habit of being lazy and unwilling to work
= Faulheit
thumb (n) / (v)


1) the short thick finger at the side of the hand, slightly apart from the other four
e.g. She still sucks her thumb when she’s worried
= Daumen

2) the part of a glove (=Handschuh) that covers the thumb
e.g. There’s a hole in the thumb


1) to make a signal with your thumb to passing drivers to ask them to stop and take you somewhere
e.g. He had thumbed all across Europe
e.g. We managed to thumb a lift / ride with a truck driver

2) to touch or move sth with your thumb
e.g. She thumbed off the safety catch of her pistol
cortex (n) (sing)


cortices (n) (pl)

(anatomy) the outer layer of an organ in the body, especially the brain

the cerebral / renal cortex (= around the brain / kidney)
kidney (n)

1) either of the two organs in the body that remove waste products from the blood and produce urine
e.g. a kidney infection

2) the kidneys of some animals that are cooked and eaten
e.g. steak and kidney pie

= Niere
pandemic (n) / (adj)

a disease that spreads over a noun:

whole country or the whole world

= Pandemie¨


e.g. a pandemic disease
vaccinate (v)

[often passive] vaccinate sb (against sth)

to give a person or an animal a vaccine (=Impfstoff), especially by injecting it, in order to protect them against a disease

e.g. I was vaccinated against tetanus

= impfen

noun = vaccination = Impfung
e.g. Make sure your vaccinations are up to date
e.g. vaccination against typhoid
vaccine (n)

a substance that is put into the blood and that protects the body from a disease

e.g. a measles (Masern) vaccine
e.g. There is no vaccine against HIV infection
measles (n)

an infectious disease, especially of children, that causes fever and small red spots that cover the whole body

= Masern
susceptible (adj)

1) [not usually before noun] susceptible (to sb/sth)
very likely to be influenced, harmed or affected by sb/sth
e.g. He’s highly susceptible to flattery (=Schmeichelei)
e.g. Some of these plants are more susceptible to frost damage than others
e.g. Salt intake may lead to raised blood pressure in susceptible adults
e.g. For high risk adults - those with underlying medical conditions that make them more susceptible to severe outcomes from influenza infection - coverage ranged from 10 47 percent across the country
= anfällig
= empfindlich

2) easily influenced by feelings and emotions
SYN = impressionable
e.g. She was both charming and susceptible

3) susceptible (of sth) (formal)
allowing sth; capable of sth
e.g. Is this situation not susceptible of improvement by legislation?
obese (adj)
(formal or medical) (of people) very fat, in a way that is not healthy

noun = obesity
indisputable (adj)

that is true and cannot be disagreed with or denied
SYN = undeniable

e.g. indisputable evidence
e.g. an indisputable fact
e.g. It is indisputable that the crime rate has been rising

= unbestreitbar
= unumstritten
= eindeutig
nutrient (n)

(technical) a substance that is needed to keep a living thing alive and to help it to grow

e.g. a lack of essential nutrients
e.g. Plants draw minerals and other nutrients from the soil
e.g. children suffering from a serious nutrient deficiency

= Nährstoff
bowel (n)

1) the tube along which food passes after it has been through the stomach, especially the end where waste is collected before it is passed out of the body
e.g. (medical) to empty / move / open your bowels (= to pass solid waste out of the body)
e.g. bowel cancer / cancer of the bowel

= Darm
= Eingeweide

2) the bowels of sth [pl.] (literary) the part that is deepest inside sth
e.g. A rumble came from the bowels of the earth (= deep underground)
liver (n)
1) a large organ in the body that cleans the blood and produces bile (= Galle)

2) the liver of some animals that is cooked and eaten
e.g. liver and onions
e.g. chicken livers

= Leber
pancreas (n)

an organ near the stomach that produces insulin and a liquid that helps the body to digest food

= Bauchspeicheldrüse
tissue (n)
1) (also tis·sues [pl.]) a collection of cells that form the different parts of humans, animals and plants
= Gewebe

2) a piece of soft paper that absorbs liquids, used especially as a handkerchief
e.g. a box of tissues

3) (also 'tissue paper) [U] very thin paper used for wrapping and packing things that break easily
stem cell
= Stammzelle
embryonic (adj)
1) (formal) in an early stage of development
e.g. The plan, as yet, only exists in embryonic form

2) (technical) of an embryo
e.g. embryonic cells
induce (v)
1) (formal) to persuade or influence sb to do sth
e.g. Nothing would induce me to take the job
= veranlassen

2) (formal) to cause sth
e.g. drugs which induce sleep
e.g. a drug-induced coma
= verursachen
= herbeiführen
= auslösen

3) (medical) to make a woman start giving birth to her baby by giving her special drugs
e.g. an induced labour
e.g. We’ll have to induce her
cure (v) / (n)

1) cure sb (of sth)
to make a person or an animal healthy again after an illness
e.g. Will you be able to cure him, Doctor?
= heilen

2) to make an illness go away
e.g. TB is a serious illness, but it can be cured

3) to deal with a problem successfully
e.g. I finally managed to cure the rattling noise in my car

4) cure sb of sth to stop sb from behaving in a particular way, especially a way that is bad or annoying

5) to treat food or tobacco with smoke, salt, etc. in order to preserve it


1) cure (for sth) a medicine or medical treatment that cures an illness
e.g. the search for a cure for cancer
e.g. There is no known cure but the illness can be treated

2) the act of curing sb of an illness or the process of being cured
e.g. Doctors cannot effect a cure if the disease has spread too far
e.g. The cure took six weeks

3) cure (for sth) something that will solve a problem, improve a bad situation, etc.
e.g. a cure for poverty
drawback (n)
drawback (of / to sth) | drawback (of / to doing sth)

a disadvantage or problem that makes sth a less attractive idea

SYN = disadvantage
SYN = snag

e.g. The main drawback to it is the cost
e.g. This is the one major drawback of the new system
decease (n)

(law or formal) the death of a person

= Tod
deceased (adj)
1) dead
e.g. her deceased parents
e.g. transplanting islet cells from deceased donors (=Spender) can result in rejection
= verstorben
= tot

2) the deceased noun (pl. the deceased) a person who has died, especially recently
donor (n)

1) a person or an organization that makes a gift of money, clothes, food, etc. to a charity, etc.
e.g. international aid donors (= countries which give money, etc. to help other countries)
e.g. She is one of the charity’s main donors

2) a person who gives blood or a part of his or her body to be used by doctors in medical treatment
e.g. a blood donor
e.g. The heart transplant will take place as soon as a suitable donor can be found
e.g. donor organs
e.g. a donor card (= a card that you carry giving permission for doctors to use parts of your body after your death)
skim (v)
1) skim (sth off / from) sth to remove fat, cream, etc. from the surface of a liquid
e.g. Skim the scum off the jam and let it cool
e.g. Skim the jam and let it cool

2) [no passive] skim (along / over, etc.) sth to move quickly and lightly over a surface, not touching it or only touching it occasionally; to make sth do this
e.g. We watched the birds skimming over the lake

3) skim (through / over) sth to read sth quickly in order to find a particular point or the main points
e.g. He skimmed through the article trying to find his name
e.g. I always skim the financial section of the newspaper

4) (informal) to steal small amounts of money frequently over a period of time

5) to illegally copy electronic information from a credit card in order to use it without the owner’s permission
offset (v) / (adj)
1) offset sth (against sth)
to use one cost, payment or situation in order to cancel or reduce the effect of another
e.g. Prices have risen in order to offset the increased cost of materials
e.g. (BrE) What expenses can you offset against tax?
= ausgleichen
= kompensieren
= wett machen


[only before noun]
used to describe a method of printing in which ink is put onto a metal plate, then onto a rubber surface and only then onto the paper
vending machine (n)
= Warenautomat
= Verkaufsautomat
= Münzautomat

e.g. Extending the tax to restaurants and vending machines would generate more tax revenue and perhaps greater weight losses
prevention (n)
the act of stopping sth bad from happening

e.g. accident / crime prevention
e.g. the prevention of disease
e.g. a fire prevention officer

= Vorbeugung
= Prävention
= Verhütung
whoop (n) / (v)


1) a loud cry expressing joy, excitement, etc.
e.g. whoops of delight (=Freude)


to shout loudly because you are happy or excited
= schreien
= jauchzen
whooping cough (n)
= Keuchhusten
= Stickhusten
poll (n) / (v)

1) the process of questioning people who are representative of a larger group in order to get information about the general opinion
SYN = survey
e.g. to carry out / conduct a poll
e.g. A recent poll suggests some surprising changes in public opinion
= Umfrage
= Meinungsumfrage
= Befragung

2) the process of voting at an election; the process of counting the votes
e.g. The final result of the poll will be known tomorrow
e.g. Thursday is traditionally the day when Britain goes to the polls (= when elections are held)
= Abstimmung

3) the number of votes given in an election
SYN = ballot
e.g. Labour is ahead in the poll
e.g. They gained 20% of the poll
= Stimmenauszählung


1) to receive a particular number of votes in an election
e.g. They polled 39% of the vote in the last election
e.g. The Republicans have polled well (= received many votes) in recent elections
= Wahlstimmen erhalten

2) [usually passive] to ask a large number of members of the public what they think about sth
SYN = to survey
e.g. Over 50% of those polled were against the proposed military action.
= befragen
= Umfrage machen
pathogen (n)

(technical) a thing that causes disease

= Krankheitserreger
= Erreger
contagious (adj)

1) a contagious disease spreads by people touching each other
e.g. Scarlet fever is highly contagious
e.g. (figurative) His enthusiasm was contagious (= spread quickly to other people)
e.g. a contagious laugh

2) [not usually before noun] if a person is contagious, they have a disease that can be spread to other people by touch

= ansteckend
= übertragbar
unveil (v)

1) to remove a cover or curtain from a painting, statue, etc. so that it can be seen in public for the first time
e.g. The Queen unveiled a plaque to mark the official opening of the hospital
= enthüllen
= aufdecken

2) to show or introduce a new plan, product, etc. to the public for the first time
SYN = to reveal
e.g. They will be unveiling their new models at the Motor Show
= aufdecken
= bekannt geben
= vorstellen
= enthüllen
vicious (adj)

1) violent and cruel
SYN = brutal
e.g. a vicious attack
e.g. a vicious criminal
e.g. She has a vicious temper

2) (of animals) aggressive and dangerous
e.g. a vicious dog

3) (of an attack, criticism, etc.) full of hatred and anger
e.g. She wrote me a vicious letter

4) (informal) very bad or severe
e.g. a vicious headache
e.g. a vicious spiral of rising prices
treadmill (n)
1) work or a way of life that is boring or tiring because it involves always doing the same things
e.g. I’d like to escape the office treadmill

2) (especially in the past) a large wheel turned by the weight of people or animals walking on steps around its inside edge, and used to operate machinery

3) an exercise machine that has a moving surface that you can walk or run on while remaining in the same place
= Laufband
metabolism (n)

(biology) the chemical processes in living things that change food, etc. into energy and materials for growth
e.g. The body’s metabolism is slowed down by extreme cold

= Stoffwechsel
vigorous (adj)

1) very active, determined or full of energy
SYN = energetic
e.g. a vigorous campaign against tax fraud
e.g. a vigorous opponent of the government
e.g. Take vigorous exercise for several hours a week
= energetisch
= kraftvoll
= dynamisch
= eifrig

2) strong and healthy
e.g. a vigorous young man
e.g. This plant is a vigorous grower
= stark
= kräftig
premature (adj)

1) happening before the normal or expected time
e.g. his premature death at the age of 37
= vorzeitig
= verfrüht

2) (of a birth or a baby)
happening or being born before the normal length of pregnancy has been completed
e.g. The baby was four weeks premature
e.g. a premature birth after only thirty weeks

3) happening or made too soon
e.g. a premature conclusion / decision / judgement
e.g. It is premature to talk about success at this stage
= verfrüht
= voreilig
= vorschnell
sedentary (adj)

1) (of work, activities, etc.) in which you spend a lot of time sitting down
e.g. a sedentary job / occupation / lifestyle
= viel sitzend

2) (of people) spending a lot of time sitting down and not moving
e.g. He became increasingly sedentary in later life
= sesshaft

3) (technical) (of people or animals) that stay and live in the same place or area
e.g. Rhinos are largely sedentary animals
e.g. a sedentary population
= sesshaft
= sitzhaft
cascade (n) / (v)


1) a small waterfall, especially one of several falling down a steep slope with rocks

2) a large amount of water falling or pouring down
e.g. a cascade of rainwater

3) (formal) a large amount of sth hanging down
e.g. Her hair tumbled in a cascade down her back

4) (formal) a large number of things falling or coming quickly at the same time
e.g. He crashed to the ground in a cascade of oil cans


1) to flow downwards in large amounts
e.g. Water cascaded down the mountainside

2) (formal) to fall or hang in large amounts
e.g. Blonde hair cascaded over her shoulders
dispel (v)

to make sth, especially a feeling or belief, go away or disappear
e.g. His speech dispelled any fears about his health
e.g. This study dispels that notion, instead suggesting that...
= vertreiben
= zerstören
= auflösen
= zerstreuen
notion (n)
notion (that … ) | notion (of sth)

an idea, a belief or an understanding of sth

e.g. a political system based on the notions of equality and liberty
e.g. I have to reject the notion that greed can be a good thing
e.g. She had only a vague notion of what might happen

= Ahnung
= Vorstellung
= Gedanke
= Idee
= Verständnis
= Auffassung
malfunction (v)
(of a machine, etc.) to fail to work correctly
remission (n)

1) a period during which a serious illness improves for a time and the patient seems to get better
e.g. The patient has been in remission for the past six months
e.g. The symptoms reappeared after only a short remission

2) (BrE) a reduction in the amount of time sb spends in prison, especially because they have behaved well

3) (formal) an act of reducing or cancelling the amount of money that sb has to pay
e.g. New businesses may qualify for tax remission
e.g. There is a partial remission of fees for overseas students

= Erlass
= Abnahme
= Nachlassen
= Abklingen
= Ermässigung
bone marrow (n)
= Knochenmark
marrow (n)

1) = Bone Marrow = Knochenmark

2) (BrE) [U, C] a large vegetable that grows on the ground. Marrows are long and thick with dark green skin and white flesh
= Speisekürbis
melanoma (n)

(medical) a type of cancer that appears as a dark spot or tumour on the skin

= schwarzer Hautkrebs
adolescent (n)

a young person who is developing from a child into an adult

e.g. adolescents between the ages of 13 and 18 and the problems they face
a highly debated issue
a highly debated issue
inconclusive (adj)
not leading to a definite decision or result

e.g. inconclusive evidence / results / tests
e.g. inconclusive discussions

OPP = conclusive

= ergebnislos
= uneindeutig
delinquent (adj)

1) (especially of young people or their behaviour) showing a tendency to commit crimes
e.g. delinquent teenagers
= straffällig

2) (NAmE, finance) having failed to pay money that is owed
e.g. a delinquent borrower
= säumig

3) (NAmE, finance) (of a sum of money) not having been paid in time
e.g. a delinquent loan
obstructive (adj)

1) trying to prevent sb/sth from making progress
e.g. Of course she can do it. She’s just being deliberately obstructive
= hinderlich
= behindernd

2) [only before noun] (medical) connected with a passage, tube, etc. in your body that has become blocked
e.g. obstructive lung disease
disorder (n)
1) an untidy state; a lack of order or organization
e.g. His financial affairs were in complete disorder
e.g. The room was in a state of disorder
= Unordnung
= Durcheinander

2) violent behaviour of large groups of people
e.g. an outbreak of rioting and public disorder

3) an illness that causes a part of the body to stop functioning correctly
e.g. a blood / bowel, etc. disorder
e.g. eating disorders
e.g. He was suffering from some form of psychiatric disorder
calcified (adj)

(technical) to become hard or make sth hard by adding calcium salts

= verkalkt
prone to sth / to do sth

likely to suffer from sth or to do sth bad

SYN = liable

e.g. prone to injury
e.g. Working without a break makes you more prone to error
e.g. Tired drivers were found to be particularly prone to ignore warning signs
snore (v)

to breathe noisily through your nose and mouth while you are asleep

e.g. I could hear Paul snoring in the next room

= schnarchen
vessel (n)
1) (formal) a large ship or boat
e.g. ocean-going vessels

2) (old use or technical) a container used for holding liquids, such as a bowl, cup, etc.
e.g. a Bronze Age drinking vessel

3) a tube that carries blood through the body of a person or an animal, or liquid through the parts of a plant
--> blood vessel
blood clot (n) (also clot)
a lump that is formed when blood dries or becomes thicker

e.g. a blood clot on the brain

= Blutgerinnsel
= Blutklümpchen
prevalence (n)

adjective = prevalent (among sb) | prevalent (in sb/sth)

e.g. that exists or is very common at a particular time or in a particular place

SYN = common
SYN = widespread

noun = prevalence
literacy (n)

the ability to read and write

e.g. a campaign to promote adult literacy
e.g. basic literacy skills

OPP = illiteracy
respondent (n)
1) a person who answers questions, especially in a survey
e.g. 60% of the respondents agreed with the suggestion
= Befragter

2) (law) a person who is accused of sth
= Beschuldigter
intercourse (n)
1) = sexual intercourse
e.g. The prosecution (=Staatsanwaltschaft) stated that intercourse had occurred on several occasions
e.g. anal intercourse

2) (old-fashioned) communication between people, countries, etc.
e.g. the importance of social intercourse between different age groups
rural (adj)

[usually before noun] connected with or like the countryside
e.g. rural areas
e.g. a rural economy
e.g. a rural way of life

--> urban = connected with a town or city
adolescent (n)

a young person who is developing from a child into an adult

e.g. adolescents between the ages of 13 and 18 and the problems they face
premarital (adj)

[only before noun] happening before marriage

e.g. premarital sex

= vorehelich
marital (adj)

[only before noun] connected with marriage or with the relationship between a husband and wife

e.g. marital difficulties / breakdown
affiliate (v)

1) [usually passive] affiliate sb/sth (with / to sb/sth)
to link a group, a company, or an organization very closely with another larger one
e.g. The hospital is affiliated with the local university
e.g. The group is not affiliated to any political party
= verbinden
= zusammenschliessen

2) affiliate (yourself) (with sb/sth)
to join, to be connected with, or to work for an organization
e.g. The majority of people questioned affiliated themselves with a religious group
= anschliessen
= aufnehmen
= beitreten
receptor (n)
(biology) a sense organ or nerve ending in the body that reacts to changes such as heat or cold and makes the body react in a particular way
property (n)
1) a thing or things that are owned by sb; a possession or possessions
e.g. This building is government property
e.g. Be careful not to damage other people’s property
= Eigentum

2) land and buildings
e.g. The price of property has risen enormously
e.g. property prices
e.g. a property developer
= Grundstück
= Immobilie

3) a building or buildings and the surrounding land
e.g. There are a lot of empty properties in the area
= Grundbesitz

4) (formal) a quality or characteristic that sth has
e.g. Compare the physical properties of the two substances
e.g. a plant with medicinal properties
= Eigenschaften
therapy (n)

1) the treatment of a physical problem or an illness
e.g. Most leukaemia patients undergo some sort of drug therapy (= treatment using drugs)
e.g. alternative / complementary / natural therapies (= treatments that do not use traditional drugs)
= Behandlung
= Therapie
= Heilverfahren

2) = psychotherapy
e.g. a therapy group
e.g. She’s in therapy
side effect (n)
1) an extra and usually bad effect that a drug has on you, as well as curing illness or pain

2) an unexpected result of a situation or course of action that happens as well as the result you were aiming for

= Begleiterscheinung
= Nebenwirkung
= Nebeneffekt
utility (n) / (adj)

1) (especially NAmE) a service provided for the public, for example an electricity, water or gas supply
e.g. the administration of public utilities
= Versorgerunternehmen

2) (formal) the quality of being useful
SYN = usefulness
= Nutzen
= Nützlichkeit

3) (computing) a piece of computer software that performs a particular task


[only before noun] that can be used for several different purposes
e.g. an all-round utility player (= one who can play equally well in several different positions in a sport)
inhibit (v)

1) to prevent sth from happening or make it happen more slowly or less frequently than normal
e.g. A lack of oxygen may inhibit brain development in the unborn child
= behindern
= hemmen
= verhindern
= bremsen
= hindern

2) inhibit sb (from sth / from doing sth)
to make sb nervous or embarrassed so that they are unable to do sth
e.g. The managing director’s presence inhibited them from airing their problems
= psychologisch hemmen

to date
until now

e.g. To date, we have received over 200 replies
e.g. The exhibition contains some of his best work to date
there is no cure for it
es gibt keine Lösung, Behandlung, Medikament, etc. für ...
recur (v)

(-rr-) [v] to happen again or a number of times

e.g. This theme recurs several times throughout the book
e.g. a recurring illness / problem / nightmare, etc.

= wiederholen
= wiederkehren
= wiedergeschehen
suppression (n)

the act of suppressing sth

e.g. the suppression of a rebellion
e.g. the suppression of emotion

= Unterdrückung
= Verdrängung
resist (v)
1) to refuse to accept sth and try to stop it from happening
SYN = to oppose
e.g. to resist change
e.g. They are determined to resist pressure to change the law
e.g. The bank strongly resisted cutting interest rates

2) to fight back when attacked; to use force to stop sth from happening
e.g. He tried to pin me down, but I resisted

3) (usually in negative sentences) to stop yourself from having sth you like or doing sth you very much want to do
e.g. I finished the cake. I couldn’t resist it
e.g. He couldn’t resist showing off his new car

4) to not be harmed or damaged by sth
e.g. A healthy diet should help your body resist infection
e.g. This new paint is designed to resist heat
bone marrow (n)

('boun 'marrouw)
a soft substance that fills the hollow (=hohlen) parts of bones
e.g. a bone marrow transplant
= Knochenmark
lymph node (n)
one of the small round parts of the lymphatic system that stores lymphocytes and helps fight infection

= Lymphknoten
lab (n)

abbreviation = Abkürzung
(in British politics) Labour
candy bar (n)

bar = a piece of sth with straight sides
e.g. a bar of chocolate / soap
e.g. candy bars
devour (v)

1) to eat all of sth quickly, especially because you are very hungry
SYN = to gobble up
= verschlingen

2) to read or look at sth with great interest and enthusiasm
e.g. She devoured everything she could lay her hands on: books, magazines and newspapers

3) (formal) to destroy sb/sth
SYN = to engulf
e.g. Flames devoured the house
landmark (n) / (adj)

1) something, such as a large building, that you can see clearly from a distance and that will help you to know where you are
e.g. The Empire State Building is a familiar landmark on the New York skyline

2) landmark (in sth)
an event, a discovery, an invention, etc. that marks an important stage in sth
SYN = milestone
e.g. The ceasefire was seen as a major landmark in the fight against terrorism
e.g. a landmark decision / ruling in the courts

3) (especially NAmE) a building or a place that is very important because of its history, and that should be preserved
SYN = monument

e.g. a landmark recovery = eine bahnbrechende Entdeckung
craving (n)

craving (for sth) | craving (to do sth)

a strong desire for sth

e.g. a craving for chocolate
e.g. a desperate craving to be loved
morsel (n)
a small amount or a piece of sth, especially food
e.g. a tasty morsel of food
e.g. He ate it all, down to the last morsel

= Häppchen
= Bissen
= Stückchen
habituation (n)
= Gewöhnung
habit (n)

1) a thing that you do often and almost without thinking, especially sth that is hard to stop doing
e.g. You need to change your eating habits
e.g. good / bad habits
e.g. He has the irritating habit of biting his nails
e.g. It’s all right to borrow money occasionally, but don’t let it become a habit
= Angewohnheit

2) usual behaviour
e.g. I only do it out of habit
e.g. I’m a creature of habit (= I have a fixed and regular way of doing things)
= Gewohnheit

3) (informal) a strong need to keep using drugs, alcohol or cigarettes regularly
e.g. He began to finance his habit through burglary
e.g. She’s tried to give up smoking but just can’t kick the habit
e.g. a 50-a-day habit
= (Drogen)Abhängigkeit

4) a long piece of clothing worn by a monk or nun
= Kutte
= Tracht
merely (adv)

used meaning ‘only’ or ‘simply’ to emphasize a fact or sth that you are saying

e.g. It is not merely a job, but a way of life
e.g. He said nothing, merely smiled and watched her
e.g. They agreed to go merely because they were getting paid for it
e.g. I’m merely stating what everybody knows anyway

= lediglich
= bloss
= nur

to.... extent

used to show how far sth is true or how great an effect it has

e.g. To a certain extent, we are all responsible for this tragic situation
e.g. To some extent what she argues is true
e.g. the extent to which (= how much) family life has changed over the past 50 years
enact (v)

1) [often passive] (law)
to pass a law
e.g. legislation enacted by parliament
= erlassen

2) [often passive] (formal)
to perform a play or act a part in a play
e.g. scenes from history enacted by local residents
= darstellen
= spielen
= inszenieren

3) be enacted (formal)
to take place
SYN = to be played out
e.g. They seemed unaware of the drama being enacted a few feet away from them
nearby (adj) / (adv)


[usually before noun] near in position; not far away
e.g. Her mother lived in a nearby town
e.g. There were complaints from nearby residents


a short distance from sb/sth; not far away
e.g. They live nearby
e.g. The car is parked nearby
bred mice
= gezüchtete Mäuse

--> breed sth (for / as sth)
to keep animals or plants in order to produce young ones in a controlled way

e.g. the scientists bred mice with extra copies of the FTO gene
predispose (v)

1) predispose sb to sth / to do sth
to influence sb so that they are likely to think or behave in a particular way
e.g. He believes that some people are predisposed to criminal behaviour
e.g. Her good mood predisposed her to enjoy the play

2) predispose sb to sth
to make it likely that you will suffer from a particular illness
e.g. Stress can predispose people to heart attacks
e.g. obesity predisposes people to numerous diseases
inhibitor (n)

1) (chemistry) a substance which delays or prevents a chemical reaction

2) (biology) a gene which prevents another gene from being effective
resume (v)

1) if you resume an activity, or if it resumes, it begins again or continues after an interruption
e.g. to resume talks / negotiations
e.g. She resumed her career after an interval of six years
e.g. The noise resumed, louder than before
= fortsetzen
= wiederaufnehmen
= fortfahren

2) resume your seat / place / position
to go back to the seat or place that you had before
pathway (n) = path (n)
1) a way or track that is built or is made by the action of people walking
e.g. a concrete path
e.g. the garden path
e.g. Follow the path through the woods

2) a line along which sb/sth moves; the space in front of sb/sth as they move
SYN = way
e.g. He threw himself into the path of an oncoming vehicle
e.g. The avalanche forced its way down the mountain, crushing everything in its path

3) a plan of action or a way of achieving sth
e.g. a career path
e.g. the path to success
cure rate (n)
= Heilungsrate
mutant (adj) / (n)


(biology) (of a living thing) different in some way from others of the same kind because of a change in its genetic structure
e.g. a mutant gene


1) (biology) a living thing with qualities that are different from its parents' qualities because of a change in its genetic structure

2) (informal) (in stories about space, the future, etc.) a living thing with an unusual and frightening appearance because of a change in its genetic structure
premature (adj)

1) happening before the normal or expected time
e.g. his premature death at the age of 37

2) (of a birth or a baby) happening or being born before the normal length of pregnancy has been completed
e.g. The baby was four weeks premature
e.g. a premature birth after only thirty weeks

3) happening or made too soon
e.g. a premature conclusion / decision / judgement
e.g. It is premature to talk about success at this stage
to undergo changes
= Veränderungen durchmachen
tract (n)

1) (biology) a system of connected organs or tissues along which materials or messages pass
e.g. the digestive tract
e.g. a nerve tract

2) an area of land, especially a large one
SYN = stretch
e.g. vast tracts of forest
= Gebiet

3) (sometimes disapproving) a short piece of writing, especially on a religious, moral or political subject, that is intended to influence people’s ideas
vaccine (n)

a substance that is put into the blood and that protects the body from a disease

e.g. a measles vaccine
e.g. There is no vaccine against HIV infection
mammalian (adj)
noun = mammal
any animal that gives birth to live babies, not eggs, and feeds its young on milk. Cows, humans and whales are all mammals
inhibition (n)
1) a shy or nervous feeling that stops you from expressing your real thoughts or feelings
e.g. The children were shy at first, but soon lost their inhibitions
e.g. She had no inhibitions about making her opinions known
= Hemmung (psychisch)

2) (formal) the act of restricting or preventing a process or an action
e.g. the inhibition of growth
= Unterdrückung
= Verhinderung
= Unterbindung
resemble (v)

[no passive] (not used in the progressive tenses) to look like or be similar to another person or thing

e.g. She closely resembles her sister
e.g. So many hotels resemble each other
e.g. The plant resembles grass in appearance

= ähneln
= ähnlich sein
= gleichen
dehydration (n)
= Austrocknung

verb = to dehydrate (di'haidreit)
dehydrate (v)

1) to remove the water from sth, especially food, in order to preserve it

2) to lose too much water from your body; to make a person’s body lose too much water
e.g. Runners can dehydrate very quickly in this heat
e.g. the dehydrating effects of alcohol

noun = dehydration
defective (adj)

having a fault or faults; not perfect or complete
SYN = faulty

e.g. defective goods
e.g. Her hearing was found to be slightly defective

= fehlerhaft
= defekt
= beschädigt
exhibit (v) / (n)

1) exhibit (sth) (at / in … )
to show sth in a public place for people to enjoy or to give them information
e.g. They will be exhibiting their new designs at the trade fairs
e.g. He exhibits regularly in local art galleries
= zur Schau stellen

2) (formal) to show clearly that you have or feel a particular feeling, quality or ability
SYN = to display
e.g. The patient exhibited signs of fatigue and memory loss
= aufweisen
= zeigen
= vorweisen


1) an object or a work of art put in a public place, for example a museum, so that people can see it
= Ausstellungsstück

2) a thing that is used in court to prove that sb is guilty or not guilty
e.g. The first exhibit was a knife which the prosecution claimed was the murder weapon
= Beweisstück
deletion (n)
= Löschung, Beseitigung

verb = to delete sth (from sth)
to remove sth that has been written or printed, or that has been stored on a computer
thus (adv)

1) in this way; like this
e.g. Many scholars have argued thus
e.g. The universities have expanded, thus allowing many more people the chance of higher education

2) as a result of sth just mentioned
SYN = hence
SYN = therefore
e.g. He is the eldest son and thus heir to the title
e.g. We do not own the building. Thus, it would be impossible for us to make any major changes to it
dampen (v)

1) (also less frequent damp) to make sth slightly wet
e.g. Perspiration dampened her face and neck
e.g. He dampened his hair to make it lie flat
= befeuchten
= leicht feucht machen

2) to make sth such as a feeling or a reaction less strong
e.g. None of the setbacks could dampen his enthusiasm for the project
e.g. She wasn’t going to let anything dampen her spirits today
= dämpfen
= schwächen
stress (v)
1) to emphasize a fact, an idea, etc.
e.g. He stressed the importance of a good education
e.g. I must stress that everything I’ve told you is strictly confidential
e.g. [v speech] ‘There is,’ Johnson stressed, ‘no real alternative.’

2) to give extra force to a word or syllable when saying it
e.g. You stress the first syllable in ‘happiness’

3) stress out | stress sb (out)
to become or make sb become too anxious or tired to be able to relax
e.g. I try not to stress out when things go wrong
e.g. Driving in cities really stresses me (out)
thwart (v)

[often passive] thwart sth | thwart sb (in sth)

to prevent sb from doing what they want to do

SYN = to frustrate

e.g. to thwart sb’s plans
e.g. She was thwarted in her attempt to take control of the party

= verhindern
= vereiteln
= behindern
frustrate (v)

1) to make sb feel annoyed or impatient because they cannot do or achieve what they want
e.g. What frustrates him is that there’s too little money to spend on the project
= frustrieren
= entmutigen
= enttäuschen

2) to prevent sb from doing sth; to prevent sth from happening or succeeding
SYN = to thwart
e.g. The rescue attempt was frustrated by bad weather
= verhindern
= behindern
= vereiteln
mammogram (n)

an examination of a breast using X-rays to check for cancer
invasive (adj)

1) (especially of diseases within the body) spreading very quickly and difficult to stop
e.g. invasive cancer

2) (of medical treatment) involving cutting into the body
e.g. invasive surgery