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55 Cards in this Set

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What is the Female Athlete Triad?
energy drain not enough cals. for energy
interrelated conditions of disordered eating (often accompanied by excessive exercising), amenorrhea (cessation of menstruation and premature osteoporosis (reduced bone density)
need to have enough calories to match the calories burned
What is the risk profile?
Aesthetic sports, endurance sports, body fat below 16%, vegetarian, body weight changes, stress fractures, 7 day training, 10K less than 40 mins. and run more than 65 miles per week
What are the three components of the Female Athlete Triad?
1-Disordered eating (anorexia, bulimia)
2-Amenorrhea (shuting off the mentral cycle)
3-Osteoporosis (premature bone density loss)
What are the characteristics of a Type A personality?
impulsive, need to get things done quickly, and live their lives on a time schedule, believe they are responsible for everything, hard driving, achievement oriented, competitive, hostile, easily bored and angered
40% of all americans
b type-opposite of A
h type- hostile
What is the Body Mass Index
is a measure of your weight relative to your height it correlates with total body fat. est the health significance of body weight
= weight in pounds/height inches
What are the three types of diet drugs?
1.) anorexiant-serotonin levels increase which stops absorption and curves hunger
2.) thermogenic-burns cal. at rest increases BMR increase core temperature and constricts vessels
3.) fat blockers- enzymes break down but 30% do not re package
What is Ephedra and what effects does it have on the body?
found in weight loss supplements revs up BMR effects the nervous system and the heart, only effect for short term weight loss, increase blood pressure, poor body heat, increase heart rate, and constricts blood vessels increase core temperature
What are the stages of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?
1.) Hyper-arousal-alarm slightest things set them off
2.) intrusion-intrudes into personal life ex: drinking more
3.) constriction-not going out no social life
4.) disconnection-isolated
How many chromosomes in the average human?
23 pairs of chromosomes
46 chromosomes
What are the two different types called?
chromosomes 1-22 are autosome and the 23rd chromosome is x-linked or the sex chromosome
What is main goal of the 10K step program?
to walk up to 10,000 steps (5 miles) per day to be healthy burning around 400 calories
How many steps should be taken for weight loss and cardiovascular?
12,000-15,000 steps for weight loss
17,000 + cardiovascular
Along with the 10K step program what are the popular diets of today?
atkins-low carb, more protein, builds up ketone levels, water retention, burns stored fat
South beach- uses index to show certain types of carbs you can eat, glycemic index
Step diet- low carb, decrease cal by 25% and 500 extra steps per day
What are the provisions of the 1994 Dietary Supplement Health & Education Act?
a supplement manufacturer is responsible for ensuring the supplement is safe before marketing, product label information is correct
provides the legal definition
structured health plan
before you can make a health claim focus on an organ function
ex:boost immune system
What percentage of calories burned in a day are attributed to Basal Metabolic Rate?
What are the 3 main causes of food infections during the time of 1980-today
hygiene, industrialization, storage and preparation, agricultural disparagement laws, infrastructure, and food imports
What are the criteria for a drug to be classified as an anabolic steroid?
-chemically related to testostrone
-promotes muscle growth
-pharmacological related to body
What is RDA?
Recommended Dietary Allowance-based on information provided by the EARs and represent the avg daily amount of any one nutrient an individual needs to protect against nutritional deficiency
What percentage of your diet per day should be carbohydrates, protein, and fat?
carbs- 45-65%
protein- 10-15%
fats- 25-30% (typical american is 40%)
What is the RDA amount of grams for protein per kilogram?
What is the name of the deadly infection attributed to E. Coli?
HUS-hemolytic uremic syndrome leads to kidney failure, brain damage, blood 10-15%
young children and elderly at more risk
breaks down e. coli ships to kidneys, which cannot filter, line grows 2x original size, brain rots
What is Ketosis?
body burns stored fats b/c not enough carbs
kidney stones, using fat for energy high levels of ketone, proteins break down to amino acids, amino acids break down to glucose. carbs breaks down directly
How many steps are in a mile?
2,000 steps
What rights do consumers have according to the Health Privacy Act?
How much water replacement is needed for every 2 lbs. of water weight lost?
one quart
How much sodium is needed for every 2 lbs. of water weight lost?
200-400 miligrams
What is the difference between the Surgeon General and American Heart Associations recommendation for exercise duration?
Surgeon General 30 minutes
American Heart Associations 60 mins
How many calories does the Surgeon General say should be burned daily to lose weight?
150-300 calories
What is the suggested weight gain per week?
half a pound to a pound
What are the stages in the Greenberg Stress Model?
1.) environment- ids stress in your environment, stress diary, time management
2.) Perception- how you perceive the stress due to your personality traits, humor, and cognitive restructuring (pain makes you stop)
3.) emotion- relaxation
4.) physiological- exercise and nutrition
higher up the better, different tools for different stages
What are the stages of the General Adaptation Syndrome?
changes associated with stress response
1.) Alarm-experiences stress response, immune system repressed, more susceptible to infection
2.) resistance-body works overtime to cope with added stress and to stay at normal/homoestasis
3.) exhaustion- body can no longer keep up with the demands of the stressor
What is anorexia?
an eating disorder marked by distortion of body image and refusal to maintain a minimally normal body weight, fear gaining weight, could experience amenorreha(absence of menstrual cycle)
Explain the Anabolic Steroids Control Act?
classify the drug, determine the amount, distribution
What are the DNA genetic tests?
5 test available:
diagnostic test (confirm or exclude the presence of a gene)
predictive test (pre-symptomatic and pre-dispositional)
carrier test
newborn screening
fetal screening
What are the two common body shape types?
pear shape-subcutaneous fat b/w skin and abdominal wall, women
apple shape-visceral fat surrounds abdominal organs putting pressure on them, deep fat in abdominal, men
What are the recommended percentages for essential and storage body fat?
essential for men=3-7% and women=12-15%
What are the effects of food poisoning?
food intoxication:
few hours before symptoms begin, stomach cramps, no fever, and diarrhea
food infection-pathogens, 24 hours to begin symptoms, fever (100+), severe diarrhea
How do you calculate your Maximum heart rate?
220- your age
What are HDLs and what do they do?
High-density lipoproteins- "good" cholesterol lipoproteins that help clear cholesterol from cells and atherosclerotic deposits and transport it back to the liver for recycling
How many cups of water of water are recommended for daily consumption?
8 to 12 glasses per day
What are genes?
sequence of DNA that encodes a protein or other functional product; the unit of heredity
What is folate?
water soluble B vitamin occurs naturally in foods
decreases levels of homocysteine decrease vascular disease
What are the three types of eating disorders?
1.) anorexia nervosa- marked by distortion of body image and refusal to maintain a minimally normal body weight
2.) bulimia nervosa- marked by distortion of body image and repeated episodes of binge eating usually followed by purging in the form of self-induced vomiting, misuse of laxatives, excessive exercise, and fasting
3.) binge-eating disorder- marked by binge eating behavior without the vomiting or purging (obesity)
What are the major components of the Surgeon General’s 1996 physical activity report?
What are the two main types of fat?
saturated fat- lipids that are the predominant fat in animal products and other fats that remain solid at room temperature
mono-saturated fats- lipids that are liquid at room temperature and semi solid or solid when refrigerated (good fats)
polyunsaturated fats- lipids that are liquid at room and refrigerator levels
What are the stages of sleep?
non-REM- stage 1 (trans. awake), stage 2 (light sleep, slow brain activity), stage 3 (deep sleep) and REM-rapid eye movement (dream stage)
What is sleep apnea?
sleep disorder characterized by periods of non-breathing during sleep
-central sleep apnea- brain fails to regulate the diaphragm and other breathing mechanisms correctly
obstructive sleep apnea- upper airway is obstructed during sleep
What is HIPAA?
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
-protects against genetic discrimination in health insurance
-cannot use past or current medical conditions as a bases for denial of coverage
-absence of a current diagnosis may not be consider pre-existing
Women in Sleep
REM Behavior disorder
sleep disorder in which muscle movement is not inhibited during REM sleep, allowing the person to move around while dreaming
-act out there dreams
-easily awakened
a hormone that increases relaxation and sleepiness released by the pineal gland during sleep
-repairs damaged body tissue
mild stimulant, most popular, low levels increases alterness at higher levels excitement nervousness restlessness and very high levels irregular heartbeat insomnia muscle twitches can develop a tolerance
GI Reflux
Acute Intoxication
1.) weak rapid pulse (100+)
2.) shallow breathing (1 per 4 sec.)
3.) skin extremities (pale, blue)
4.) vomiting (lower head)