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53 Cards in this Set

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The taking of a drug for a purpose or by a person other than that for which/whom it was medically intended
Drug Misuse
Excessive drug use that's inconsistent with accepted medical practice. Taking prescription painkillers to get high is an example of drug abuse
Drug Abuse
The most widely used psychotropic (mind-affecting) drug in the world
Occurs when a person develops tolerance to the effects of a drug and needs larger and larger doses to achieve intoxication or another desired effect
Physical dependence
The development of symptoms that cause significant psychological and physical distress when an individual reduces or stops drug use
The major pschoactive ingredient in both is ______
THC (delta-0-tetrahydrocannabinol)
What is alcohol classified as _____
Consists of having five or more drinks at a single sitting for a man or four drinks at a single sitting for a woman
Binge drinking
A primary, chronic disease in which genetic, psychosocial, and environmental factors influence its development and manifestations
-Damages and eventually destroys brain cells
-Impairs memory
-Dulls senses
-Impairs physical coordination
Immune System
-Lowers resistance to disease
-Damages and eventually destroys liver cells
-Displaces important nutrients, resulting in malnutrition
Reproductive System
-In women, menstrual cycles become irregular; pregnant women have an increased risk of bearing children with birth deffects
-In men, hormone levels may be altered; impotence may occur
-Weakens heart muscle
-May raise blood pressure
-Causes irregular heartbeat
Stomach and intestines
-Causes bleeding and inflamation
-May trigger cancer
How alcohol affects your body system
The best way to figure how much you can drink safely is to determine the amount of alcohol in your blood at any given time, or your _________. Expressed in terms of the percentage of alcohol in the blood and is often measured from breath or urine samples
BAC Blood-Alcohol Content
Your own limit may well be less, depending on your gender, size, and weight
Factors affecting BAC
7 calories per gram, has nearly as many calories as fat (9 calories per gram) and significantly more than carbohydrates or protein (which have 4 calories per gram)
Energy given by Alcohol
Heart Disease and Stoke
Respiratory Diseases
Skin problems
Negative and Positive health effects cause by tobacco products
pg 308
Quitting on Your Own
Stop-Smoking Groups
Nicotine Replacement Therapy
-Nicotine Gum
-Nicotime Patches
-Nicotrol Inhaler
-Nicotine nasal spray
-Bupropion sustained release
Good ways to quit smoking
Clove Cigarettes
Smokeless Tobacoo
"Safer" Cigarettes
Other Forms of Tobacoo
What makes tobacco products addictive? A colorless, oily compound, _____ is poisonous in concentrated amounts.
Nicotine- the addictive substance in tobacco; one of the most toxic of all poisons
Tar- a thick, sticky, dark fluid produced by the burning of tobacco, made up of several hundred chemicals, many of them poisonous, some of them carcinogenic
Carbon Monoxide- a colorless, odorless gas produced by the burning of gasoline or tobacco; displaces oxygen in the hemoglobin molecules of red blood cels
Substances found in tobacoo
Enhancing the growth of cancer cells
Any impairment of blood flow through the blood vessels, often referred to as "hardening of the arteries" is ________. Plaque formation, loss of articular elasticity, angina
1) What is CVD?
2) Physical Inactivity, Tobacco, Obesity, High Blood Pressure (hypertension), Blood Fats, Metabolic Syndrome, Diabetes Mellitus, and Psychosocial Factors, Heredity, Race and Ethnicity, Age, Gender
Heart Attacks, Strokes, High Blood Pressure
1) Cardiovascular Disease
2) Causes of CVD and risk factors for CVD and PVD
1) A disease in which the body doesn't produce or respond properly to insulin, a hormone essential for daily life, the pancreas doesn't function as it should
2) The pancreas stops producting insulin
3) Doesn't produce sufficient insulin to meet the body's needs
1) Diabetes Mellitus
2) Type 1 or insulin-dependent diabetes
3) Type 2 or Non-insulin-dependent diabetes
Don't Smoke
Watch your weight
Eat a variety of healthful food, with an emphasis on whole foods and plant sources
Cut down on saturated fats and cholesterol
Get moving
Know your family history
Get your blood pressure checked regularly
Get a lipoprotein profile
Avoid excessive exposer to ultraviolet light
Avoid obvious cancer risks
Be alert to changes in your body
Some Screen/Prevention techniques for major diseases
Term for the spread of CANCER
Women- Ovarian, Uteran, Cervical
Men- Prostate and Testicular
What can happen to both genders
Infection is a complex process, triggered by various pathogens, (disease-causing organisms) and countered by the body's own defenders. Explain infection in terms of a host (either a person or a population) that contacts one or more agents in an environment. A vector--a biological or physical vehicle that carries the agent to the host--provides the means of transmission
How Diseases are Spread
Viruses- (Rhinoviruses, Papilomma viruses, Herpes viruses, etc.)
Bacteria- (Tuberculosis, tetanus, gonorrhea, etc.)
Protozoa- (Giardiasis)
Helminths (Parasitic Worms)- Schistosomiasis
Agents of Infections and what diseases they cause
Incubation period- time between invasion and the first symptom, unaware of the pathogen multiplying inside you
Prodromal period- Early stage of the battle between your body and the invaders
Recovery begins when the body's forces gain teh advantage
Process of Infection
Right lymphatic duct- drains right upper portion of body
Thoracic duct- drans most of body
Tonsils- Defense against bacteria and other foreign agents
Thymus gland- site where certain white blood cells acquire means to chemically recognize specific foreign invaders
Spleen- produces antibodies
Bone marrow- production sites for infection-fighting blood cells
Organs of the lymphatic system and what they do
People who are allergic to eggs should steer clear of ________
Flu Shots
Vaginal Fluids
Breast Milk
Infectious boidly fluids related to HIV/AIDS
Eat a balanced diet
Avoid fatty foods
Get enough sleep
Exercise regularly
Don't Smoke
Control your alcohol intake
* Wash your hands frequently *
Don't share food, drinks, silverware, glases
Spend as little time as possible in crowds
Don't touch your eyes, mouth, and nose
Use tissues
Avoid irritating air pollutants
Always use safer sex practices
Get tested immediately
Some techniques to prevent the spread of infectious disease
From wher does the bleeding during the menstrual cycle come?
Endometrium or the layer surrounding the uterus is shed
Premenstrual Syndrome
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
Menstrual Cramp (Dysmenorrhea)
Toxic Shock Syndrome
Abnormalities of the menstrual cycle
The pathway of sperm from production to the fertilization of the ovum
From testicles to vas deferins to ureter to urethra to birth canal to cervix to uterus and finally the Fallopian Tubes
An active process of trying to understand the other person's feelings and motivations
Active Listening
No sex or masturbation
refraining from sexual activities which involve vaginal, anal, and oral intercourse
also known as coitus, penetration of the vagina by the penis
Vaginal intercourse
Oral stimulation of women’s genitals
Oral stimulation of a man’s genitals
A) The cervix is partially dilated, and the baby's head has entered the birth canal
B) The cervix is nearly completely dilated. The baby's head rotates so that it can move through the birth canal.
C) The baby's head extends as it reaches the vaginal opening, and the head and the rest of the body pass through the birth canal
D) After the baby is born, the placenta detatches from the uterus and is expelled from the woman's body
Different stages of labor
The doctor lifts the baby out of the woman's body through an incision made in the lower abdomen and uterus
Caesarean section or C-section birth
The failure to conceive after one year of unprotected intercourse
An incision from the lower end of the vagina toward the anus to enlarge the vaginal opening
Attached to the embyro by the umbilical cord, it supplies the growing baby with fluid and nutrients from the maternal bloodstream and carries waste back to the mother's body for disposal
At nine weeks the embryo is called a _______
Pregnancy is divided into three-month periods called _____
1) The fertilized egg remains in the fallopian tube instead of traveling to the uterus
2) Spontaneous abortion
3) Rubella (German measles)
4) Labor that occurs after the 20th week but before the 37th week of pregnancy
Different Complications with Pregnancy
1)Ectopic Pregnancy
4)Premature Labor
When the zygote reaches the uterus, about a week after fertilization, it burrows into the endometrium, the lining of the uterus. This process is called __________
The sperm must move through the acidic secretions of the vagina, enter the uterus, travel up the fallopian tube containing the ovum, then fuse with the nucleus of the egg
The merging of a sperm and an ovum