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98 Cards in this Set

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(S)moking (2)

- do not smoke

- limit exposure to second hand smoke

(A)ctivity (2)

-make physical activity part of your life

- daily activity is the goal with a total of 150 minutes or more evenly spread out over the week

(F)riends (2)

-develop a social environment

-family and friend that are positive and supportive in helping you making healthy lifestyle choice

environment (2)

- keep a clean and orderly environment

- understand the importance of clean and orderly environment and its effect upon your health

stress (5)

- manage your stress

- identify sources of stress

-reduce vulnerability

- practice stress management technique

-moderate physical activity and its effect of stress

target weight (4)

- maintain recommended body weight

- a function of proper nutrition and adequate physical activity

- 12-22% of body fat for men

- 17-27% for women

rest (2)

-get sufficient rest

- 6-8 hours per night

eating habits (5)

- eat healthy

- begins with a good breakfast and two other well-balanced meals each day

-avoid skipping meals, especially breakfast

-try to eat 60-70% of daily calories before 2pm

- nearly all before 20h00

safety measure (6)

-take personal safety measure

- wearing seat belts

- having safe sex

- making regular medical check-ups

- no cell of texting while drinving

to eliminate risk of accidents and certain diseases

list 10 lifestyle

1- activity

2- smoking

3- friends

4- alcool

5 stress

6- rest

7- eating habits

8-safety measures

9- environment

10- target wieght

definitions: disease prevention

controlling lifestyle annd environmental factors with the intent of preventing or reducing the risk of various diseases


the combined effect of the physical, chemical, biological, social and cultural factors which act upon an individual and community and ultimately determine its form and survival


a state of being characterized by the integration balance and harmony amongst a person's social, physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual health, within the limits of heredity and personal limitations or disabilities; includes presence of absence of disease which because of genetic factors is not under our control


dpecific behaviors that characterize the way a person chooses to live on a day to day basis

physical fitness

the general capacity of the body to adapt and to respond favorably to effort suitability for a person's environment; being able to met the demands of daily life safety and effectively and still have the energy left for leisure and reactional activities

risk factor

factor or circumstance that is directly related to an increased probability of the acquiring a disease or medical condition resulting from certain behaviors

what are the five dimensions of health ?

social, physical itellectua, emotional and spiritual health

social health
- ability to develop and maintain meaningful interpersonal relationships and a good social network and support system

- requires good communication skills, capacity for intimacy and ability to adapt to different social situations

physical health

- optimal functioning of the body's physiological systems

- influenced by daily activity, what you eat and your lifestyle

intellectual health

- also reffered to as mental health

- involves being open to new ideas

-having the ability to tink critically

- find solutions

-being able to learn and grow from experience

emotional health

-expressing emotions in an appropriate fashion and appropriate time

-qualities such as self esteem, confidence, optimism

spiritual health-

-function of values and belief that guide our actions and behaviors

- seeking a meaning and purpose to our lives

- harmony between our needs and those of the rest of the world

- capacity to love compassion and forgiveness

what are the four determinants of health

heredity, environment, lifestyle and health care

percentage each

heredity - 16%

environment 21%

lifestyle 53%

health care - 10%

benefit of social health

enhanced relationship resulting from improved self-confidence and communication

6 - benefits from physical health

1- years added to life + quality of life

2- increased energy levels, interest and capacity for having fun

3- better cardiovascular fitness = less risk of heart disease

4- enhanced muscular fitness

5- enhanced physical apparence and self esteem

6- stronger immune system to fight infection

3 benefits of intellectual health

ability to tak on challenging and sometimes negative event as opportunities to grow

enhanced capacity to think reason and learn

improved grades

3 benefits of emotional health

- more positive outlook on life

- improved self confidence, self esteem- self-efficacy

- better stress management

spiritual (3)

- better awareness and understanding of nurturing relationship with self and others

- strong personal value system

- sense of meaningful purpose in one's life

body composition

a concept that refers to the fat and non fat (lean components) of the body


the ability to move joints through their full range of motion

physical fitness

the general capacity of the body to adapt and to respond favorably to effort suitability for a person's environment; being able to met the demands of daily life safety and effectively and still have the energy left for leisure and reactional activities

skill related fitness

agility, balance coordination, power, reaction time and speed

health related fitness

cardiovascular fitness, muscular fitness, flexibility and body composition


The stressing of the body system above normal levels required in order that the body adapt andexperience a training effect

training effect

The beneficial change experienced by the body as a result of regular overload


systemmatic, planned division of a program into stages of cycles

- good for beginners


the training effet experience is specific to the type of environment created during the activity

progressive overload

Gradual and progressive increase of the overload during the conditioning phase is referring to the:

is exercises bad for the body (2)

1- temporarily damages the body

2- rest period important to repair damage and to let the body adapt

what is the fitt principle

frenquency, intensity, time and type


number of time per week

usually min of 3 to 5 times per week


effort made

% of maximum heart rate - cardio

% maximum strenght - muscular


quantifier in terms of time

minutes for cardio

reps for muscular


actual activity selected

not particularly important

preconditioning phase (2)

1- gradual and progressive increase of the overload during the conditioning phase is referring to the:

2- The phase during which motivation tends to be high and can sometimes cause you to do too muchsoon resulting in residual muscle soreness

Progressive resistance or conditioning

Progressive Overload is applied during this phase. The FITT characteristics are adjusted within thedifferent cycles to progressively increase the overload.

This phase is continued until the desired fitness level or objective is attained.


This phase begins once the person reaches the desired level of fitness or goal and chooses not toset new goals.

This phase begins once the person reaches the desired level of fitness or goal and chooses not toset new goals.

name three things the warm up does

1- raise body temperature from 1-2 degrees to increase flexibility ( decreases likelihood of muscle injuries)

2- promotes the flow of fluid to the joints (reduce likelihood of joint injury)

3- oxygen intake is improved (nerve message travel faster in warmer temperatures, enhanced performance)

(should last 10 min)

warm down consist of

slow continuous movement

follow warm down with stretching session of

at least 8 min

rECOMMENDATIONS: As a general guideline, focus about ______% of your “Main Activity” time on:

60% main

40% muscular and flexibility activities

what is cardiovascular fitness

the ability of the body, more specifically the heart, lungs and blood vessels to deliver adequate amounts of oxygen to the large muscles in meeting the demands of prolonged (aerobic) physical activity.

statement 1 on cardio

higher vo2 max - greater is your level of cardio respiratory fitness

good cardio leads to

lower resting heart rate (body can meant basic demands more efficiently)

bad cardio lead to

shortness of breath, hyperventilation, cramping, slow recovery heart rate

statement 2 on cardio

most important component of physical fitness ad is the one most associated with disease prevention

list the benefits (9)

1- cardio system will function more efficiently

2- lower resting heart rate

increased energy level

3- decreased disease risk

4- boost immune system

5- healthier body composition and appearance

6- stress management

7- enhanced emotional health

8- better sleep

9-preventing osteoporosis

sufficient to create a cardiovascular training effect for college student (3)

25-31 bts/10 sec (70%-85%)

for 10 min to 20 min

3 to 5 time per week

jogging, walking, rowing

what is a tabata

maximal or close to max effot are mde performing a series of 8 exercises from 20 sec each on whih are followed by 10 sec rest total of 4 miin

what is epoc

excess post exercise oxygen consumption

body continues to burn oxygen after a workout

what is cross fit training

strenght and conditioning programs that consist of high intensity, functional movements that are constantly varied

muscular strenght

the maximum force applied wit a single muscular contraction

muscular endurance

ability to perform repeated sub maximal contraction

a) Muscular fitness (5)

enhanced body composition (temporarily after burn/EPOC and more long lasting elevated BMR)

6A … Improved performance (meaning improved skill levels, strength, endurance, coordination and balance)

A … Reduced impact of aging and osteoporosis; tendency to have denser and stronger bones

Enhanced self-image/Improves appearance and self-image.

injury prevention (better posture, better body mechanics and stronger, more flexible muscles)

b) Flexibility (60

Maintains good joint mobility.

Prevents low back pain and other spinal problems.

Improves and maintains good postural alignment.

Enhanced self-image/Improves appearance and self-image.

promotes proper and graceful movements

Helps develop and maintain motor skills; longer flexible muscles are able to generate more strengthand power


the point at which muscle experience total fatigue , inability to do one more repetition

opposite action

The rule of thumb in the selection of exercises to create a balanced weight-training program, whichstates that for every exercise chosen, an exercise that produces an opposite action should also beselected (i.e. push and pull)

repetition maximum

The maximum number of repetitions that can be completed with a given resistance

Isometric contraction means

muscuclar contraction in which tension is produced without movement of body parts.

Calisthenics mean

These are exercises that use the person’s own body weight to overload the muscles.

the combination ofgeneral muscular fitness (also called hypertrophy) training set consists o

A group of repetitions with a rest period of varying lengths in between 8-12 reps

classic endurance training set consists of

group of 15-20 reps

safety for muscle

Slower movements serve to reduce injury; is 1-2 seconds for the concentric phase or positive phase and 3-4 seconds for the eccentric phase or negative phase, is a reliable and safe rhythm m

Avoid holding breath; exhale during the positive phase and inhale during the negative phase


bringing up


putting down


aa psychological and learned responses that refers to our desire to eat

basal metabolic rate (b.m.r)

calories requirement to meet the body's basic needs while at rest

body composition

the fat and non fat component of the human body

health weight range

range of weights associated with optimal health


a physicological and instinctual response that alerts the body that it needs food


excess amount of non essential fat as compared to a given standard


low levels of non essential fat as compared to a given standard.

lean body mass

body weight - body fat. dieting can have a negative effect on it


chronic disease characterized by an excessively high amount of body fat in relation to lean body mass

body weight bad indicator

body composition and percent body fat better indicator of health

classification of fat

essential and non essential

essential body fat % for woemn and men

3% men

12% women

health issues related to obesity

- cancer (colon, rectal prostate, breat cancer)

- diabetes

- respiratory problems

- circulatory problems

back and joint problems

health issues with being underweight

coronary heart disease

health weight range in %



name four benefits of a healthy body composition

1- imporved appareance

2- better emotional health

3- increased energy and performance

4- lowered risk of disease

name three inter personal weight differents causes

1- genetic (60-80 obese-obese 40-obese-and not 10- notand not)

2- fat cell number

3- basal metabolic rate

what is the energy balance equation

predicts weight gain or lost by caculated calories burned versus calories eaten

- does not take into account genetics, bmr...

what is the ost effective activity to lose weight

combination of high intensity cardio and muscular activity to create epoc effect

four weight loss myths

1- skipping meaks

2- cellulite - no message or cream

3- spot reducation can not chose where you lose weight

4- weight loss gimmicks (sauna)

3 parts of a program


progressive overload or conditioning phase (fitt)


3 parts of a session

warm up

warm down

main activity