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16 Cards in this Set

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A stimulant that speeds up the activities of the central nervous system, the heart and other organs.
Nicotine Addiction
Tolerance to nicotine develops almost immediately and causes nicotine poisoning
Nicotine Poisoning
Can be felt by smokers with their first puff. Dizziness, lightheadedness, rapid pulse, clammy skin, etc. are the symptoms. Tolerance occurs after 2-3 cigs.
Behavioral Dependence
Psychological dependence results in comfort. Nicotine "tricks" the brain into creating pleasurable memory associations b/w sensory stimuli or environmental cues that may also trigger the urge for a cigarette.
Weight Control
An appetite depressant and elevates metabolism.
Chemical stimulant and is highly addictive. It is a powerful central nervous system stimulant that produces a variety of negative physiological effects.
Cigarette Smoke
Complete mix of chemicals and gases produced by burning tobacco and its additives.
Condensed particulate matter from smoke that accumulates in the lungs. Contains cancer-causing agents such as benzopyrene and carcinogens such as phenol.
Chemicals irritants in smoke that may combine with other chemicals to contribute to the development of lung cancer.
Carbon Monoxide
Gas found in cigarette smoke; it binds at oxygen receptor sites in the blood. It reduces the oxygen-carrying capacity of red blood cells, which causes oxygen deprivation in many body tissues.
Small hand-roleld, flavored cigarettes that produce 3 times more carbon monoxide and nicotine and 5 times more tar than conventional cigarettes.
Condition characterized by white leathery patches inside the mouth due to chewing tobacco.
Chronic Bronchitis
Develops when smoking causes inflammation in the lungs producing excess mucous, which causes a chronic, hacking cough.
Chronic Emphysema
A chronic condition where alveoli are destroyed, impairing the lung' ability to take in and distribute oxygen.
Mainstream Smoke
Smoke drawn through tobacco while inhaling
Side stream or Secondhand Smoke
The smoke which is emitted from the burning end of a cigarette or exhaled by a smoker