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46 Cards in this Set

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Know characteristics of Acute vs. Chronic Disease
Acute: a sudden onset of symptoms of a disease that lasts for a short period of time.

Chronic: a long-lasting condition or illness-that may not subside, or may occur again.

ONSET- short|long
Duration- short|long
Cause-sudden|uncertain; multifactor
Diagnosis-fairly accurate|ongoing medication or treatment
Differences between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
Type 1: Juvenile or insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus; need to take daily doses of insulin on a daily basis b/c their body is not producing the insulin. (Excessive thirst and urination)

Type 2: Adult onset or noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus; diabetes that usually develops in middle or later life which involves a breakdown in the body's use of insulin. (more common 90-95%, associates w/lifestyle, can be controlled by regulating diet, weight, exercise.)
Differences between Hyperglycemia vs. Hypoglycemia
Hyperglycemia: too much blood sugar, "diabetic coma" body stops making insulin, so w/o insulin the blood sugar builds up. [Insulin resistance, increase thirst, weight loss, nausea, vomiting]

Hypoglycemia: too little blood sugar; "insulin shock" dizzy, drowsiness, impaired/blurry vision, sudden hunger
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and it's subcategories
-General term applying to chronic lung diseases; especially emphysema & chronic bronchitis, that result in impaired lung function.

1)Emphysema- a lung disease involving destruction of the walls of the air sacs (alveoli) in the lungs.

2)Chronic bronchitis- an inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes, producing chronic coughing.
Know how Body Mass Index (BMI) relates to Arthritis
*Risk of developing painful knee osteoarthritis increases with weight.

osteoarthritis: classic wear and tear on the joints causes swelling, pain, inflammation.
Know the different forms of Heart Disease (angina, cardiac ischemia, myocardial infarction, heart failure)
angina- a symptom reflecting insufficient blood flow to the heart muscle from narrowing of coronary artery that may cause chest pain.

cardiac ischemia- Another name for narrowing of arteries, can result in angina of pain

Myocardial infarction (heart attack)-death of healthy muscle tissue when heart doesn’t get enough oxygen and blood supply in result of blockage resulting in death

heart failure- a condition where the heart cannot pump enough blood and oxygen to meet the needs of other body organs. (result of a heart attack, secondary to a heart attack)
Know the warning signs of a heart attack
Chest discomfort.  
Discomfort in other areas of the upper body.  
Shortness of breath.  
Other symptoms. May include breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea, or light-headedness.
Know what normal blood pressure/cholesterol is
BP: <80/<120

Cholesterol: less than 200 mg/dL
Know how smoking contributes to Cardiovascular Disease
Damages endothelium lining of blood vessels
Increases cholesterol plaques of fatty deposits
Increases clotting
Increases LDL
Lowers HDL
Increase Heart Rate
Raises blood pressure
What illicit drug increases your risk for a heart attack?
Know the warning signs of a stroke
Numbness or tingling on one side
Severe headache
Blurred vision on one side
Types of stroke we talked about in lecture (Hemorrhage, thrombosis, embolism) and which one causes damage in two areas of the body?
Hemorrhage- abnormal blood flow; the bleeding can cause damage at the initial location as well as the other areas in the body that can be adversely affected by damaged sustained at the initial state.

thrombosis: the formation of a blood clot inside a blood vessel obstructing the flow of blood through the circulatory system.

Embolism: blockage in one of the arteries of the body due to a blood clot that has broken off from another location in the body.
What is the FAST test?
^Things to look for when having a stroke
Know the 3 types of Epileptic Seizures (tonic clonic, absence, complex partial)
Tonic clonic: a type of generalized seizures that affects the entire brain

Absence: involves a brief sudden lapse of consciousness. more common in children than adults.

Complex partial:associated with bilateral cerebral hemisphere involvement & causes impairment of awareness or responsiveness
What is the leading cause of dementia?
Alzheimer's Disease
What are 3 key Provisions of the FCTC?
FCTC=Framework Convention on Tobacco Control

1)Bans use of misleading and deceptive terms such as “light” and “mild”

2)Encourages tobacco tax increases

3)Prohibits sale to minors
What is MPOWER?
Monitor tobacco use and prevention policies
Protect people from tobacco smoke
Offer help to quit tobacco use
Warn about the dangers of tobacco
Enforce bans on tobacco advertising, promotion, and sponsorship
Raise taxes on tobacco
According to Harry, who are the target populations for tobacco advertisements?
*Low income and developing countries

-youth & adolescents
-ethnic minorities & women
Know what is considered underweight, normal, overweight, and obese (BMI)
Underweight- <18.5
Normal- 18.5-24.9
Overweight- 25-29.9
Obese- >30
Know what waist-to-hip ratio is healthier
Cardiovascular disease- one study that suggest it is better to have a pear shaped body type than apple…however more studies need to be discovered

Women >0.8
Men >1.0
According to Katie, what is the "Triple Threat" of screen time?
1. Decreased time for physical activity
2. Snacking while watching
3. Viewing ads for non-nutritious foods
Childhood Obesity leads to increased risk of what?
Increased risk of:
Obesity in adulthood
DM Type 2
Low self-esteem
Eating disorders
Know some general guidelines for a healthy diet that Katie discussed
Energy balance and weight management
Nutrient Adequacy
Fat intake and cholesterol
Sodium, potassium, and water
Food safety and technology
Know the general terminology
Tumor: an abnormal growth of body tissue
Metastasis: spread from one place to another
Benign: not as dangerous
Malignant: very dangerous
Carcinoma: cancers in the epithelial tissues, most common (glands, respiratory, urinary, GI tract) 90% of cancers are carcinoma
Sarcoma: less than 2%, connective tissue cancer, are more likely to spread, more deadly and less common
Lipoma: adipose tissue, or fat
Lymphoma: cancer of the lymph system
Fibroma: cancer in the muscles
Neoplasms:An abnormal new growth of tissue that grows by cellular proliferation more rapidly than normal
CAUTION stands for...
Change in bowel or bladder habits
A sore that doesn’t heal
Unusual bleeding or discharge
Thickening or lump
Persistent indigestion or difficulty swallowing
Obvious change in wart or mole
Nagging cough or hoarseness
Sudden weight gain or loss
What cancer causes the most deaths in women and men?
**Lung & Bronchus cancer in both**

Men: Prostate at 11%
Women: Breast at 15%
The most common new cases of cancer found in women & men?
Men: Prostate, colon & rectum, pancreas, liver, leukemia
Women: breast, colon & rectum, pancreas, ovary, non-hodgkin lymphoma
Know the difference between sidestream and mainstream smoke
Sidestream- smoke that comes off of a smoldering cigarette.

Mainstream- cigarette smoke that is exhaled through a person's mouth after taking a puff on a lit cigarette.
ABCD's of skin cancer screening
Sensitivity: Positive in Disease--> a/(a+c) [few false negatives]
^Sensitive Test: they're picking up disease, you want to reduce the amount of false positives.

Specificity: Negative in Health: d / (b+d)
(Few false positives)
^Specificity: want to have more assured true negatives
*sometimes tests are not good at both

Predictive Value Positive: a / (a+b)
How is testicular cancer different from other cancers?
Incidence is 6/100,000.
Peak age is 15-34 years.
In the U.S., more common in whites than blacks, 5:1.
Several different types, but generally curable if treated early.
Know what True/False Positives/Negative tests are
Patient Condition (at top)
Test Result (on right)
box on top left hand corner: True +
box on left on bottom hand corner: False -
box on top right hand corner: False +
box on lower right hand corner: True -
Know the consequences of a false positive and a false negative
-False positive: insurance, psychological impact,
-False negative: person might spread it on, not getting treatment of the disease, may think they will not need to prepare
Know what specificity and sensitivity are
Sensitivity: Positive in a disease
*they’re picking up disease, you want to reduce the amount of false positives

Specificity: Negative in Health
*want to have more assured true negatives
*sometimes tests are not good at both
Know when you should seek screening for breast cancer and cervical cancer
Breast Cancer: Every 3 years if ages 21-29

Cervical cancer: Age 30> then every 2 years or 1 year
Know the difference between an accident and an unintentional injury
*fatal injuries are categorized as unintended - commonly called "accidents"- and intentional, a category that includes homicide & suicide
4 E's of safety and which one is the most effective?
Engineering: is the most effective
Economic incentive--> enhanced safety option, lower insurance premium
Know 3 factors that place workers at risk for violence in the workplace
-interacting with the public,
-exchanging money,
-delivering services or goods,
-working late at night or during early morning hours,
-working alone,
-guarding valuables or property, and
-dealing with violent people or volatile situations
When referring to unintentional injuries, the AGENT in the Public Health Model is almost always what?
Kinetic energy*
Heat energy
Electrical energy
ionizing radiation
Which industry sector is the most dangerous?
Construction sector- most fatal work
Fishing-most number of fatal work injury rate
Know all of the components of the Health Belief Model
Perceived Threat
-Perceived susceptibility (Male vs. Female)
-Perceived severity (WOMAN is pregnant, not male)

Perceived Benefits

Barriers to action- like withdrawal with smoking

Cues to action- Quit smoking! Or if family member gets lung cancer (thinking about it)

Self-Efficacy- self confidence in situations towards a task
Know the 5 stages of change
Why is it hard for a smoker to quit?
Because of contemplation: Individual recognizes the problem and is seriously thinking about changing.
*Contemplation can last for years…there is ambivalence…Pros and Cons
Know the general definitions of anxiety disorders, panic disorders, OCD, PTSD, phobias, depression, and seasonal affective disorder
Anxiety disorder: Excessive, constant worrisome thoughts and tension about everyday activities; most common group of mental illnesses in America

Panic disorders: intense fear without warning

OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder): Repeated, unwanted thoughts or compulsive behaviors that seem impossible to stop or control

PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder): anxiety and behavioral disturbances after exposure to an extreme trauma

Phobias: experience, extreme, disabling, and irrational fear of something that poses little or no actual danger

Depression: Most common cause of depression is the interaction of a painful event (loss, stressful events) and ineffective coping.

Seasonal affective disorder: low or depressed moods, fatigue, sleep disturbances, social withdrawal and suicidal thoughts
Know the myths of suicide
Myth: Asking a person if they have thought about suicide will give them the idea.

Fact: The opportunity to talk about it might be a relief, and asking is the only way you can truly assess the situation

Myth: People who talk about suicide don’t commit suicide
Fact: Eight out of ten suicides have given definite warning signs.

Myth: Suicidal people are fully intent on dying.
Fact: Most suicidal people are deeply ambivalent about living and dying
Know the model for raising a sensitive issue
*Just show care

I care ... (describe relationship feelings)
I see ... (specific, observable behaviors - avoid making a judgment or diagnosis)
I feel ... (how these behaviors affect you)
LISTEN - If he/she gets angry or provokes you, remind yourself to remain calm and focused on your task. Remain factual and non-judgmental.
I want ... (it may be necessary to set some limits or firm resolution)
I will ... (indicate your support, what you are willing to do help, and limitations)
How did the tobacco industry respond to the Surgeon General's Report?
-low tar, low nicotine, light cigarettes

-tobacco industry was publicly claiming that there was no scientific proof that smoking is dangerous to health, official agencies in the United States and the United Kingdom produced two major reports on the health effects of smoking.