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40 Cards in this Set

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Normailty is a key component of psychological health,
True/ false
Trying to think rationally about what bothers you wont get you very far, because psychology problems usually are due to emotions, not thinking.
About how many Americans have a diagnosable psychological disorder during the course of a yr?
C. 20%
C. 20%
People with enough willpower can force themselves to snap out of their depression.
True/ false
A person who attempts suicide but survives did not really intend to die.
True/ false
Contributes to every dimension of wellness.
Defined negatively as the absence of illness or positively as the presence of wellness
Psychological health
From most bottom of pyramid to top:
1.Physiological needs
2. Safety and security
3. Love and belonging
4. Self- esteem
5. Self- actualization
Maslow's hierarchy of needs
People that have an ambitious outlook, realism, acceptance, autonomy, authenticity, intimacy, and creativity
Self- actualization
Internal confusion about who one is. Finding your adult identity
Identity crisis
Criteria for judging what is good and bad, which underlie one's moral decisions and behavior
Believing you are good, competent, adn worthy of love, developing a positive self concept, meeting challenges to self-esteem, being optimistic, maintaining honest communication, dealing with loneliness, and dealing with anger are all ways you can achieve what?
Ways is which you can achieve a healthy self- esteem
A feeling of fear that is not directed toward any definite threat
A persistent and excessive fear of a specific object, activity, or situation.
most common and most understandable.
Simple phobia (or specific phobia)
An excessive fear of being observed in public; speaking in public is the most common example.

About 15 million Americans affected
Social phobia
A syndrome of severe anxiety attacks accompanied by physical symptoms like rapid heartbeat, shortness of breathe, and dizziness.
Panic disorder
An anxiety disorder characterized by the fear of being alone away from help and avoidance of many different places and situations.

Fear of panic attacks
An anxiety disorder characterized by excessive, uncontrollable worry about all kinds of things and anxiety in many situations in the future.
Persistent nervousness
Generalized- Anxiety disorder (GAD)
A recurrent, irrational, unwanted thought or impulse
An irrational, repetitive, forced action, usually associated with an obsession
An anxiety disorder characterized by uncontrollable, recurring thoughts and performing of senseless rituals.
Obsessive- compulsive disorder (OCD)
An anxiety disorder characterized by reliving traumatic events through dreams, flashbacks, and hallucinations
Post- traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
What are these examples of?
Simple phobia, social phobia, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder,OCD, and post- traumatic stress disorder
Anxiety disorders
How can you treat anxiety disorders?
Medications or psychological interventions (cognitive behavioral therapies)
An emotional disturbance that is intense and persistent enough to affect normal function
most common types are depression and bipolar disorder
Mood disorders
Most common mood disorder. Characterized by the loss of interest, sadness, hopelessness, loss of appetite, disturbed sleep, and other physical symptoms
Major depression.
applied to people who experience symptoms of mild or moderate depressions for 2 yrs or more
Dysthymic disorder
Who has the higher suicide rate?
Men or women?
Whites/ Native Am or Blacks?
White/ Native Americans
The use of electric shock to induce brief, generalized seizures; used in the treatment of severe depression when other treatments have failed
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
A mood disorder characterized by seasonal depression, usually occurring in winter when there is less daylight
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
A mood disorder characterized by excessive elation, irritability, talkativeness, inflated self- esteem, and expansiveness
feeling 'high'
A mental illness that alternates periods of depression and mania
bipolar disorder
A psychological disorder that involves a disturbance in thinking and in perceiving reality.
disorganized thoughts, inappropriate emotions, delusions, hallucinations
Consists of cutting, burning, and hitting.
provides relief from psychological distress
Self- injury
What are the 4 types of bullying?
2. Verbal
3. Relational
4. Cyber
In terms of bullying, boys are more likely to do what type of bullying, where girls are likely to do what?
Boys- physical or verbal
Girls- spreading rumors and social exclusion
What are the 4 different perspectives of the model of human nature and therapeutic change?
1. Biological
3. Cognitive
4. Psychodynamic
A perspective of the model of human nature and therapeutic change.
the mind's activity depends on the activity of neurons and complex chemical reactions
A perspective of the model of human nature and therapeutic change.
Stimulus, response, and reinforcement
A perspective of the model of human nature and therapeutic change.
ideas, attitudes, behaviors, and feelings.
Change the way an individual thinks about feared situation
What are some ways you can get help with mental health problems?
Self help-books, writing a journal
Peer counseling and support groups
Professional help- choosing mental health pro