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50 Cards in this Set

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Plumonary Circulation
Pumping of oxygen poor blood to the lungs and oxygen rich blood back to the heart by the right side of the heart
Systemic Circulation
Pumping of oxygen rich blood to the body and oxygen poor blood back to the heart by the left side of the heart
Vena Cava
Largest veins in the body; they carry oxygen poor blood from the body back to the heart
Sinus Node (or) Sinoatrial Node
Group of cells in the right atrium where the electrical signal is generated that established the heartbeat
Thickening or hardening of the arteries due to the buildup of lipid deposits
Fatty Streak
Accumulation of lipoproteins within the walls of an artery
Package of proteins, phospholipids and cholesterol that transport lipids in the blood
type of fat that is essential in small amounts for certain body functions
Accumulation of debris in an artery wall, consisting of lipoprotiens, white blood cells, collagen and other substances
Weak or stretched spot in an artery wall that can tear or rupture causing a sudden death
Coronary Heart Disease
Atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries
Insifficient supply of oxygen and nutrients to tissue, caused by narrowed or blocked arteries
Myocardial Infarction
Lack of blood to the heart muscle with resulting death of heat tissue; also known as a heart attack
Coronary Thrombosis
Blockage of a coronary artery by a blood clot that may cause sudden death
Intermittent pain, pressure, heaviness or tightness in the center of the chest caused by a narrowed coronary artery
Irregular or disorganized heartbeats
Ventricular Fibrillation
Type of arrhythmia in which the ventricles contract rapidly and erratically, causing the heart to quiver or "tremor" rather than beat
Sudden Cardiac Death
Abrupt loss of heart function caused by an irregular or ineffective heartbeat
Stroke or Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA)
Lack of blood flow to the brain with resulting death of brain tissue
Ischemic Stroke
Strokes caused by blockage in a blood vessel in the brain
Blood clot that forms in a narrowed or damaged artery
Blood clot that travels from somewhere else in the body
Hemorrhagic Stroke
Strokes caused by rupture of a blood vessel in the brain, withe bleeding into brain tissue
Transient Ischemic Attacks (TIA)
Periods of ischemic that temporarily produce the same symptoms as a stroke
Blood Pressure
Force exerted by the blood against artery walls
Blood pressure that is forceful enough to damage artery walls
Systolic Pressure
Pressure in the arteries when the heart contracts, represented by the upper number in a blood pressure measurement
Diastolic Pressure
Pressure in the arteries when the heart relaxes between contractions, represented by the lower number in a blood pressure measurement
Congestive Heart Failure
Condition in which the heart is not pumping blood as well as it should, allowing blood and fluids to back up in the lungs
Mitral Valve Prolapse
Heart valve disorder in which the mirtal valve, which separates the left ventricle from the left atrium, does not close fully, allowing blood to leak backward into the atrium
Rheumatic Fever
Acute disease that can occur as a complication of an untreated strep throat infection
Rheumatic Heart Disease
Disease in which the heart is scarred following strep throat infection and rheumatic fever
Septal Defect
Congenital heart defect in which an extra hole allows blood to flow from one atrium to the other or from one ventricle to the other
Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD)
Atherosclerosis in the blood vessels of the arms or legs
Disease of the heart muscle
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Abnormal thickening of one part of the heart, frequently the left ventricle
Low-Density Lipoproteins (LDLs)
"Bad" cholesterol; lipoproteins that accumulate in plaque and contribute to atherosclerosis
High-Density Lipoproteins (HDLs)
"Good" cholesterol; lipoproteins that help clear cholesterol from cells and atherosclerotic deposits and transport it back to the liver for recycling
Metabolic disorder in which the production or use of insulin is disrupted, so that body cells cannot take up glucose and use it for energy, and high levels of glucose circulate in the blood
Blood fats similar to cholesterol --Another form of fat that exists in the body
Lipoprotein (a)
Subgroup of LDL cholesterol that is thought to increase blood clotting
Amino acid that circulates in the blood and may damage the lining of blood vessels
Metabolic Syndrome
Condition characterized by a combination of obesity, especially central obesity; elevated blood pressure; dyslipidemia (high tryglycerides and low HDL cholesterol); and glucose intolerance, a pre-diabetes condition
C-Reactive Protein
Blood marker fr inflammation that may indicate an increased risk for coronary heart disease
Record of the heart's electrical activity as it beats
Diagnostic test for a heart attack in which sound waves are used to visualize heart valves, heart wall movement, and overall heart function
Exercise Stress Test
Produce that evaluates how well the heart functions with exercise
Coronary Angiogram
Diagnostic test for a heart attack in which a dye is injected into a fine catheter that is passed into the heart and X-Rays are taken as the dye moves through the heart, showing any blocked or narrowed coronary arteries
Procedure to reopen a blocked coronary artery, in which a balloon catheter (a thin plastic tube) is threaded into the narrowed area and inflated to stretch the vessel open again
Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
Surgical procedure in which a healthy blood vessel is taken from another part of the body grafted to the coronary arteries to allow a bypass of blood flow around a narrowed vessel