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28 Cards in this Set

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Describe the 3 main processes of the digestive system.
digestion: mechanical&chemical breakdown of food for the use of the body&cells.
Passage od digestive food from the digestive tract in the cardiovascular
The expulsion of undigested food or body waste.
What are gastric juices?
Secretion from the stomach lining that contain hydrochloric acid and pepsin
What is Pepsin?
Enzyme that digests protein.
Where does the digestive process begin?
The mouth
___ is the first stage of digestion that is taking the food into the body.
The primary function of the teeth is to...
Break down the food.
____ is the process of chewing, prepare the food to be swallowed.
The first digestive juices are produced by...
An enzyme in the saliva begins to break down the ____ in food.
Starches & Sugars.
The ___ forms the chewed food into a size and shape that can be swallowed.
Define Peristalisis.
A series of invoulentary muscle contractions that move food through the digestive tract.
In what organs does the Peristalisis Occur?
The Sphincter
What are the 2 functions?
Moves food in and out through the body.
The ___ is the muscular tube that connects the throat and the stomach.
The stomach like sac inclosed in a ____
Muscular Wall
The 3 tasks the stomach has in digestion are _____, ______, and _______.
Mixing foods&Gastric gases, Storing swallowed food and liquid, and moving food into the small intestines.
Gastric juices in the stomach contain pepsin an enzyme that breaks down what?
What in the stomach kills bacteria and creates an acidic environment?
Hydrochloric Acid
Digested foods in the stomach is converted into ____, a creamy, fluid mixture of foods and gastric juices.
The pancreas produces enzymes that break down _____, ____ and _____ in food.
Carbohydrates & fats & proteins
Enzymes active in digestive are also secreated by glands in the intestinal what?
Bile, a digestive juice produced in the liver is important in the break down & absorption of what?
Where is bile stored?
After fats are dissolved by the bile acids they are digested by enzymes from the...
Pancreas&The lining of the intestine.
Three parts of an intestine?
duodenum, jejunum, and ileum.
Neutrients are absorbed through the inner wall of what?
Small Intestine.
Fingerlike Projections on the inside of the small intestine are called what?
Villi is lined with ____ that absorb neutrients.