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63 Cards in this Set

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body and mind's reaction to the challenges and demands of everyday life
becoming aware thru senses
Stress can...or...
motivate you, lose sleep/perform badly
causes stress
5 different categories of stressors
biological, cognitive/thinking, environmental, life situation, personal behavior (drugs)
How can past experiences influence stress?
doing well in a play=excited, doing badly=stress/stage fright
Your_, __, and______ play a role in stress.
attitude, values, beliefs
Which 2 systems are active during stress response?
nervous, endocrine
3 stagest of body's stress response
alarm, resistance/coping, fatigue
What happens during alarm?
prepare body to flee/defend: brain gets danger signal, hypothalamus sends hormone that acts on pituitary gland which sends horm. that acts on adrenal gland, releases adrenaline
body reacts to stressor: fight or flight, body briefly able to act at high level of endurance
fatigue stress
tired, low activity level, can't manage other stressors
Fatigue can affect the body in what three ways?
physical, psychological, pathological
Prolonged or repeated stress can lead to...caused by...
stress related illness, body changes during 3 stages
psychosomatic response
physical response to stress, not illness/injury
stress related health problems (psychosomatic)
headache, asthma attack, high blood pressure, weak immune system
most common type of headache
caused by stress
What causes a stress headache and migraine headache?
neck muscles tense, inflamed blood vessels and nerves around brain
Lots of stress can cause an increase in ..., which can result in...
chol, high blood pressure
what are some mental and social effects of stress?
diff. concentrating which can cause negative self talk, mood swings, risks of substance abuse
chronic stress
stress associated with long term probs that are beyond someone's control
symptoms of chronic stress
less intense, but longer than regular stress; headache, insomnia, anxiety, hurting stomach
how to control stress effects
physical activity, get support/talk, find hobby, avoid drugs, alc...
What causes physical fatigue?
overwork of muscles
What causes psychological fatigue?
worry, depr, boredom, overwhelmed
What causes pathological fatigue?
overworking body's defenses in fighting diseases
What is the first step in stress management?
identify causes of stress
What are some personal causes of stress?
life events, physical stressors, daily hassles
Refusal skills are one way to...how?
avoid stressful situations (ie. say no to party without adults)
Ways to manage stress
change perception of event, plan ahead, get adequate sleep, avoid dangerous stuff, engage in regular phys act, eat nutr food
How to plan ahead
prep for unexpected changes, have a flexible map to your goal
How to get enough sleep
manage time for 8-9 hours of sleep (better mood, conc.)
How physical activity can manage stress
release nervous energy to be relaxed
How can bad eating cause stress?
fatigue, weakness, can't concentrate
3 nutrition tips to help with stress
eat regular meals, limit comfort foods, limit caffeine
stress management skills
help ppl handle stress healthily and effectively
4 strategies for managing stress
redirect energy, relax and laugh, keep positive outlook, get support
relaxation response
state of calm that can be reached if one/more relaxation tech. are practiced reg.
What are 3 relaxation techniques?
stretch, deep breathing, think pleasant thoughts
feeling uneasy or worried about what may happen
symptoms of anxiety
fear/dread, sweating, trembling, restless, tense, fast heart rate, lightheaded, short breath
Why do some teens experience anxiety?
they strive for perfection
What causes perfectionist's anxiety?
thinking nothing they do will be good enough
how to cope with anxiety
support, phys act, redirect energy, relaxation exercises
prolonged feeling of sadness, hopelessness, or helplessness
2 types of depression
reactive and major
reactive depr
response to stressful event, eventually goes away
major depr
medical condition, needs treatment
causes of major depr
reactive depr, genetic, chemical imbalance in brain
symptoms of teen depression
combo of irritable, withdraw from frs, change in weight, feel guilty/hopeless/worthless for two weeks or more
how to cope with mild anxiety/depr
phys act, volunteer, talk
if depr and anx interfere with life, consult...
counselor, school psychologist, health care prof.
If a depressed person starts..., get prof. help.
using drugs/suicide thoughts
ability to adapt effectively and recover from disappointment, diff, crisis
Having ______ _______ will strengthen resiliency.
developmental assets
What are external factors that affect resiliency
family, shcool, peers, little control over them
How to strengthen external factors?
join youth program, form good rel.
What are internal factors that affect resiliency
you can control, commitment to learning, positive values, social competency, positive identity
protective factors
conditions that shield you from negative consequences of exposure to risk beh.
_______ ______ are protective factors.
developmental assets
How can you strengthen your pretective factors and therefore strengthen...
resiliency, extra curriculars, learn by reading, stand up for beliefs, be honest, resist neg peer pressure, learn about cultures, sense of purpose, positive outlook
Why is resiliency important?
res ppl can handle adversity and achieve long term success despite neg situations
How do protective factors strengthen res.?
reduce harmful effect of difficult event