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98 Cards in this Set

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noncommunicable disease
disease that is not transmitted by people, vectors, or environment
cardiovascular disease
disease that affects the heart and blood vessels
Blood pressure varies with...
age, gender, height, weight, etc.
high blood pressure
What happens if hypertension continues for a long time?
heart, blood vessels, body organs damaged
Hypertension is a major risk factor for...
why is important to get blood pressure checked regularly?
CVD often has no symptoms in early stages
How can hbp be lowered?
weight loss, exercise, nutrition, medication
At birth, the lining of the blood vessels is...and...but factors like...can damage arteries.
smooth, elastic, tobacco, cholesterol, hypertension
process by which plaques accumulate on artery walls
Build up of plaques is usually because of...
high saturated fat and chol in food
What happens when a blood clot forms in the area of plaque>
clot grows and blocks artery, can lead to heart attack or stroke
Your heart needs...to function.
angina pectoris
chest pain when heart doesn't get enough oxygen
Atherosclerosis causes...
angina pectoris, heart attack, congestive heart failure
irregular heartbeats, common, usually no probs
ventricular fibrillation
type of arrhythmia where electric impulses in heart become rapid/irregular
Ventricular fibrillation can cause...
cardiac arrest
A heart attack is...
damage to the heart b/c of blocked blood supply
A heart attack is usually followed by...
ventricular fibrillation
Many heart attacks are mistaken for...
congestive heart failure
gradual weakening of heart until it can't pump
strokes happen when...
arterial blockage blocks flow of blood to brain or cerebral hemorrhage happens (blood vessel in brain bursts)
Even though symptoms of CVD don't show up till...., the disease starts to develop in...
adulthood, childhood
7 risk factors of CVDs that you can control
high blood pressure, high cholesterol, physical inactivity, tobacco smoke, drugs and alc, stress, excess weight
3 risk factors of CVDs that you can't control
heredity, gender (males more likely to get it, old females less likely to survive), age
uncontrollable growth of normal cells
abnormal mass of tissue that has no natural role in the body
benign vs. malignant tumor
noncancerous, cancerous
benign tumors have a ....that...
membrane, prevents it from spreading away
benign tumors can still harm you if...
they enterfere with normal body func
Malignant tumors spread to...
different part of the body thru blood or lymph
spread of cancer from the point where it originated to other parts of the body
Many tumors can kill normal cells when...or harm the body by...
they compete for nutrients or put pressure on surrounding organs/tissues, block arteries, veins, etc.
cancers classified by the tissues they affect
lymphomas: immune sys cancers, leukemias: organs that make blood, carcinomas: glands and body linings, sarcomas: connective tissue
Abnormal cells that have the potential to become cancerous are...
destroyed by immune sys
Cancer develops if...
abnormal cells aren't destroyed by the immune sys b/c it's weak or the number is overwhelming
Cancers can occur b/c of..., ..., ...
genetics, cells change on their own, exposure to factors
the major cause of cancer deaths in US and most preventable
tobacco use
8 types of cancer organize by the grp of organs where they develop
skin, cervix, testes, prostate, breast, lung, colon/rectum, mouth
Name 4 risk factors of cancer
tobbaco use, radiation, STDs, dietary factors
A diet that is high in...and low in... is linked to cancer. Why is fiber good for reducing cancer risk?
fat, fiber, b/c it helps waste move thru faster, giving cells less time to absorb carcinogens
How do fats contr to cancer risk?
make colon cells more susceptible to carcinogens , also colon cells divide faster with fat so higher chance of becoming abnormal
What is CAUTION and what does it stand for?
signs of cancer, change in bowel, a sore that doesn't heal, unusual bleeding/discharge, thickening/lump, indigestion, obvious change in wart or mole, nagging cough/hoarse
healthful beh to practice to prevent cancer
abstinence from sex, physically active, healthy diet/nutrition, maintain healthy weight, protect skin, avoid tob/alc, recognize warning signs
Ways to detect cancer
self examination, medical screening for early signs, biopsy
removal of small piece of tisue for examination
5 methods of cancer treatment
chemo, radiation, immunotherapy, hormone ther, surgery
radiation therapy
aim rays from radioactive substances at cancerous cells (kill and shrink)
use chemicals to kill cancer cells
activate immune sys to recognize cancers and kill them
hormone therapy
use medicine that interfere with hormone prod. and kill cancer
period of time where symptoms disappear
Noncommunicable diseases other than cancer and CVD are...
name some chronic diseases
allergies, asthma, diabetes, arthritis
specific reaction of the immune sys to a foreign and frequently harmless substnace
___ on the surface of allergens bind to ...and release...
Antigens, immune cells in linings of nasal passages, histamines
chemicals that can stimulate mucus and fluid production in an area
If someone experiences severe symptoms of allergies, like..., do what?
dizzy, raspy voice, hard to breathe/swallow, hives, itching or swelling, get medical attention
3 ways to identify source of allergic reaction
blood test, skin test, food elimination diet
ways to treat allergies
avoid allergen, medication like antihistamines, medical attention, immunotherapy
Allergies can lead to...
inflammatory condition where the small airways in lungs get narrowed, causing diff in breathing
The bronchial tubes of people with asthma are...
sensitive to triggers, certain substances like air pollution, tobacco smoke, etc
What happens in an asthma attack?
trigger make bronchial walls tighten and make extra mucus, which narrows the passages
4 strategies ppl with asthma use to live normal lives
monitor condition (warning signs, treat quickly), manage envir (avoid tob, etc), manage stress, take medication
asthma medication
bronchodilator (med taken with inhaler) that relaxes and widens resp passages
chronic disease that affects the way the body's cells convert food into energy
In someone with diabetes, the pancreas....or the cells...
produces too little or no insulin, a hormone that helps glucose enter cells; cells don't respond normally to insulin, glucose isn't converted and builds up in blood
how do you diagnose diabetes?
blood test
Diabetes can cause...
blindness, limb amputations, heart dis, stroke, kidney failure
Most diabetics have type...diabetes
Type 1 diab is when...
body doesn't produce insulin, so it stays in blood and starves cells of energy
possible cause of type 1 diab
not sure yet, virus stimulates immune response, destroy insulin-making cells in pancreas
autoimmune disease
condition where immune sys mistakenly attacks itself, targeting cells, tissues, organs of own body
In type 1 diab, high....can cause damage to body.
blood sugar level
In type 2 diab, what happens?
body can't make enough insulin or use it properly
Why is Type 2 diabetes nearing epidemic proportions in US?
more old ppl, obese ppl, inactivity, high fat, chol, cal diet
group of more than 100 different diseases that cause pain and loss of movt in joints
disease of the joints in which cartilage breaks down
In osteoarthritis, the...of cartilage can cause...
rubbing away, aches, soreness
3 strategies to protect against osteoarthritis
control weight, prevent sports injuries by warm up, safety to avoid joint injuries, protect against Lyme dis which can lead to ost.
Rheumatoid arthritis is more common in...
rheumatoid arthritis
disease caused by debilitating destruction of joints due to inflammation
Effects of Rheumatoid Arthritis include...
joint pain, inflammation, swelling until joints become deformed, fever, fatigue
Why is early diagnosis of Rheum. crucial?
effects can be controlled
treatment for rheum. arth.
exervise, rest, joint protection, therapy
any physical or mental impairment that limits normal activities, like seeing, hearing, walking, speaking
Most physical challenges (of disabilities) can be classified as...
sight impairment, hearing impairment, motor im
4 common causes of blindness
diabetes, macular degeneration (retina degenerates), glaucoma (optic nerve damage), cataracts
profound deafness
hearing loss so severe that the person can't benefit from mechanical amplification like hearing aid
causes of deafness
heredity, injury, disease, obstruction b/c of buildup
Motor impairments happen when...
body's range of motion and coordination are affected by injury to brain or disorder of ner sys
_______ is often used to help motor impairments.
phys ther
mental retardation
below ave intellectual ability present from birth/early child, associated with difficulties in learning and social adaptation
factors that cause mental retardation
genetic disorders like Down syndrome, fetal alc syndrome, brain abnormality, injury, rubella infection
Principles established by ppl with disablities
society should make changes that allow ppl with disabilities to take part better in activities, ppl should be evaluated on individual merit, not assumptions, ppl should have same oppot as regular
The Americans with Disabilities Act (passed in...) was...
1990, law prohibit discrimination against ppl with phys/mental dis in work, transportation, public accomodations, telecommunications