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147 Cards in this Set

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Define Mental health
A relative state of mind in which a person who is healthy is able to cop with and adjust to daily stresses in an acceptable way
Define mental status
The degree of competence that a person shows in intellectual, emotional, psychologic, and personality functioning
Define mental disorder
a significant behavioral disorder or psychological pattern that is associated with distress or disability and has a signiicant risk of pain, disability, death, or loss of freedom
_____ System: called the "emotional brain" because it regulates memory and the basic emotions such as fear, anger, and sex drive
Limbic system
Brain "chemicals that carry messages from neuron to neuron or neuron to muscle cell
Neurotransmitter that regulates mood and maintains arousal
Neurotransmitters that are similar in pathways
Neurotransmitter that acts in midbrain on emotions and memory, in the hypothalamus and pituitary on emotional responses and stress reactions
Inhibitory neurotransmitter that suppresses activity
Changes in mental status may ecome evident whene there is a change in the patient's:
-orientation to time, place or person
-attention span
Observe for changes in mental status by changes in:
-voice tone
-rate of speech
-muscle tension
Assess mental status by determining:
-calculation ability
-communication skills
4 components of mental status assessment
-Cognitive function
-Thought processes
______: disturbance of consciousness and a change in cognition that develops rapidly over a short period of time. Is reversible
_____: Syndrome of acquired, progressive, intellectual impairment that compromises function such as memory, language, visual-spatial skills, emotion, personality, and cognition. Is usually not rversible
Structures of the brain believed to be involved in sleep are the ____ in the upper brainstem, the ____ in the pons and forebrain, the ___ and ____ in the diencephalon, and the _____ in the cerebral cortex
-Reticular activating system (RAS)
-Bulbar synchronizing region (BSR)
-frontal lobe
Sleep deprivation is characterized by:
-Difficulty with daily functioning
-slow or confused thought process
-slow exaggerated movements
-feeling fatigued all the time
-difficulty remembering things
Thin vascular outermost portion of the skin
____ makes up most of the outermost epidermal layer and is the principle constituent of the hair and nails
_____ is the pigment that gives color to the skin and nails and makes up the innermost layer of the epidermis
What is the function of the dermis?
Noutish the epidermis
The layer under the dermis; fat is stored in this layer which is important for temperature insulation
Subcutanous layer
_____glands arise from the hair follicles and keep the skin from drying out
_____Are widely distributed and open directly to the service of the skin. body temperature is controlled by their water secretion
_____glands-these are found in the axillary and genital regions. these open into the hair follicles. bacterial decomposition of the sweat produced by the apocrine glands is responsible for adult body odor
____ Glands- these secrete a lipid-rich substance, sebum, which keeps the skin and hair from drying out. The greatest distribution is found on the face and scalp, although they are found in all areas of th body except for the palms and soles
Cyanosis-dark skin-is most easily seen in the:
-conjunctiva of the eye
-oral mucous membranes
-nail beds
-soles of feet
_____-Deeper bluish or black tone-difficult to see
Increased skin temperature secondary to fever, sunburn, or infection
Check for jaundice in dark-skinned individuals by checking the:
-posterior portion of the hard palate
-palms of the hands
-soles of the feet
Pallor is characterized by an absence of _____ in skin, brown skin may have ______, black skin may have _____. Also check the _____
-underlying red tone
-yellowish tone
-ashen gray color
When checking for petechia, you look in the:
-mouth at buccal mucosa or sclera of the eye
Scars frequently have ___ development
Hyperpigmentation may be an indication of:
An endocrine disorder such as liver disease
Small, flat, hyperpigmented macules
Normal appearing moles are less than _mm
An area of darker skin pigmentation that is uaually brown or tan and typically is present at birth
Silver or pink "stretch marks"
Hair loss of the legs may indicate___
poor peripheral perfusion
Thinning of the eyebrows is a prominent finding in___
Thin depressed nail with the lateral edges turned upward
Koilonychia (spoon nail)
Koilonychia (spoon nail) is associated with:
anemia or may be congenital
_____: apears as white spots on the nail plate. Usually caused by minor trauma or manipulation of the cuticle
Individuals with darker-pigmented skin typically have nails that are ____ or ____, and ____ may appear
-vertical lines
The expected angle of the nail base is ___
160 degrees
A groove or transverse depression running across the nail
beau's lines
Pitting of the nail is commonly associated with
Psoriay angiomsis
Lesions that appear initially in response to some change in the external or internal environment
Primary Lesions
Lesions that do not appear initally but result from modifications such as trauma, chronicity, or infection of the primary lesion
Secondary Lesions
A fine, irregular red line caused by permanent dilation of a group of superficial blood vessels
A small, slightly raised, bright red area that typically appears on the face, neck and trunk of the body. they increase with age
Cherry angioma
Tiny, flat, reddish purple, nonblanchable spots in the skin less than .5cm in diameter. Due to intravascular defects and infection
Flat, reddish purple, nonblanchable discoloration in the skin greater than .5cm. caused by infection or bleeding disorder
Ecchymosis is another name for:
Benign tumor consisting of a mass of small blood vessels can vary in size from vdry small to large
Congenital vascular malformation of capillaries - port wine stain
Nevus Flammeus
A type of telangiectasia characterized by a small central red area with radiating spider-like legs; blanches with pressure
Spider Angioma
Spider Angioma occurs with:
-Liver disease
-Vitamin D deficiency
A type of telangiectasia characterized by a nonpalpable bluish star-shaped lesion that may be linear or irregular shaped
Venous star
Venous star may be caused by:
An increased pressure in the superficial veins
Pressur from a shoe on a bony prominence
Clavus (corn)
Describes a variety of superficial inflammatory conditions
Chronic superficial inflammation of the skin with an nknown cause
Atopic Dermatitis
Atopic Dermatitis is often associated with ___ and ___ and is probably ___
-hay fever
Atopic Dermatitis is more common in ___ and ____
An inflammatory reaction of the skin in response to irritants or allergens
Contact dermatitis
Chronic inflammation of the skin of unknown cause affecting individuals throughout their life
Seborrheic Dermatitis
In infants, seborrheic dermatitis is known as
Cradle Cap
Chronic skin disorder that can occur at any age. The cause is unknown and the disease can range from mild to severe. The lesions are raised, erythematous plaques with silvery scales. Small bleeding points occur in the lesions if it is scratched
Fungal infection of toenail and fingernail
Tinea Unguium
Most frequent cause of hypopigmentation on shoulders and trunk
Tinea Vericeolor
Appears as a scaling red rash with sharply demarcated borders
Common areas of candidiasis include:
-the genitalia
-the inguinal areas
-along gluteal folds
Fungal infection of toenail and fingernail
Tinea Ungulum
Most frequent cause of hypopigmentation on shoulders and trunk
Tinea Vriceolor
What causes cellulitis?
Strep or stap
Describe cellulitis
The skin is red, warm to the touch, and tender, and appears to be indurated
Highly contagious bacterial infection caused by strep or staph
Impetigo is most common in ___
Children living in crowded living conditions with poor sanitation
Impetigo most often occurs in the ___(season)
Impetigo lesions start out as an ____ then a ____ or ____ and finally a ____
-erythematous macule
-honey-colored crust
inflammaton of hair follicles
A chronic case of folliculitis occurs when _____
deep hair follicles are infected (usually in bearded people)
A foruncle or abscess (boil) is caused by ___ and often develops from ____
Scabies is a contagious lesion associated with the mite ____
Sacroptes scabei
Transmission of scabies usually occurs with ____
skin-to-skin contact
The main symptom of scabies is ___
severe pruritis
Lyme disease occurs from a ____
tick bite
Most common form of skin cancer
Basal cell carcinoma
Invasive skin cancer that typically appears on the head and neck and occurs as a result of excessive sun
Squamos cell carconoma
Squamos cell carconoma is more common in ___
people over 50 who have blond hair and blue eyes and light pigmentation
The most serious form of Neoplasia
Melanoma lesions usually arise from ____
already present nevi
_____ develops in connective tissues in people with AIDS and those with rug induced immunosuppression.
Kaposi's Sarcoma
Kaposi's Sarcoma appear as:
-dark blue-purple macules
-spread all over the body
The most common type of burn is an ___
immersion burn
Chronic inflammatory disease of the hair follicles resulting in hair loss of the scalp
Alopecia Areata
Alopecia Areata is associated with:
-Autoimmune diseases
-Metabolic disease
-Stressful events
Increase in facial, body, or pubic hair in woment
Hirsutism has familial tendency and can be associated with:
-endocrine disease
-side effect of corticosteroids
Hirsutism is more commin in ___ hair
____: the basic energy requirement
basic metabolic rate
Basic metabolic rate is influenced by:
-activity levels
-ingestion of food
The main source of energy and fiber in the diet
Main sources of carbohydrates
If more carbohydrates are infested than needed, it is stored as ____
adipose tissue
_____ plays an essential role in facilitating growth and repair of body tissues
The simplest form of energy is ___
amino acid
Average adult metabolizes ____ liters of water every day
state of inadequate protein and calorie intake. Most common form of undernutrition and calorie intake
Protein calorie malnutrition (PCM)
Prominent outer rim of the ear
The deep cavity in front of external auditory meatus
The auricle of the ear serves three main functions:
-Collection and focus of sound waves
-Location and direction of sound
-Protection of external ear from water and dirt
The middle ear contains three tiny bones or ossicles called:
The _____ is cartilaginous passage between middle ear and nasopharynx
Eustachian tube
____ is the function of the middle ear
The vestibule and semicurcular canals of the inner ear contain receptors responsible for ___ and ____
Thc cochlea, coiled and snail-shaped, contains Corti structures responsible for ____
Sound waves reach cochlea by middle ear causing movement of ____
hair cells
____ transmit impulses through nerve receptors and vestibular nerve branch of acoustic nerve, CN VIII
Sensory hair cells
Sound waves transmit to ___ of the brain, where sound is interpreted
temporal lobe
Mo efficient pathway of hearing; uses air conduction
Normal pathway
Pathway of conduction that uses bone conduction
Alternate pathway
Mechanical dysfunction of external or middle ear
Conductive loss
____ may be accompanied by visual disturbances, nausea, and vomiting
____ maay ocur with nasal stuffiness or discharge, red teary eyes, or drooping eyes
Cluster headaches
Hearing loss associated with aging
Most painful of primary headaches
Cluster headache
Most common headache experienced by adults between 20 and 40 years of age
Tension headache
Clients grequently describe as a feeling of a tight band around their head
Tension headache
A group of diseases that increases intraocular pressure and damages optic nerve leading to blindness
Inflammation of the eyelids
Means "stye"
Inflammation of the lacrimal sac
Inflammation of the lacrimal gland
Constricted and fixed pupils
Dilated and fixed pupils
One pupil dilated more than the other
Abnormal ocular alignment as visual axes do not met at dsired point
Central gray opacity means _____ cataract
Star-shaped opacity means _____ cataract
"Swimmer's ear"
Otitis externa
_____ is bleeding from the nose, recognized as one of the most common problems of the nose
smooth, glossy tongue
atrophic glossitis
Very common disorder of the oral mucosa that is characterized by the formation of canker sores on movable mucous membranes
Aphthous Stomatitis
_________, a malignant lymphoma, is a painless, progressive enlargement of lymphoid tissue, usually first evident by cervical lymph nodes
Hodgkin's disease
Fungal infection of the tympanic membrane