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50 Cards in this Set

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musculoskeletal system functions
Provides support and mobility for body
Provides protection for internal organs
Produces blood cells and stores minerals such as calcium and phosphorus
functions of bones
Support for soft tissues and organs
Protection of organs—brain and spinal cord
Body movement and hematopoiesis
Continual remodeling and changing collagen and mineral composition to accommodate stress
skeletal muscles
muscle fibers attached to bone, ligament, tendon, fascia
voluntary control
some move by reflex
arranged parallel to long axis of bones
two or more bones come together
classified by material or degree of movement
articulation by material
articulation by degree of movement
Synarthrodial—immovable joints (sutures of skull)
Amphiarthrodial—slightly movable joint (symphysis pubis)
Diarthrodial—freely movable joints (knee joint)
hinge joints (diarthrodial)
Permit extension and flexion; not lateralization
Some allow hyperextension
Example: Knee, elbow
pivot joints (diarthrodial)
Permit movement of one bone with a ring or notch of another bone
Example: Between radius and ulna and between 1st and 2nd cervical vertebrae
condyloid or ellipsoidal (diarthrodial)
Condyle of one bone fits into elliptically-shaped articulating bone
Example: Example: Metacarpophalangeal joints
ball and socket joints (diarthrodial)
Ball-shaped bone fits into concave area of articulating bone
Example: Hip
gliding joints (diarthroidal)
Permit movement along axes through flat articulating surfaces
Example: Joints between two vertebrae, feet
strong, dense, flexible bands of CT
hold bones together
encircle joint, grip obliquely, lie parallel to bone ends
strong, flexible, nonelastic cords of collagen
attach muscles to bones
contract muscles to bones without sustaining injury
semi smooth, gel-like, supports weight
forms caps over ends of long bones
allows thorax to move when lungs expand/contract
reinforces respiratory passages of nose, larynx, trachea, bronchi
small sacs in CT adjacent to some joints
reduce frictions when muscles/tendons rub
present health status
chronic disease
changes in ability to move
work injuries?
past medical history
congenital bone/joint problems
surgery on bones, joints, muscles
family history
hx of curvature of spine/back problems
hx of arthritis, gout
inspect axial skeleton and extremities
alignment, contour, symmetry, size, and gross deformities
Body symmetric, straight spine, knees straight line
symmetry - bilateral
Bones for tenderness
Joints and muscles for tenderness, heat, edema, tone
Should be nontender, same temp as tissue, no swelling
Muscles firm
muscle strength scale
0/5: no contraction
1/5: muscle flicker, but no movement
2/5: movement possible, but not against gravity
3/5: movement possible against gravity, but not against resistance by the examiner
4/5: movement possible against some resistance by the examiner
5/5: normal strength
regions - face and neck
inspect muscles for symmetry
palpate TMJ
palpate neck = pain
neck ROM
neck muscles- strength
shoulders and spine
alignment, symmetry
vertebrae aligned
ROM (75 degrees to touch toes, 30 degrees hyperextension, 35 degrees lateral flexion)
height and countour
palpate for firmness/tenderness/masses
carpal tunnel syndrome
median nerve compressed
repetitive movements, fluid retention
findings: numbness/tingling, burning of hands, + phalen's/tinel's
S/C curve of spine
uneven shoulders, shoulder/scapula prominence
respiratory difficulties, pain, GO dysfunction
gout - definition + risk factors
metabolic disorder - hyperuricemia (lack of enzyme to metabolize purines)
Male gender, diet high in red meat and seafood but low in dairy, alcohol abuse, family history, obesity, renal failure, hematologic cancers, medications/drugs
gout- clinical findings
Elevated serum uric acid (Hyperuricemia)
Severe pain, redness, and swelling of joint
Limited ROM
Possibility of kidney stone formation
bursitis - def/precip factors
inflammation of bursa
r/t constant friction (elbow/hip/knee/shoulder)
precipitating factors - arthritis, injury, excess use
bursitis clinical findings
Painful ROM, edema, redness, point tenderness
osteoarthritis - definition
degenerative change in articular cartilage
weight bearing joints - repetitive movement
osteoarthritis - clinical findings
Aching joints, joint tenderness, effusions, morning stiffness <30 minutes, crepitus, limited ROM affecting 1 or 2 joints, asymmetrical joint involvement, narrowing of joint space
weight bearing = aggravates
rest = alleviates
osteoarthritis joint deformities
heberden's nodes - idstal interphalangeal joints
bouchard's nodes - peripheral interphalangeal joints
rheumatoid arthritis
chronic, autoimmune disorder
Fever, fatigue (chronic inflammatory reponse), weakness, weight loss, generalized myalgias and arthralgias, stiffness
Joints are painful, stiff, warm, and swollen
Morning stiffness lasting at least an hour
Swelling in symmetric and widespread – bilateral involvement
RA deformities
Swan neck deformity, boutonniere deformity, and ulna deviation
Loss of ROM
Cyst formation
loss of bone density/decrease in strength
osteoporosis - BMD more than 2.5 standard deviations below the mean
osteopenia - BMD 1-2.5 standard deviations below mean
osteoporosis risk factors
Aging, family history, calcium and vitamin D deficiency, female sex, estrogen deficiency in females (may affect osteoblast activity), low body weight, medications (glucocortiocoids), smoking, chronic liver or kidney disease, immobility
osteoporosis clinical findings
May present with fracture
Presence of kyphosis of the thoracic spine, loss of height, difficulty bending
open fracture
skin intact
closed fracture
skin borken
displaced vs non displaced fracture
Ends of fracture fragments are separated
Fracture fragments remained aligned and in position
depressed fracture
Fracture in which fragment is displaced below the level of the surface of the bone
complete vs. incomplete fracture
Fracture whose line disrupts bone continuity through the whole thickness of the bone
Fracture in which the cortex of the bone buckles or cracks without disrupting bone continuity
transverse fracture
Straight line at approximately at a 90 degree angle to the longitudinal axis of the bone
longitudinal fracture
Bone split length wise
comminuted fracture
More than one fracture line and more than 2 bone fragments
impaced fracture
Caused by excessive forces that drives or telescopes one fragment into another
greenstick fracture
Incomplete break in bone with the intact side of the corex flexed
avulsion fracture
Separation of a small fragment of bone at attachment site of a ligament or tendon
compression fracture
Crushing fracture