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45 Cards in this Set

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what are the 7 topographical landmarks of the abdomen?
RUQ,LUQ,RLQ,LLQ, Epigastric, periumbilical, suprapubic or hypogastric
What are normal bowl sounds
clicks and gurgles, irregualr, every 5-35 seconds
increased bowl sounds
hyperactive, borborygmi
Decreased bowl sounds
Organs in the RUQ
Liver, gallbladder, duodenum, head of pancreas, right kidney and adrenal, hepatic flexure of colon, part of ascending and transverse colon
Organs in the RLQ
Cecum, appendix, right ovary and tube, right ureter, right speramtic cord
Organs in the LUQ
Stomach, spleen, left lobe of liver, body of pancreas, left kidney and adrenal, splenic flexure of colon, part of transverse and descending colon.
Organs in the LLQ
Part of descending colon, sigmoid colon, left ovary and tube, left ureter, left spermatic cord
Normal abdomen contour
flat or rounded
Abnormal abdomen contour
painful, burning urination, often caused by a bacterial infection, inflammation, or obstruction of the urinary tract. Laboratory examination of the urine may reveal the presence of blood, bacteria, or white blood cells this is a symptom of cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, urinary tract tumors, and some gynecologic disorders and of the use of certain medications, such as opiates
Nausea and vomiting, or “morning sickness
is an early sign of pregnancy for most pregnant women, starting between the first and second missed periods. Is the nausea and vomiting associated with colicky pain, diarrhea, fever, chills? Nausea is a gastrointestinal side effect; Sign of Cholecystitis, Pancreatitis, Appendicitis, Gastroenteritis
Abdominal pain
may be visceral from an internal organ (dull, general, poorly localized), parietal from inflammation of overlying peritoneum (sharp, precisely localized, aggravated by movement), or referred from a disorder in another site. Aggravating factors, Alleviating factors.
Pain from Hollow viscera
often referred to as a "colic", common, characteristics- crampy/paroxsymal, often poorly localized, related to peristalsis, person often writhes in pain
Pain from Peritoneal irritation
more damaging, associated with peritonitis from any cause, characteristics- steady/constant, often well localized, not related to peristalsis, person lies still with knees up
referred pain
pain which manifests at a site distant from the actual pathology
charcteristics of constipation (objective and subjective)
Abdominal pain; abdominal tenderness with palpable muscle resistance; abdominal tenderness without palpable muscle resistance; anorexia; atypical presentations in older adults (e.g., change in mental status, urinary incontinence, unexplained falls, elevated body temperature); borborygmi; bright red blood with stool; change in bowel pattern; decreased frequency; decreased volume of stool; distended abdomen; feeling of rectal fullness; feeling of rectal pressure; generalized fatigue; hard; formed stool; headache; hyperactive bowel sounds; hypoactive bowel sounds; increased abdominal pressure; indigestion; nausea; oozing liquid stool; palpable abdominal mass; palpable rectal mass; presence of soft; paste-like stool in rectum; percussed abdominal dullness; pain with defecation; severe flatus; straining with defecation; unable to pass stool; vomiting
Risk factors for constipaiton
Risk factors- Habitual denial/ignoring urge to defecate; recent environmental changes; inadequate toileting (e.g., timeliness, positioning for defecation, privacy); irregular defecation habits; insufficient physical activity; abdominal muscle weakness
What quadrant is the liver in?
right upper quadrant
What quadrant is the spleen in?
Left upper quadrant
What quadratn is the stomach in?
Left upper quadrant
What quadrant is the appendix in?
Right lower quadrant
discomfort caused or increased by their examination (a sign)
somthing the perosn tells you about as part of the history (symptom)
pulsations in epigastric area are common in _____
Venus Hum
abnormal finding heard in the pericumbilical region. Originates from inferior vena cava. Medium pitch, continuous sound, pressure from bell may obliterate it. May have a palpable thrill. Occurs with portal hypertension and cirrhotic liver
Indrect fist percussion is used to make uvrations on the kidney, however no pain is suppose to be felt. Sharp pain occurs with inflamation of kidney or panaephric
can mean, air or gas, pregnancy, feces, tumors, ovarian cysts, or ascites
Rebound tenderness
Pain on release of pressure conffirms this, which is a reliable sign of peritoneal inflammation, which accompanies appendicitis
normally present over most of the abdomen in the supine position (due to intestinal gas)
Unusual dullness
may be a clue to an underlying abdominal mass, for example an enlarged liver or impacted stool.
The most sensitive indicator of tenderness is the persons _____
facial expression
Difference between tenderness and pain?
Pain-symptom tenderness- sign
A well defined, pulsatile mass, greater than 3 cm across, suggests ____.
aortic aneurysm
Rebound tenderness is a test for _____
peritoneal irritation
in infants the abdomen is_____and ______in young children
roudned and protrudes
Fluid accumulation in the abdomen is______
2nd step in abdominal assessment is_____
Listen for ______over the arteies
Tenderness over the kidnys is ____
a concave abdomen
pain with urination is
Heart burn is____
A rigid contraction of the abdominal wall muscles usually occurring as an involluntary reaction to pain ofa visceral disease is _____