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28 Cards in this Set

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Describe functions of the: Glans penis, Corpora cavernosa/spongiosum, Corona, Urethra, Foreskin
-sexual arousal; distal end of shaft, corpus spongiosum expands into cone of erectile tissue –dorsal penis, ventral –shoulder where glans joins shaft –transverses corpus spongiousum; meatus forms a slit at gland tip –over glans, skin hood
Describe functions of the: Rugae, Cremaster muscle(best temp for sperm?), Testes, Epidymis, Vas deferens, spermatic cord, ejaculatory duct, Scrotum, Kidney, Ureter
-folds of skin – controls size of scrotum by responding to temp (3 C below abdominal temp) – produce sperm and testost – stores sperm until mature – duct from epidid to ejact duct – protective sheath around vas deferens – connects seminal vesicle empties into urethra – sac with testes – filters blood removes waste – tube connecting kidney to bladder
Describe functions of the: Inguinal area or groin, Inguinal ligament, inguinal canal (internal ring, external ring), Femoral canal
-juncture of the lower abdominal wall and the thigh; diagonal borders anterior superior iliac spine & symphysis pubis. – poupart’s ligament b/w landmarks – superior to ligament narrow tunnel b/w layers of ab muscles (-opening above midpoint ligament – just above & lateral to pubis) – inferior to ligament; parallel w/femoral artery
Describe functions of the: Prostate, seminal vesicles, bulbourethral gland(cowper’s)
-produces 20% of semen, secretes thin milky alkaline that helps sperm viability – produce 70% of semen; like rabbit ears above prostate – inferior to prostate secretes mucus to neutralize vaginal secretions
Undescended testicles are a precursor to? What are some other risk factors? (5) Which is most important?
-testicular cancer – 15-40, mumps, family history, inguinal hernia, DES, cancer in other testicle –undescended testes!!!
In aging male, when does testosterone production decline?
For subjective data, what is dysuria, oliguria, pyuria?
-burning in urin(as with acute cystitis, prostatitis, urethritis) – diminished quantity(<400ml/24h) –pus with urin
True incontinence, Urgency incontinence, Stress incontinence
-loss of urine without warning – sudden loss as with acute cystitis, - loss of urine with physical strain d/t weakness of sphincter
Hesistancy and straining may indicate?
-progressive prostatic obstruction
When do adolescents start to change around penis & scrotum, have wet dreams, homosexual?
-12 to 13 years old (9.5 to 13.5)
Which testicle is typically lower than the other?
-Explain the following terms of abnormalities: Phimosis, Paraphimosis, Hypospadias, Epispadias, Urethritis
-unable to retract foreskin(congential or acquired from adhesions secondary to infection) – unable to return foreskin to original position – ventral location of meatus(congenital defect important to catch at birth because circumcision will extend urethra) – dorsal location of meatus(foreskin constriction impedes blood flow) –red edges, everted, edematous, purulent
Edema in the scrotum may be due to what?(4)
-heart failure, renal failure, local inflammation, obstruction of portal vein or inguinal lymphatics
What is it called when testicles disappear into abdomen when palpating? What are scrotum abnormalities? Orchitis, Epididymitis**, hydrocele, spermatocele, varicocele
-Cryptorchidism – hernia, tumor, orhcitis(swollen testis, moderate pain, no transillum), epididymitis(severe pain relieved by elevation(phren’s sign), very tender, redness, enlarged), hydrocele(collection of serous fluid, heavy feelings), spermatocele(retention cyst, obstruction of tubules), varicocele(dilated varicose veins in spermatic cord incompetent valves)
In what cases would the tests glow red with transillumination?
-hydrocele and spermatocele d/t serrous fluid
What might a bulge in the inguinal area be an indication of?
-hernia(at inguinal ring or femoral canal) with enlarged lymph nodes
Consistency of the penis should be? Granulation indicates? If discharge occurs, what should observer do?
-firm pressure, slow squeeze, no granulation –Peyron –milk it
Why auscultate inguinal area?**
-Bowel sounds will confirm hernia
Compare Indirect Inguinal, Direct Inguinal, and Femoral Hernias for: Course, S&Sx, Frequency, Cause
-sac herniates via internal inguinal ring; directly behind and through external inguinal ring; through femoral ring and canal; -pain w/ straining, swelling, increased ab pressure(helps to lie down); painless, round swelling close to pubis(helps to be supine); severe pain, strangulated – most common of hernias, common in infants and 16-20; less common, men >40; less common 4% all hernias, more in women – congenital; acquired weakness from heavy lifting,, atrophy, obesity; acquired d/t increased ab pressure, muscle weak, or frequent stooping
What antiemetic was used in the 40’s and 50’s that increased risk of testicular cancer, and other cancer in women?
-DES )( Diethylstilbertrol)
Describe the appearance of genital herpes(HSV 2) Infection lasts how long? Recurrent?
-cluster small vesicles w/ erythema, erupt on gland on foreskin -7-10 days -3to 10 days w/milder symptoms
Describe appearance of genital warts? Color? Location? Cause?
-soft, pointed, moist, fleshy, painless papules (Cauliflower), can be gray, pale yellow, pink or white – shaft of penis, behind corona, around anus (grapes clusters) -HPV virus
Explain testicular torsion-What, when, which side? and varicocele (when, which side?)
-twisting of spermatic cord, causing ischemia and engorgement REQUIRES SURGERY; late childhood, early adolescence; left side
-dilated tortuous varicose veins in spermatic cord d/t incompetent valves ;young males, early adolescents; left side
The nurse is aware that which of the following statements is true regarding the incidence of testicular cancer?
A. Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in men aged 30-50 yearrs
B. The early symptoms of testicular cancer are pain and induration
C. Men with a history of cryptochidism are at greatest risk for development of testicular cancer
D. Nonwhite men are four times more likely to develop testicular cancer than white men
Which of the following topics will be least embarrassing to a male patient?
A. Elimination (urination)
B. Sexual function
C. Reproduction
D. Sexually transmitted infection exposure
Peyronie’s disease is characterized by what? Associated with? Most common in ?
-hard, nontender, subcutaneous plaques on dorsal/lateral surface of penis –painful bending of penis during erection –men, over 45, men with diabests, gout, Dupuytren’s
What is dehiscence? Evisceration?
-separation of layers of a surgical wound – protrusion of internal organ through wound or surgical incision
NC/AT means?
-normocephalic, atraumatic