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37 Cards in this Set

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What is this?

Woods lamp. Used for checking for bacterial or funal skin infections

What is this?

Goniometer measures range of motion

What is this?

Nasal Speculum

Woods Lamp

What is this?


What is this?


What is the dorsa of the hands?

The back of the hands, can be used to check temperature.

What is the Ulnar surface of the hands?

The side along the pinkie finger. Checking for vibration

How deep is a light palpitation?

Up to 1 cm

How deep is a deep palpation

4 cm

Define Tympany

Drum like. Heard over stomach during percussion.

Define Hyperresonate

Boom like. Heard in a normal child's lung and emphysematous lung during percussion

Define resonant

Hollow. Heard over healthy lung tissue during percussion

Define Dull

Thud like. Heard over liver during percussion

Define Flat

Very dull. Heard over, muscle, bone, or tumor during percussion

How long should stethoscope tubing be?

12 to 14 inches

What is the diaphragm of the stethoscope used for?

High pitched sounds, breath, bowel, and normal heart sounds

What is the bell of the stethoscope used for?

Low pitched sounds. Extra heart sounds and murmurs

What is a Snellen chart used for?

Far vision

What is arosenbaum chart used for?

Near vision

What is this?


What is this?

Dermatoscope. Used for closely examining skin lesions

How do you check for low frequency with a tuning fork?

Use vibration of the mastoid process

How do you check for high frequency with a tuning fork?


What is this?

Calipers us for measuring skin fold thickness and calculating BMI

What is this?

Sphygmomanometer with blood pressure cuff

How do fungi show up under a Wood's lamp?


Purpose of Otoscope?

Illumination for exam of external auditory canal and tympanic membrane

Purpose of Opthalmoscope?

Visualization of the interior structures of the eye

Purpose of nasal speculum

Visualize the lower and middle turbinates of the nose

Purpose of Goniometer?

Determine the degree and ROM of joint flexion and extension

Fingertips used to palpate?

Texture, size, consistency, fluid, crepitus, form of mass or structure

Why is light palpation done first?

Deep palpation may elicit pain and/or disrupts tissue or fluid

What characteristics of sound do you listen for?

Intensity, pitch, duration, and quality

What does a reflex hammer test?

Deep tendon reflex

Blood pressure cuff size in adults?

Width= 1/3-1/2 the circumference of limb

Length=twice width of limb circumference or 80%

Blood pressure cuff size in child?

Width should cover 2/3 upper arm