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55 Cards in this Set

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What is the first menstruation called?
What is the absence of menstruation called?
amenorrhea vs menopause
amenorrhea - absence of period in regular cycle

menopause - ending of menstrual cycle
What is the normal age for menopause?
When is menopause premature
before 30
When is menopause early?
When is menopause delayed?
after 48
A couple have been trying to have a child for 9 months, but have been unsuccessful. are they infertile?
no - they must try for 1 year before it being classified as infertility
Crabs aka
peducluosis pubis - lice
What are some effects of vaginal birth?
cervical eversion
nabothian/retention cysts
bilateral, unilateral, transverse laceration
stellate laceration
What is cervical eversion?
columnar epith is everted - red ring around cervical os
You see yellow translucent nodules on servix. what are these?
nabothian/retnention cysts

normal after birth
This is when bladder prolapses into vagina. etiology?
cystocele - due to thickening of pelvic musculature
This is when rectum protrudes into vagina. cause?
rectocele - due to weakening of pelvic musculature
The uterus is bulging outside of vagina. What degree of uterine prolapse
o 1st degree – seen at vaginal opening
o 2nd degree – bulges outside of vagina
o 3rd degree – completely out of vagina
you see yellow dsicharge from external os. what could it be?
chlamydia/gonorrhea = mucopurulent cervicitis
What causes yellow green frothy discharge from vagina?
trichomonas - protozoa
Chite cheesy discharge from vagina?
candida - yeast
Bacterial vaginosis dsicharge?
thin, gray white
pale vagina, easily bleeds
atrophic vaginitis - menopasual symptom
What are signs of uterinie cancer?
enlarged mass, irrgular bleeding
What is pelvic inflammatory disese? What are charactersitic findings for it? at risk for?
= infection of fallopian tube - chlamydia/gonorrhea

chandelier's sign - bilateral adnexal masses

at risk for ectopic pregnancy (in fallopian tube)
phimosis vs paraphimosis
phimosis - tight foreskin cannot be retracted

paraphimosis - tight foreskin cannot return over glans
tight foreskin on penis may result in
phimosis, paraphimosis
hypospadia vs epispadia
hypospadia - ventral urethral meatus

epispadia - dorsal uretrhal meatus
penis has uretrha on ventral surfface. what is it called?
penis has uretrha on dorsal surfface. what is it called?
What is hydrocele? how do you test for it?
= serous fluid outside testes

failure of testicle to descend. risk for?

risk for cancer
What is orchitis?
inflammation of testes
you feel a "bag of worms" in scrotum. what is it?
varicocele - dilated veins in spermatic cord
What are the types of hernias
indirect inguinal - goes throug internal canal, commonly down into scrotum

direct inguinal - up into external inguinal ring

femoral - through femoral ring
what is most commmon kind of hernia? who is most at risk?

How do you check for a herniated disc?
Lasegue's test:

lift patient's leg - positive with sciatica (pain shooting down one or both legs)
What is Lasegue's test?
test herniated disc --> lift leg, sciatica
How do you test for carpal tunnel syndrome?
phalen's test - dorsa of hands together while flexing wrists for one minute.
- pos with tingling, numbness, pain

Tinel's sign - lightlty percuss over median nerve
What is Phalen's test?
test for carpal tunnel

put dorsa of hands together for one minute

tingling, numb, pain is pos
What is Tinel's sign
checks for carpal tunel

lightly percuss over median nerve

tingling, numb, pain is pos
How do you test for swelling?
bulge test - stroke up medial side, stoke lateral side, fluid fills dimple if positive

ballottement test - pinch suprapatellar bursa - press down
How to test for torn meniscus
ballottement test

Mcmurray test
- supine, flex knee and hip. One hand holds patella, one holds heel. rotate and extend leg laterally, noting clicking and pain. do same while rotading and extending medially.
What is mcmurry test?
tests for torn meniscus

hold patella, hold heel. flex hip and knee. rotate and extend laterally and medially, noting clicking and pain.
Flattening of lumbar curve is a sign of
herniated disc

ankylosing spondylitis
Describe signs of chronic rheumatoid arthritis
boutonniere deformity - flexed pip, hyperextended dip

swan-neck deformity - hyperexteded pip, flexed dip
signs of osteoarthritis?
herbenden's nodules - nodule on dip

bouchard's nodules - nodule on pip
boutenniere vs swan-neck vs herbendin vs bouchard
rhematoid arthrithis - bouteniere (flexed pip, hyper dip) - swan neck (hyper pip, flexed dip)

osteo arthritis - herbenden (nodule on pip) - bouchard (nodule on dip)
What is it called when great toe deviates laterally, commmonly overlapping second toe?
hallux valgus
What is hallux valugs?
when great toe deviates laterally, commmonly overlapping second toe
Hammer toe?
hyperext of MTP joint with flex pip

= boutonieree of toes
How to test for meningeal irritation/inflammation?
brudzinski's sign
- supine
- use your hand to flex patient's neck
- positive if pt has pain, and flexes hips and knees involuntarily

kernig's sign
- supine
- flex leg at hip and knee, then extend knee
- back pain (bilateral = mening irritation)
thesias and gesias?
hypesthesia - decreased touch
hypalgesia - decreased sensit to pain
Wide staggering unsteady gait is known as
cerebellar ataxia

cerebellar dsiseases
Shuffling, stiff gait, stooped
parkinson gait
gait with thighs that overlap
scissors gait

partial paralysis
gait with flexed arm close to body, dragging or circling toe
spastic hemiparesis

stroke (upper motor neuron lesion)
gait, lift foot and knee high, slaps foot down
foot drop

lower motor neuron disease