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31 Cards in this Set

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What is alcohol

Whats in it and how does it work

How does it affect ucf

A drug,

Ethyl alcohol/ethanol-and addictive drug produced during fermentation

Fermentation -yeast organisms break down plant sugars, yielding ethanol and carbon dioxide

Distillation- alchol vapors are released from mash at high temps, condensed, and then mixed with water

Most used drug in college 84%

21% dropouts

75% rapes

A factor in low grades

What's proof

Whats the alcohol by volume of beer/ malt liquor and ales/ wines/ hard liquor

Concentration of alcohol in a beverage

Twice the percent of alcohol by volume






Blood alcohol concentration

The ratio of alcohol to total blood volume, messures the effects of alcohol, in fl the legal level is.08

What is one drink

.6 OZ alcohol

12 oz beer

5oz wine

Cocktail with 1.5 oz of 80 proof liquor

How is alcohol absorbed

Metabolizes ?


20% through the stomach lining to the blood stream

80% through upper 1/3 of small intestine

Blood stream > body> liver

Through liver 1/2oz of alcohol/hr


Can alcohol reduce the risk of heart disease

Can drinking cause shrinkage

5 or more drinks in one sitting for men



What are some long term effects of alcohol?

Causes shrinkage and memory loss of the brain

Liver hepatitis , cirrhosis

Cardiovascular system low heart rate and high hlood pressure

Stomach and intestinal ulcers

Reproductive system

Emotional and social problems

What is FAS

Signs and symtoms of alcohol poisoning

Fetal alcohol syndrome- mental retardation, small head, tremors and abnormalities of the face, limbs heart and brain

Unconscious or semi concious cant b wakened

Cold clammy pale or blush skin

Breathing is slow < 8 breaths a min

Breathing is irregular 10+sec.

Vomiting while sleeping or passed out

Symptoms of alcoholism

Cravings ( psychological dependance )

Loss of control


Physical dependance

How many people smoke

Causes ?

Where does it affect the body

Nicotine dependence

23.2% of US pop.

Cancer cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, etc.


Mouth and throat




> 90% of smokers as addictive as illicit drugs

Benefits of quitting smoking after 20 mins




2weeks to 3 months


Blood pressure drops, body temp returns to normal

Carbon monoxide level in blood decreases, oxygen level in blood increases

Chance for heart attack decreases

Nerve endings start growing back , ability to smell and taste is enhanced

Circulation improves, lung function increases by 30%

Excess risk of heart disease is half that of a smoker


Kinds and examples

Study of infectious diseases

Epidemic/outbreak-west nile. Large area of infectious disease in a certain country

Endemic-heart disease in the U.S. maintained in a certain area or population , obesity

Pandemic- has spread across a wide area of many population example AIDS epidemic turns into this. A lot more covered geographically

What is cholera and the broad street pump

Regarded as one of the founding fathers of modern epidemiology London suffered choleraa outbreaks but he noticed that it was the contamination of the water pump there was 500 deaths in 10 days

What is the difference between communicable and non communicable

Acute vs chronic

Infectious example chickenpox and herpes

noninfectious example appendicitis and cancer

Short term < 3 months

Ex cold, flu

Long term > 3 months

Heart disease, aids

What is the chain of infection

Whats the interuption



Portal of exit

Mode of transmission

Portal of entry

New host

Reservoir can be isolated and destroyed

with public sanitation

Transmission is disrupted

immunization or treatment of infected hosts

What's the body's defense system

Biggest protection?

Physical and chemical barriers


mucous membranes

such as mouth, nose, respiratory tract ,vagina

gastric juices

antibodies and enzymes

such as tears salvia vaginal secretions

What is the inflammatory response

Body's response to injury or infection

Cells in area of invasion release histamine

Produces heat, swelling and redness

White blood cells attack the invaders

Pus is produced

What is the immune response

Recognition of invading pathogens:Macrophages

Amplification of Defense : helper T cells trigger production of killer T cells and B cells


cell-mediated killer T cells

antibody mediated B cells

Slow down of activity: suppressor T cells


Can they cause death?

Result from hyperactive and overactive immune system

Allergens include Pollen , mold, mildew, etc

Anaphylactic shock is severe allergic reaction that may cause death

What are the types of pathogens




Smallest pathogen

Reproduce using a host'sDNA

Treatment-no cure


Location- skin, mucous membrane, lungs


Cold verse flu symptoms and prevention

What are for habits that weaken the immune system

Only main difference is the flu you have a fever

prevention of cold is hand washing and baby wipes

prevention of flu vaccine

Overdosing on sugar

excess alcohol

food allergens

too much fat

Feeding your immune system vitamin C does what

Raises white blood cells and antibodies

raises level of interferon: prevents entry of viruses

lowers risk of cardiovascular disease

Raises levels of HDL cholesterol l

Lowers blood pressure

lowers risk of colon ,prostate, and breast cancer

best to space supplements throughout the day so that less is excreted in urine

What is the number one causing death

What is the mostly preventable diseasenin children

Another that causes death?

Death or illness ?

What is the number one vaccine preventable cause of death worldwide





Pneumococcal diseases such as meningitis phenomena and sepsis

What is FGM ? Explain

Where does it occur ?

Female genital mutilation

The circumcision of females cutting or removal or a portion of the genitals for cultural reason only, not medical

Africa, bc of emigration is now being practiced in asia, europe and united states areas

What are psychoactive drugs

Give examples of each type

Substance that alter a persons experience or conciousness

Influrnce mood, behavior, perception, or mental functioning

Causes unpredictable physical or emtional changes

Effect biochemical and physiological processes in the brain

Narcotics- aka opiods -opium, herion, morphine, codeine, releive pain

Depressants- alcohol, barbiturates, sedatives, slow activity of CNS

Stimulants- cocaine, amphetamines, nicotine and caffeine, speep up CNS

Cannabis- most widely used drug in the US, prepared from indian plant called cannabis sativa

Psychedelics-aka hallucinigens-LSD, mescaline, PCP "angel dust"

Inhalants-volitale solvents, (aerosols) nitrates, anaesthetic (nitrious oxide aka laughing gas)

Designer drugs-made my modifying existing drugs to produce new, MDMA, crystal meth, synthetic barbiturates

What is rohypnol where Is it made

Aka roofies, or rope

A date rape drug


CNS depressant

Europe and latin america

What is cancer

what begins to form and differences

Disease of abnormal and uncontrolled cellular growth normal cells lose their ability to control their growth


benign tumors are not cancerous and do not spread

Malignant tumors or cancer and can spread

Types of cancer explain them

Most common cause of death in the US

Common cancer In women?


Testicular cancer -?


- tissues that cover external body surfaces, line internal internal organs, skin, breast, uterus, prostatw, lungs ans GI tract


-arise fromconnective and fibrous tissues, muscle bkne, cartilage


-cancer of the lymph node


-cancer of the blood or bone marrow

Lung cancer

Breast cancer

Prostate cancer

#1cancer amonf males 15-35

7 warning signs of cancer

C hange in bowl movement or bladdernhabbits

A sore that does not heal

U nusual bledding or discharge

T hickening or ump in breast or elsewhere

I ndigestion orndifficuktly swallowing

O bvious change in wart or mole

N agging cough or horeness

Where does skin cancer occur

What are the types

90% where usually not covered with clothes- face, arm, forearm, ears

Basal cell- deepest skin layer, 95% of cases

Squamous cell carcinomas- cancer of the surface area of the skin

Melanoma- appear on pre existing mole site, serious, spread quickly

ABCD 's of skin cancer


Border irregularity

