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44 Cards in this Set

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A state of physical, mental and social well-being, which includes the absence of disease and infirmity (weakness of body or mind)


A condition that impairs the normal functioning of an organism

This can be caused by infection with pathogens or parasites


An organism that can cause disease

Bacteria, fungi and viruses are all pathogens


An organism that lives on or in another organism (host) and causes damage to that organism

Tapeworms, roundworms and fleas are all examples of parasites

Some parasites cause disease, so they're also pathogens

What can cause disease?

An infection with pathogens or parasites

Genetic defects

Nutritional deficiencies

Environmental factors

What causes malaria?

It's cause by the eukaryotic, single-celled parasite Plasmodium

It's transmitted by mosquitos

Mosquitos = vectors = don't cause the disease themselves but they spread the infection by transferring the parasite from one host to another

Mosquitos transfer Plasmodium into an animal's blood when they feed on them

Plasmodium infects the liver and RBCs, and disrupts the blood supply to vital organs

What causes AIDS?

It is caused by HIV which infects human WBCs

HIV can only reproduce inside the cells of the organism it has infected because it doesn't have the equipment (e.g. enzymes) to replicate on its own

After the virus has reproduced it kills the WBCs as it leaves

HIV leads to AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)


A condition where the immune system deteriorates and eventually fails due to the loss of WBCs

It makes the sufferer more vulnerable to other infections like pneumonia

What three ways can HIV be transmitted by?

Unprotected sexual intercourse

Through infected bodily fluids e.g. sharing needles

From mother to fetus through the placenta, breast milk or during childbirth

What causes tuberculosis (TB)?

TB is a lung disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis

TB spreads by 'droplet infection' - when an infected person coughs or sneezes, tiny droplets of saliva and mucus containing the bacteria are released from their mouth and nose, these droplets are then breathed in by other people

Many people with TB are infected but don't show symptoms, but when become weakened the infection can become active

Why are malaria, HIV and TB most common in sub-Saharan Africa and other developing countries?

Limited access to healthcare

Limited health education to inform people how to avoid infectious diseases

There's limited equipment to reduce the spread of infections

Overcrowded conditions (increases risk of TB)

Why is studying the global distribution of malaria, HIV and TB important?

Information can be used to find out where people are most at risk

Data collected can be used to predict where epidemics are most likely to occur

It's important for research

It allows organisations to provide aid where it's needed most

What are teh body's primary defences?

The skin and mucous membranes

How does skin act as a primary defence?

It acts as a physical barrier, blocking pathogens from entering the body

It also acts as a chemical barrier by producing chemicals that are antimicrobial and can lower pH, inhibiting the growth of pathogens

How do mucous membranes act as a primary defence?

They protect body opening that are exposed to the environment

Some membranes secrete mucus - a sticky substance that traps pathogens and contains antimicrobial

Immune response

This is the body's reaction to a foreign antigen


Antigens are molecules found on the surface of cells

When a pathogen invades the body, the antigens on its cell surface are identified as foreign, which activates cells in the immune system

What are the four main stages involved in the immune response

1. Phagocytes engulf pathogens

2. Phagocytes activate T lymphocytes

3. T lymphocytes activate B lymphocytes, which divide into plasma cells

4. Plasma cells make more antibodies to a specific antigen

Outline the first stage of the immune response

(Phagocytes engulf pathogens)

A phagocyte recognises the antigens on a pathogen

The cytoplasm of the phagocyte moves round the pathogen, engulfing it

The pathogen is now contained in a phagocytic vacuole in the cytoplasm of the phagocyte

A lysosome fuses with the phagocytic vacuole, the enzymes break down the pathogen

The phagocyte then presents that pathogen's antigens - it sticks the antigens on its surface to activate other immune system cells


A type of WBC that carries out phagocytosis

They are found in the blood and in tissue and are the first cells to respond to a pathogen inside the body

Outline the second stage of the immune response

(Phagocytes activate T lymphocytes)

A T lymhocyte is another type of WBC

Their surface is covered with receptors

The receptors bind to antigens presented by phagocytes

Each T lymphocyte has a different receptor on its surface

When the receptor meets a complementary antigen, it binds to it

This activates the T lymphocyte (clonal selection)

The T lymphocyte then undergoes clonal expansion - it divides to produce clones, which then differentiate into different types of T lymphocytes that carry out different functions

What different functions do the T lymphocytes produced through clonal expansion have?

Helper T cells - release substances to activate B lymphoctyes

Some T lymphocytes attach to antigens on a pathogen and kill the cell

Memory cells

Outline the third stage of the immune response

(T lymphocytes activate B lymphocytes which divide into plasma cells)

B lymphocytes are another type of WBC

They're covered with proteins called antibodies

Antibodies bind to antigens to form an antigen-antibody complex

Each B lymphocyte has a different shaped antibody on its surface

When the antibody on the surface meets a complementary shaped antigen it binds to it

This, plus substances release for helper T cells, activates the B lymphocyte (clonal selection)

The activated B lymphocyte divides by mitosis, into plasma cells and memory cells (clonal expansion)

Cell signalling

This is how cells communicate

A cell may release a substance that binds to the receptors on another cell - this causes a response of some kind in the other cell

Cell signalling is really important in the immune response because it helps to activate all the different types of WBCs that are needed

Outline the fourth stage of the immune response

(Plasma cells make more antibodies to a specific antigen)

Plasma cells are clones of the B lymphocyte

They secrete loads of the antibody, specific to the antigen, into the blood

These antibodies will bind to the antigens on the surface of the pathogen to form lots of antigen-antibody complexes

The structure of antibodies

Variable regions - form antigen binding sites (shape is complementary to a particular antigen)

Hinge regions - allows flexibility when the antibody binds to the antigen

Constant regions - allow binding to receptors on immune system cells (same on all antibodies)

Disulfide bridges - hold the polypeptide chains together

How do antibodies help to clear an infection?

(Agglutinating proteins)

Antibodies have two binding sites so can bind to two pathogens at the same time, so pathogens become clumped together

Phagocytes then bind to the antibodies and phagocytose a lot of pathogens all at once

How do antibodies help to clear an infection?

(Neutralising toxins and preventing the pathogen binding to human cells)

Neutralising toxins - toxins are inactivated (neutralised) so they can't affect human cells

Preventing the pathogen binding to human cells - when they bind to antigens on pathogens they may block the cell surface receptors that pathogens need to bind to the host cells

Why is the primary response slow?

When the pathogen enters the body for the first time the antigen on its surface activate the immune system (primary response)

It is slow because there aren't many B lymphocytes that can make the antibody needed to bind to it

Eventually the body will produce enough of the right antibody to overcome the infection

After being exposed to an antigen, both T and B lymphocytes produce memory cells which remain in the body for a long time

Memory T lymphocytes remember the specific antigen

Memory B lymphocytes remember the specific antibodies needed

The person is now immune

Why is the secondary response faster?

If the same pathogen enters the body, the immune response will be a lot faster

Memory B lymphocytes divide into plasma cells and produce the right antibody to the antigen

Memory T lymphocytes divide into the correct type of T lymphocytes to kill the cell carrying the antigen

The second response often gets rid of the pathogen before any symptoms are shown

Active immunity

When the immune system makes its own antibodies after being stimulated by an antigen

What are the two different types of active immunity?

Natural - this is when you become immune after catching a disease

Artificial - this is when you become immune after you've been given a vaccination containing a harmless dose of antigen

Passive immunity

When the immune system doesn't produce any antibodies of its own, it's given antibodies made by a different organism

What are the two different types of passive immunity?

Natural - this is when a baby becomes immune due to the antibodies it receives from its mother, through the placenta and in breast milk

Artificial - this is when you become immune after being injected with antibodies from someone else

How do vaccines help to control disease?

Vaccines contain antigens that cause your body to produce memory cells against a particular pathogen, without the pathogen causing disease

This means you become immune with out any of the symptoms

Herd immunity

If everyone in a community is vaccinated against a disease, the disease becomes really rare

This means that even people who haven't been vaccinated are unlikely to get the disease because there is no one to get it from

Why do new influenza vaccines have to be developed every year?

The influenza virus causes influenza (flu)

Proteins on the surface of the influenza act as antigens, triggering the immune system

These antigens can change regularly, forming new strains

Memory cells produced from the vaccination with one strain will not recognise other strains with different antigens

Why do possible sources of medcines need to be protected?

Many medicinal drugs are manufactured using natural compounds found in plants, animals or microorganisms

Only a small proportion of organsims have been investigated so it's possible that organisms exist that contain compounds that could treat currently incurable diseases

Possible sources of drugs need to be protected by maintaining biodiversity

How does smoking increase the risk of atherosclerosis?

When damage occurs to the lining of the artery, WBCs move into the area

Over time more WBCs, lipids and connective tissue build up and harden to form a fibrous plaque at the site of damage (atheroma)

The atheroma partially blocks the lumen of the artery and restricts blood flow

Atherosclerosis is the hardening of arteries due to the formation of atheromas

Cigarette smoke contains nicotine, which causes an increase in blood pressure

Increased blood pressure can cause damage to the arteries, leading to the formation more atheromas

How does smoking increase the risk of coronary heart disease?

CHD is when the coronary arteries have lots of atheromas in them, this restricts blood flow to the heart

A reduction in blood flow reduces the amount of oxygen supplied to the heart - this can cause pain or heart attack

Carbon monoxide irreversibly combines with haemoglobin, reducing the amount of oxygen transported in the blood, which reduces the amount of oxygen available to tissues

Nicotine make platelets sticky increasing blood clots - if clotting happens in the coronary arteries it could cause a heart attack

The presence of atheromas also increases the risk of blood clots forming

How does smoking increase the risk of stroke?

A stroke is a rapid loss of brain function due to disruption in the blood supply to the brain

This can be caused by a blood clot in an artery leading to the brain, which reduces the amount of blood and so oxygen that reaches the brain

Nicotine increases the risk of stroke because it increases the risk of clots forming

Carbon monoxide also increases the risk of stroke because it reduces the amount of oxygen available to the brain by combining with haemoglobin

How does smoking increase the risk of lung cancer?

Cigarette smoke contains many carcinogens

These may cause mutationsin the DNA of lung cells which could lead to uncontrolled cell growth and the formation of a malignant tumour, these grow uncontrollably, blocking air flow to areas of the lung

This decreases gas exchange and leads to a shortness of breath (body is struggling to take in oxygen)

The tumour uses lots of nutrients and energy to grow, which causes weight loss

How does smoking increase the risk of chronic bronchitis?

Chronic bronchitis is inflammation of the lungs

The upper respiratory tract is lined with goblet cells that produces mucus to trap microorganisms, and it has cilia

Cigarette smoke damages the cilia and causes the goblet cells to produce more mucus

The mucus accumulates in the lungs which causes increased coughing to try and remove the mucus

Microorganisms multiply in the mucus and cause lung infections that lead to inflammation which decreases gas exchange

How does smoking increase the risk of emphysema?

Emphysema is a lung disease caused by smoking or long-term exposure to air pollution

This causes inflammation which encourages phagocytes to the area, these produce an enzyme which breaks down elastin

The alveolar walls are destroyed and the elasticity of the lungs is lost

This reduces the surface area of the alveoli, so the rate of gaseous exchange decreases

Symptoms include shortness of breath and wheezing