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14 Cards in this Set

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smallest part of the body
group of similar cells that work together
body part consisting of different kinds of tissue that do a particular job
body system
a group of organs that work together to perform a main body function
Cardiovascular System
transports nutients, gases, hormones, and cellular waste through body. blood-plasma, red&white bloodcells, hemogloben, platelets; blood vessels-arteries,veins, capillaries; heart-atrium, ventricle, venacava, pulmonary artery
Muscular System
provides movement and maintains pressure. voluntary muscles-you can control. involuntary muscles-you cannot control. smooth, skeletal and cardiac muscles; 650 + muscles in body
Respiratory System
provides cells with oxygen and carbon dioxide. nasal cavity, pharynx, epigoltis, trachea, bronchis, lungs, bronchioles, alveoli
Inegumentary System
covers and protects the body. skin-3 layers-epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous. melanin-skin color. sweat gland, subcutaneous gland-seburn
Unrinary System
removes liwuid waste and maintains water balance. kidneys(2)-ureters(2), urinary bladder, urethra
Digestive System
breaks down food into nutrients that can be used by the body. salivary gland, mouth, esophoagus, stomach, small intestine, liver, pancreaus, large intestine
Skeletal system
supports framework, protects vital organs, works with muscles for movement, produces blood cells. bone, periosteum, bone marrow, cartilage, ligaments, joint; 206 bones in the body
Immune System
removes harmful organisms from blood and fights off pathogens (germs). lymph, lymph nodes, vessels, spleen
Endocrine system
consists of glands that control many of the body's activities by producing hormones. glands secrete hormones; pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, pancreaus, ovaries, testes
Nervous System
carries messages to and from brain and spinal cord and all other parts of the body; brain, cerebrum, cerebellum, brainstem, spinal cord- cord of nerves, nerve cells