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26 Cards in this Set

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how do you define being overweight and obese?

18.5-24.9 normal weight
25-29.9 overweight
30+ obese

how do you define obesity in children?

use bmi but this changes with age. Use age specific cut offs.

summary of weight trends?

increased morbidity and mortality
prevalence of obesity increased rapidly (developed and undeveloped, either sex and all age groups)

summary of meta analysis

adults responded greatly to advice and behaviour altered
children showed low compliance

define sedentary behaviour

opposite of physical activity

how do you measure sedentary behaviour

motion sensors, self report and energy expenditure methods.

narrative of sedentary behaviour rct

decrease in sedentary behaviour leads to improved body composition

narrative of sedentary behaviour intervention study

those who watched more tv were more likely to be obese (dose-response relationship)

narrative of sedentary behaviour longitudinal study

those who watched more tv were more likely to be obese (dose-response relationship)

narrative of sedentary behaviour cross sectional study

>2hrs of sedentary behaviour related to increased risk of being obese

what has america changed over time that has increased risk of obesity? why is this bad?

portion sizes. it is shown that the more you put in front of someone the more they will eat.

do ready to eat foods have a bigger or smaller portion size compared to the recommended standard portion


how are some of the things that increase appetite or over eating exploited by advertising?

increase shelf space of product. increased presence of food and food images. excessive availability of food. convenience increased. large portions. modelling eating behaviours. pairing food images with images of fun or pleasure. lack of labelling.

what can politicy interventions affect?

systemic drivers, environmental drivers and environmental moderators.

what can health promotion progammes and social marketing affect?

environmental moderators and behaviour patterns.

what is a determinant of health and give examples?

not directly linked to increased or decreased help but promote and protect good health. ie income, education and employment.

what are two measures of socioeconomic position?

NZidep and NZdep.

who are the at risk groups for heart disease?

men and those who liver in areas of higher deprivation

what are three diseases that increase by deprivation

heart disease, diabetes and skin diseases (in children)

what is a major determinant of life expectancy


what habit increases as deprivation increases


what is the point of a public health model/framework?

to discuss approaches to improving health of population

what are some levels of the public health model?

lifestyle factors, community influences, living and working conditions and socioeconomic, cultural and environmental conditions.

explain deprivation by ethnicity

amount of maori increases by increased deprivation and the opposite occurs for nz european

what are the two major axes of health disparity

socioeconomic position and ethnicity

What is the role of health services in infectious diseases?

vaccines and immunisation. but this is not as important as improving conditions (not public health sector)