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129 Cards in this Set

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what's the posterior triangle bounded by?
SCM, trapezius, clavicle
what forms the roof and floor of the posterior triangle?
roof: platysma, deep cervical fascia
floor: splenius capitis, levator scapulae, anterior, middle, and superior scalene muscles
what are the vascular contents of the posterior triangle?
external jugular v, transverse cervical vessels, suprascapular vessels, subclavian v (sometimes), subclavian a,
what are the n contents of posterior triangle?
roots/trunks of brachial plexus, accessory n, cutaneous br of cervical plexus, n to subclavius, dorsal scapular n, suprascapular n, long thoracic n
what are the muscular contents of posterior triangle?
posterior/inferior belly of omohyoid
how is the posterior triangle divided?
omohyoid posterior belly divides it into occipital triangle and subclavian (supraclavicular or omoclavicular) triangle
what's the anterior triangle bounded by?
SCM, anterior midline of neck, mandible
what forms roof of anterior triangle?
platysma and investing layer of deep cervical fascia
hos is the anterior triangle divided?
divided by omohyoid anterior belly and digastric anterior and posterior bellies into : digastric (submandibular) triangle, submental (suprahyoid) triangle, carotid triangle, muscular (inferior carotid) triangle
which neck muscles DON'T attach to hyoid bone?
sternothyroid, styloglossus
what's the styloid process?
slender projection of variable length and extends down and forward from TEMPORAL BONE
what is accessory n formed by?
union of cranial and spinal roots
where do cranial roots and spinal roots of accessory n come from?
cranial: medulla oblongata below vagus roots
spinal roots: lateral part of cervical segment of spinal cord b/w C1 and C3 or (C1 and C7)
which part of accessory n passes thru foramen magnum?
what innerv SCM?
spinal accessory n; C2-C8 (sensory)
what are the cervical muscles of the neck?
platysma and SCM
what are the suprahyoid muscles of the neck?
digastric, mylohyoid, stylohyoid, geniohyoid
what are the infrahyoid muscles of the neck?
sternohyoid, sternothyroid, thyrohyoid, omohyoid
what innerv digastric?
posterior belly by facial n
anterior belly by mylohyoid n of trigeminal n
what innerv mylohyoid?
mylohyoid n of trigeminal n
what muscles of neck are innerv by facial n?
post belly of digastric
what muscles of neck are innerv by C1 via hypoglossal n?
geniohyoid, thyrohyoid
what muscles of neck are innerv by ansa cervicalis?
omohyoid, sternothyroid, sternohyoid
both the spinal and cranial parts of accessory n go thru what hole?
jugular foramen
what does cranial part of accessory n innev?
soft palate, pharyngeal constrictors, larynx
what's the action of platysma?
depresses lower jaw and lip and angle of mouth; wrinkles neck skin
what's the action of SCM?
singly turns face toward opposite side; together flex head, raise thorax
what's the action of digastric?
elevates hyoid and floor of mouth; depresses mandible
what's the action of mylohyoid?
elevates hyoid and floor of mouth; depresses mandible
what's the action of stylohyoid?
elevates hyoid
what's the action of geniohyoid?
elevates hyoid and floor of mouth
what's the action of sternohyoid?
depresses hyoid and larynx
what's the action of sternothyroid?
depresses hyoid and larynx
typo? it doesn't even touch hyoid
what's the action of thyrohyoid?
depresses hyoid and elevates larynx
what's the action of omohyoid?
depresses and retracts hyoid and larynx
what happens if you get a lesion of accessory n in neck?
denervates trapezius --> atrophy of muscle --> downward displacement or drooping of shoulder
what nn form cervical plexus?
what nn make up the cutaneous br of the cervical plexus?
lesser occipital n (C2), great auricular n (C2-C3), transverse cervical n(C2-C3), supraclavicular n (C3-C4)
what nn make up the motor br of the cervical plexus?
ansa cervicalis, phrenic n (C3, C4, C5), twigs from plexus, accessory phrenic n (C5)
what n is a n loop formed by union of superior root and inferior root?
ansa cervicalis (superior : C1 or C1 + C2; descendens hypoglossi) and inferior: C2 + C3 (descendens cervicalis)
what does the ansa cervicalis innerv?
infrahyoid (strap) muscles: omohyoid, sternohyoid, sternothyroid except: thyrohyoid
what n lies superficial to or w/I carotid sheath in anterior cervical triangle?
ansa cervicalis
what type of n fibers does phrenic have?
motor, sensory, symp
what does phrenic n innerv?
motor --> diaphragm; sensory to central part of diaphragm
what do twigs from plexus supply?
longus capitis and cervicis or colli, SCM, trapezius, levator scapula, and scalene
what's brachial plexus formed by? What muscles does it pass b/w?
union of VPR of C5-T1; anterior scalene and middle scalene
what n do brachial plexus n roots give rise to in neck?
dorsal scapular n (C5) and long thoracic n (C5, C6, C7)
what does the dorsal scapular n innerv?
levator scapulae and rhomboid muscles
what does the long thoracic n innerv?
serratus anterior
what n does brachial plexus upper trunk give rise to in neck?
suprascapular n (C5, C6) and n to subclavius muscle (C5)
how does the n to subclavius muscle comm w/ phrenic many times?
as accessory phrenic n
where does subclavian a originate from?
on right: brachiocephalic trunk on left: arch of aorta
what are the subclavian a's branches?
vertebral a, thyrocervical trunk, internal thoracic a, costocervical trunk, dorsal (descending) scapular a
what a comes from 1st part of subclavian a and ascends b/w anterior scalene and longus colli muscle?
vertebral a
vertebral a ascends thru transverse foramina of …
C1-C6, winds around superior articular process of atlas and passes thru foramen manum into cranial cavity
what a does the thyrocervical trunk divide into?
inferior thyroid a, transverse cervical a, suprascapular a
what a does the inferior thyroid a give rise to? What does this a ascend w/?
ascending cervical a .. w/ phrenic n
what important n and a relationship is there w/ ligament? Suprascapular a
a goes over superior transverse scapular ligament, n goes under
army over, navy under
what's neurovascular compression syndrome?
symptoms of n compression of brachial plexus and subclavian vessels; caused by abnormal insertion of anterior and middle scalene muscles and by cervical rib (cartilaginous accessory rib att to vertebra C7
what's subclavian steal syndrome?
cerebral and brainstem ischemia caused by reversal of blood flow from basilar a thru vertebral a into subclavian a in presence of occlusive disease of subclavian a proximal to origin of vertebral a; when very little blood flow thru vertebral a, may steal blood from carotid, circle of Willis and basilar circulation and divert it thru vertebral a into subclavian a and into arm, causing vertebrobasilar insufficiency and brainstem ischemia and stroke
where does the right common carotid a begin?
bifurcation of brachiocephalic a
where deos left common carotid a begin?
aortic arch
what do common carotid aa divide into?
external and internal carotid aa
where's the carotid body receptor?
at bifurcation @ common carotid a as ovoid body
what's carotid body's purpose?
chemoreceptor stim by chem change (ex: lack of O2, excess CO2, inc [H+]) in circulating blood ; help control respiration
where does n to carotid body come from?
pharyngeal br of vagus n
what's the carotid sinus?
spindle-shaped dilatation at origin of internal carotid a
what's carotid sinus' purpose?
baroreceptor (pressoreceptor) stim by changes in blood pressure; when stim, causes slowing of heart rate, vasodilation and decrease in bp
what innerv carotid sinus? carotid body?
carotid sinus:
carotid sinus br of glossopharyngeal n, n to carotid body of vagus n

carotid body: n to carotid body of vagus n and carotid sinus branch of glossopharyngeal n
what's carotid sinus syncope?
temp loss of consciousness or fainting caused by diminshed cerebral blood flow; results from hypersensitivity of carotid sinus; attacks may be produced by pressure on sensitive carotid sinus by taking carotid pulse near superior border of thyroid cartilage
what does internal carotid a ascend in carotid sheath w/?
vagus n and internal jugular v
how does internal carotid a enter cranium?
carotid canal in petrous part of temporal bone
what's the circle of Willis formed by?
posterior cerebral, posterior communicating, internal carotid, anterior cerebral and anterior communicating arteries
what are the branches of the external carotid a?
superior thyroid a, lingual a, facial a, ascending pharyngeal a, occipital a, posterior auricular a, maxillary a, superficial temporal a
what br does superior thyroid a give rise to?
infrahyoid, SCM, superior laryngeal, cricothyroid, glandular br
what br does lingual a give rise to?
suprahyoid, dorsal lingual, sublingual, deep lingual
how does facial a enter face?
hooks around lower border of mandible @ anterior margin of masseter
what bone does occipital a associate w/?
groove on mastoid process
what br does posterior auricular a give rise to?
what v is formed by the superficial temporal v and maxillary v?
retromandibular v
what does superficial temporal a accomany as it ascends in front of external acoustic meatus?
auriculotemporal n
superficial temporal v
what is temporal (giant cell) arteritis?
granulomatous inflammation w/ multinucleated giant cells, affecting medium-sized arteries, esp TEMPORAL A
what do retromandibular v's branches join to form?
anterior: joins facial v to make common facial v
posterior: joins posterior auricular v to make external jugular v
what forms external jugular v?
union of posterior auricular v and retromandibular v (posterior br)
what v does the external jugular v receive?
suprascapular v
transverse cervical v
anterior jugular v
how does internal jugular v begin and end?
begins: in jugular foramen as continuation of sigmoid sinus
ends: brachiocephalic v
what v does internal jugular v receive?
facial v
lingual v
superior thyroid v
middle thyroid v
what strucs are at beginning and end of internal jugular v?
beginning: superior bulb
end; inferior bulb
what are the superficial lymph nodes of the head?
buccal (facial)
superficial cervical
where do superficial lymph nodes receive lymph from? where do they drain into?
from: face, scalp and ear
to? deep cervical nodes
what nodes does the middle ear drain into?
upper deep cervical
what nodes does nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses drain into?
upper deep cervical
what nodes does tongue drain into?
upper and lower cervical
what nodes does larynx drain into?
upper and lower deep cervical
what nodes does pharynx drain into?
upper and lower deep cervical
what nodes does thyroid gland drain into?
lower deep cervical
where are the superficial cervical lymph nodes?
along external jugular v in posterior triangle and
along anterior jugular v in anterior triangle
what do superficial cervical lymph nodes drain into?
deep cervical nodes (including jugulodigastric and jugulo-omohyoid nodes)
what are the 2 categories of deep cervical lymph nodes?
superior deep cervical nodes
inferior deep cervical nodes
where do superior deep cervical nodes lie along?
internal jugular v in carotid triangle of neck
what does superior deep cervical nodes receive afferent lymphatics from?
back of head and neck
nasal cavity
thyroid gland
when efferent vessels of superior deep cervical nodes join inferior deep cervical nodes, what's formed?
jugular trunk
where does the jugular trunk empty out?
left: thoracic duct
right: junc of internal jugular v and subclavian v
where do the inferior deep cervical nodes lie along?
internal jugular v near subclavian v
where do the inferior deep cervical nodes receive afferent lymphatics from?
anterior jugular
transverse cervical
apical axillary
where does the trachea begin?
inferior border of cricoid cartilage (C6)
how many rings does trachea have? describe.
16-20 incomplete hyaline cartilaginous rings that open posteriorly to prevent trachea from collapsing
where does esophagus begin? descends where?
at lower border of pharynx at level of cricoid cartilage (C6) and descends b/w trachea and vertebral column
what's the sphincter of upper esophageal opening? when is it closed?
cricopharyngeal muscle = sphincter
stays closed except during deglutition (swallowing) and emesis (vomiting)
what innerv esophagus? what's the blood supply?
innerv: recurrent laryngeal nn
sympathetic trunks
blood: br of inferior thyroid aa
what supplies the thyroid gland blood supply?
superior thyroid a
inferior thyroid a
thyroid ima a (inconsistent br from brachiocephalic trunk)
drains: superior thyroid v and middle thyroid v to internal jugular v
AND inferior thyroid v to brachiocephalic v
what's vulnerable to injury during thyroidectomy or tracheotomy?
thyroid ima artery
inferior thyroid v
hemorrhage from injury of anterior jugular v
nerve paralysis of recurrent laryngeal nn
pneumothorax (from damage of cervical dome of pleura; happens mostly in kids b/c of high level of pleura)
esophageal injury (immediately posterior to trachea: common in infants)
what's the blood supply to parathyroid glands?
inferior thyroid a
what can be injured in cricothyrotomy?
anterior jugular veins
what's thyroid cartilage?
hyaline cartilage that forms laryngeal prominence (Adam's apple)
superior horn joined at tip of greater horn of hyoid bone by lateral thyroid ligament and inferior horn that articulates w/ cricoid cartilage
where does vagus n run thru and what does it give off?
runs thru jugular foramen
vagus --> superior laryngeal n --> divides into --> external laryngeal n + internal laryngeal n
what does external laryngeal n run w/? internal laryngeal n?
external laryngeal n runs w/ superior thyroid a
internal laryngeal n runs w/ superior laryngeal a
what does the external laryngeal n innerv?
inferior pharyngeal constrictor
what does internal laryngeal n innerv?
sensory to larynx above vocal cord and taste fibers to epiglottis
what type of fibers does symp trunk have?
pregang and postgang symp fibers
cell bodies of postgang symp
visceral afferent fibers w/ cell bodies in upper thoracic DRG
what ganglia does symp trunk have?
superior cervical ganglion
middle cervical ganglion
inferior cervical ganglion
ansa subclavia
what fibers does superior cervical ganglion contain?
cell bodies of postgang symp fibers that pass to visceral strucs of head and neck
what nn does superior cervical ganglion give rise to?
internal carotid n --> internal carotid plexus
external carotid n --> external carotid plexus
pharyngeal br that join pharyngeal br of glossopharyngeal and vagus nn to form pharyngeal plexus
superior cervical cardiac n to heart
what n does middle cervical ganglion give rise to?
middle cervical cardiac n: largest of 3 cervical symp cardiac nn
what n does inferior cervical ganglion give rise to?
inferior cervical cardiac n
what ganglion does inferior cervical ganglion fuse w/?
fuses w/ 1st thoracic ganglion to become cervicothoracic (stellate) ganglion
where is thoracic duct?
ascends thru posterior mediastinum b/w aorta and azygos v
When the Bogeyman goes to sleep every night, he checks the closet for Chuck Norris
There is no chin under Chuck Norris' beard. There is only another fist.