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32 Cards in this Set

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Pulls skull back
Raises eyebrows, wrinkles forehead
Orbicularis oculi
Elliptical muscle around orbital opening
Closes eyelids
Corrugator supercilii
Medial to eyebrow
Draws eyebrows together, as in a frown
Vertically on either side of nose
Pulls skin of nose upward, wrinkling over bridge of nose
Transverse part (compressor naris) and alar part (dilator naris)
Compresses or dilates nose
Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi, levator labii superioris, levator anguli oris
Upper lip and sides of nose
Raise and evert upper lip & corner of mouth
Depressor septi
Assist dilator naris
Risorius & zygomaticus (major & minor)
Retract and raise corner of mouth as in a smile
Depressor labii inferioris, depressor anguli oris and mentalis
Depress lower lip and corner of mouth producing doubt/sadness. Mentalis alone produces a pout
Orbicularis oris
Elliptical muscle surrounding mouth
Closes lips and purses them for blowing
Muscle of the cheek
Compresses cheek against the teeth and is blowing muscle
Muscle of the neck, upper part of thorax to lower border of mandible and lower lip
Tightens the skin of the neck, draws down lower lip and corner of mouth, producing a grimace
Orig: MEDIAL/STERNAL HEAD from upper anterior surface of manubrium of sternum
LATERAL/CLAVICULAR HEAD from upper surface of medial third of clavicle

Ins: Lateral surface of mastoid process
Action: BILATERALLY, extends head and OA joints and flexes neck
UNILATERALLY side bends head and neck to same side and rotates to opposite side

N: Ventral rami of C2,3,4 and CN XI
Orig & Ins: ANTERIOR BELLY attaches to digastric fossa of mandible
POSTERIOR BELLY attaches to mastoid notch of temporal bone
Action: Elevates the hyoid(and base of tongue and larynx) OR depresses mandible

N: V3 (anterior belly) and facial nerve (posterior belly)
Orig: Base of styloid process

Ins: Body of hyoid
Action: Elevates the hyoid(and base of tongue and larynx) OR depresses mandible

N: Facial n.
Orig: Mylohyoid line of mandible

Ins: Body of hyoid and median fibrous raphe between mylohyoid muscles
Action: Elevates the hyoid(and base of tongue and larynx) OR depresses mandible

N: V3 (mylohyoid branch of inferior alveolar n.)
Orig: Inferior mental spine of mandible

Ins: Body of hyoid
Action: Elevates the hyoid(and base of tongue and larynx) OR depresses mandible

N: Branch of ventral ramus of C1
Orig: Back of upper part of manubrium of sternum

Ins: Lower border of body of hyoid
Action: During swallowing depresses the hyoid and larynx after elevation by the suprahyoid muscles

N: Ansa cervicales
Orig & Ins: SUPERIOR BELLY attaches to lower border of body of hyoid
INFERIOR BELLY attaches to upper border of scapula medial to scapular notch
Action: During swallowing depresses the hyoid and larynx after elevation by the supra hyoid muscles

N: Ansa cervicales
Origin: Oblique line of thyroid

Ins: Lower border of greater horn of hyoid
Action: During swallowing depresses the hyoid and larynx after elevation by the supra hyoid muscles

N: Ansa cervicalis
Longus colli
Origin & Ins: Between anterior tubercle of atlas and body of T3. In between it is attached to vertebral bodies and anterior transverse tubercles
Action: BILATERALLY flexes neck
UNILATERALLY side bends neck to same side and rotates to OPPOSITE side by pulling transverse processes forward

N: Ventral rami of C2-6
Longus capitis
Origin: Anterior transverse tubercles of C3-C6

Ins: Inferior surface of basilar occipital bone
Action: BILATERALLY, flexes head and neck
UNILATERALLY, side bends and rotates head and neck to SAME side by pulling occiput backward

N: Ventral rami of C1-3
Rectus capitis anterior
Origin: Anterior surface of lateral mass of atlas and root of its transverse process

Ins: Inferior surface of basilar occipital bone behind longus capitis
Action: Flexes head at OA joint

N: Ventral rami of C1 and C2
Rectus capitis lateralis
Origin: Upper surface of transverse process of atlas

Ins: Inferior surface of jugular process of occipital bone
Action: Side bends head to same side

N: Ventral rami of C1 and C2
Scalenus anterior
Origin: Anterior transverse tubercles of C3-C6

Ins: Scalene tubercle and ridge on upper surface of first rib anterior to groove for subclavian artery
Action: ACTING FROM BELOW WITH RIBS FIXED, flexes cervical spine, side bends to SAME side and rotates to SAME SIDE

N: Ventral rami of C3-8
Scalenus medius
Origin: Posterior transverse tubercles of C2-7

Ins: Upper surface of first rib behind subclavian groove
Action: ACTING FROM BELOW WITH RIBS FIXED, flexes cervical spine, side bends to SAME side and rotates to SAME SIDE

N: Ventral rami of C3-8

Scalenus posterior
Origin: Posterior transverse tubercles of C4-6

Ins: Outer border of second rib behind serratus anterior
Action: ACTING FROM BELOW WITH RIBS FIXED, flexes cervical spine, side bends to SAME side and rotates to SAME SIDE

N: Ventral rami of C3-8
Origin: Lower border and medial surface of zygomatic arch

Ins: Lateral surface of coronoid process, ramus and angle of mandible
Action: Elevates mandible, closing mouth

N: CN V3
Origin: Most of temporal fossa and deep surface of temporal fascia

Ins: Coronoid process and anterior border of ramus
Action: Anterior fibers elevate mandible. Posterior fibers retract mandible

N: CN V3
Lateral Pterygoid
Origin: Small UPPER HEAD from infra temporal surface and crest of greater wing of sphenoid
Larger LOWER HEAD from lateral surface of lateral pterygoid plate

Ins: UPPER HEAD to articular capsule and disc of TMJ
LOWER HEAD to neck of mandible
Action: BOTH HEADS draw mandible towards opposite side producing side-to-side grinding movements
UPPER HEAD elevates mandible
LOWER HEAD protrudes and depresses mandible, opening mouth

N: CN V3
Medial Pteryoid
Origin: Medial surface of lateral pterygoid plate

Ins: Medial surface of ramus and angle of mandible as high as mandibular foramen
Action: Draws mandible towards opposite side, protrudes and elevates mandible

N: CN V3