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32 Cards in this Set

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what nerve located immediately inferior to the last molar tooth that is palpable through the oral mucosa and in danger when operating on the last molar?

lingual nerve
lingual nerve defend between the tensor veli palatini muscle and lateral petyygoid where it join the tympany nerve and decend across lateral surface of medial pterygoid muscle to r
enter oral cavity
what is the branch of facial nerve that carry taste from the anterior two thirds of the tongue and parasympathetic innervation to all salivary gland below the level of the oral fissure?
chords tympani
chorda tympani is a branch of facial nerve that join lingual nerve to carry preganglionic fiber to the submandible ganglion to synaspse with postgangion. submandible ganglion is hang off from the lingual nerve
lesser petrosal nerve carries parasympathetic fibers destined for what gland?
parotid gland

lessor petrosal is a branch of tympanic plexus which is formed by tympanic nerve (branch of glossopharyngeal nerve)

The parasympathetic part of the autonomic division of the PNS leave the cranial and sacral regions of the CNS through what nerves?

a. cranial nerve III, VII, IX, and X

b. spinal nerves S2 to S4 ( preganglionic fibers synapse with nerve cell of enteric system)

what are the two branches of inferior alveolar nerve (terminal branch of V3)?

Adjacent to the first premolar tooth the inferior alveolar nerve divided into incisive nerve and mental nerve.

Incisive branch innervate the first premolar, canine, incisor teeth of the mandibular, together with associate vestibular (buccal gingiva)

Mental nerve exit the mandible through mental foramen and innervated the chin and lower lip.

The gingiva on the buccal side of the upper teeth is innervated by what nerves?

anterior, middle, and posterior superior alveolar nerve

Anterior and middle superior alveolar nerve is a branch of what nerve?

originates from the infra-orbital nerve branch of maxilla in the infra-orbital canal. middle superior alveolar nerve innervate the premolar via superior alveolar plexus

Gingiva on the palatal (lingual) side of the upper teeth are innervated by what nerve?

a. nasopalatine nerve (innervate gingiva associated with incisor and canine teeth)

b. greater palatine nerve supplied gingiva associated with posterior teeth.

gingiva associated with the buccal side of the mandibular incisor, canine, and premolar teeth is innervated by what nerve?

mental nerve branch of inferior alveolar nerve.

gingiva on the buccal side of the mandibular molar teeth is innervated by what nerve?

buccal nerve which originate in the infratemporal fossa from the mandibular nerve V3.

The gingiva of the mandibular teeth on the lingual side is innervated by what nerve?

Lingual nerve

What arteries supply the upper teeth?

a. posterior superior alveolar artery (originate from the maxillary artery) supply the premolar and molar

b. anterior superior alveolar artery ( originate from the inferior-orbital artery) supply the incisor and canine.

What artery supply the lower teeth?

inferior alveolar artery ( have incisor and mental branches)

What are the three muscles that make up the suboccipital triangle?

a. rectus capitis posterior major forms the medial border.

b. oblique capitis superior forms the lateral border.

c. obliquus capitis inferior muscle forms the inferior border

What are the important structures contains in the suboccipital tringle?

a. posterior ramus of C1

b. vertebral artery and associated vein.

The most superficial structures passing through the posterior triangle is what ?

external jugular vein

what three muscles that enclosed by the investing layer of deep cervical fascia?

sternocleidomastoid, infrahyoid muscle and trapezius

what are the important landmark between the vertebral level CIII and CIV?

a. superior border of the thyroid cartilage of the larynx

b. bifurcation of common carotid artery

what are the important landmark between CV and CVI?

a. mark the lower limit of the pharynx and larynx and the superior limit of the trachea and esophagus

b. the indentation between the cricoid cartilage of the larynx and the first tracheal ring can be palpated

what muscle mainly response for depression of the mandible?

a. digastric muscle

b. geniohyoid

c. mylohyoid

d. lateral pterygoid

what muscle response for elevation of mandible ?

a. temporalis

b. masseter

c. medial pterygoid

(these muscles also involves movement of the head of mandible into the mandibular fossa).

what muscles response for protraction of the mandible?

mainly by lateral pterygoid but also get some assistance by medial pterygoid.

retraction of the mandible is carried out by what muscles?

a. geniohyoid

b. digastric

c. deep fibers of the temporalis and masseter muscles.

which muscle attached to the coronoid process of the mandible?

temporalis muscle

what are the branches from the external carotid artery that supply the lateral and posterior aspects of the scalp?

a. posterior auricular artery

b. occipital artery

c. superficial temporal artery

what are the braches from the ophthalmic artery that supply the anterior and superior aspects of the scalp?

a. supratrochlear

b. supra-orbital

what are the sensory innervation of the posterior aspect of the scalp?

a. greater auricular nerve (anterior rami of C2-C3)

b. lesser occipital nerve (anterior rami of C2)

c. greater occipital nerve (posterior rami of C2)

d. Third occipital nerve (posterior rami of C3)

what are the branches of anterior trunk of Mandibular nerve V3?

a. buccal

b. masseteric

c. deep temporal nerves

d. nerve to lateral pterygoid

(all nerves of anterior trunk are motor nerves accept buccal nerve which is predominantly sensory)

what are the branches of posterior trunk of mandibular nerve V3?



inferior alveolar nerves

(all nerves of posterior trunk are sensory nerve except a small nerve, nerve to mylohyoid that branch from the inferior alveolar nerve is motor nerve)

what nerve innervate the buccinators muscle?

facial nerve

what muscle did the parotid duct pierces through to open into the oral cavity near the second upper molar tooth?

buccinator muscle

what are the major structures that enter and pass through the parotid gland?

a. facial nerve

b. external carotid artery and it branches ( maxillary and superficial artery)

c. retromandibular vein and its tributaries.