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47 Cards in this Set

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In Canada, how much money is spent per person per year on health care? How much money total for the country?

$6k/ person and $211 billion per year

What are the 5 foundations of Canadian medicare?

UCAPP- Universality, comprehensiveness, accessibility, publicly administered, portability

What roles to federal and provincial governments play in health care?

Provinces plan and deliver, federal government does everything else (promo, research, $)

Name the agencies responsible for protecting consumers through quality assurance of health care.

Health protection branch of health Canada, ministry of health, colleges/universities of health professionals

What factors are involved in being an informed health care consumer?

Accepting responsibility, understanding strengths and limitation of self care, traditional medicine, CAM, know when to seek help

Give examples of when to seek medical help?

Serious injury

-Severe chest pain

-Weakness, trouble speaking, dizziness

-Head or spinal injury

-Allergic reaction


-Fever above 38.5


-Unexplained lump

What is the difference between complimentary and alternative medicine?

Complementary is together with conventional

Alternative is in place of conventional

What type of health care provider specializes in manipulation of the spine?


What is acupuncture?

Stimulating specific points by inserting thin needles into the skin

What is naturopathic medicine?

Promotes wellness and prevention, treats root cause of illness, treatment involves substances found in nature (water, crystals, magnets, herbs)

What factors should influence choosing a health professional?

Credentials, confidence, trust, clear timelines, personal characteristics, recommendation or referral

Change in the structure or function of the body


Define idiopathic

No known cause

What is a neoplastic disease

Caused by a tumour or mass

What is a iatrogenic disease

cause by a medical treatment

What is the difference between a sign and a symptom?

A sign is SEEN and a symptom is FELT

Explain the 4 methods of clinical examination

Percussion: tapping

Auscultation: what do I hear?

Palpating: what do I feel?

Inspection: what do I see?

Name the 5 vital signs?

Temperature, pulse, respiration, pain, blood pressure

A word for the worsening of S&S


What is a prognosis based on?

S&S severity and duration, treatment options, known courses

Functions of the cardiovascular system?

Transports O2, nutrients,

Regulates temp, pH

protects from infection and blood loss.

How many times does a heart beat during an average lifetime?

2.5 billion beats, 100,00/day

What is the name for the natural pacemaker of the heart?

Sinoatrial node

Medical term for heart muscle


What is atherosclerosis

Narrowing and hardening of the arteries

What is it called when blood re-routes through unused blood vessels due to blockage

Collateral circulation

What is the cause of coronary heart disease?


What is ischemia?

insufficient blood flow

What is the clinical term for chest pain?


Clinical term for stroke

cerebrovascular accident

What are some causes of stroke?

Clot or embolus, ruptured blood vessel, aneurysm

What is atrial fibrillation?

Condition involving irregular heart beat

What is a congenital disease?

Appears at birth

What is congestive heart failure?

Insufficient pumping causes a build up of fluid in lungs and extremities (congestion)

Term for cardiac catheterization


What is angioplasty? What is percutaneous coronary intervention?

Angioplasty- balloon to compress fatty deposits

PCI- stent

When medication (tPA) is used to dissolve blood clots


What is the term for cancer cells spreading?


What is angiogenesis?

Formation of new blood vessels

What type of cancer would cancer of the bones, cartilage, fat, and muscle fall under?


Name 6 most common risk facts of cancer?

Age, Lifestyle, Genetic, Environmental, Infectious agents, Medical treatmens

Why is age a risk factor in cancer?

Longer exposure to enviro., weaker immune system

What is responsible for 85% of lunch cancer?


Examples of environmental factors causing cancer?

Asbestos, arsenic, formaldehyde, sun rays

Tests for colorectal cancer?

Fetal occult blood test, colonoscopy

What is chemotherapy? How long does it last?

Destroying cancer cells through chemical medicine, 4-8 treatments over 3-6 months.

What treatment is most effective in treating localized tumors? How long does this treatment last?

Radiation, daily for 4-6 weeks