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18 Cards in this Set

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Two Laws of Power
LAW OF PERSONAL EXPLOITATION: the person who cares less int he relationship has the power to exploit the person who cares more

PRICIPLE OF LEAST INTEREST:person who has less interest in continuing and maintaining the relationship has more power
What is power?
A has soemthing B wants, in order to get it, B will do what A wishes. A has the power.

You only have access to resources to hold power. Desire for the resource set the power level.
Types of Resources
*Reward: give ro take away are partner's like
*Punishment: do something parnter dislikes
*Authority: tell them what to do
*Respect: identify with you and want to remain close
*Expertise: you have the understanding they desire
*Knowledge: you possess soem specific knowledge they desire
Where do men and women get power?
*Men: just by being men. Based on wealth and status

*Women:those who withhold sex, power is based on love and sex
How can language show power?
*generally men interrupt women
*women only dominate of feminine topics
male assertive speakers are seen as confident while femlae assertive speakers are seen as intrusive

*facial expressions, touch and posture all denote power
cross sex touching occurs more than same sex touching
What power styles do men use? Women?
Woment tend to use:
-Personal power: appeals to affection/sexuality
-Manipulative power: appeals based on helplessness

Men tend to use:
-coercion, authority
-having more pwer usually equals more direct strategies.
Powver Implementation vs. Orchestration
*many underestimate women's power
*men and women don't usually agree on power in relationships
*femlae dominance is still less acceptable today.
*carries over into other areas of who we can date, what they look like, etc.
Why would men and women respond positively to a masculine stereotype?
The subordinate knows more about the person in power than vice=versa.

*leads to happier couples
*does not apply to female stereotypes
*the one with less power needs to understand the motives and desires of the one who has more pwoer in order to please the more powerful parnter.
When does the need for power lessen for men? When does the need for power lessen for women?
IT lessens for men when they increase their education, whereas for women, the need for power increases with further education.
What are some of the outcomes of a male needing high levels of power?
*have lower relationship satisfaction
*have lower love for partner
*have higher rates of problems in relationship<this also applies to women>
Communication Dynamics
Symmetrical Interaction

Competitive symmetry

submissive symmetry

neutralized symmetry

complementary interaction
Symmetrical Interaction
both partners send similar signals about hte relationship
Competitive symmetry
conflict between partners escalates
submissive symmetry
parnter gives power to the other
neutralized symmetry
respect try to avoid exerting control
complementary interaction
partners each assume either dominant or submissive roles
Autonomic Power Pattern
each spouse has an area of expertise, choices are made by the expert
Syncratic Power Pattern
authority is shared, so are decisions