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122 Cards in this Set

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eating with others. Most spouses eat together and negotiate who joins them.
an intent to maintain a relationship
amount of money a prospective groom will pay to the parents of the bride to be
bride wealth
event that marks the transition from one status to another (e.g. a wedding marks the "" of individuals from lovers to spouses)
rite of passage
the change in a relationship from a state of newness and high expectation to a sate of mundaness and boredom in the face of reality
relationship in which the partners have spent many years together and define themselves as happy and in love (hence the factors of time and emotionality)
marital success
an age-discrepant marriage in which the younger woman is in the spring of her life (May) and he is in his later years (December)
May-December marriage
conflict style in which the respective partners are not assertive in their positions but are cooperative. Each attempts to soothe the other and to seek a harmonious solution
accommodating style of conflict
conflict style in which the partners are neither assertive nor cooperative
avoiding style of conflict
suggesting as many alternatives as possible without evaluating them.
conflict style in which the partners are both assertive and cooperative. Each expresses his or her view and cooperates to find a solution
collaborating style of conflict
The process of exchanging information and feelings between two people
conflict in which the partners are both assertive and uncooperative. Each tries to force his or her way on the other so that there is a winner and a loser.
competing style of conflict
conflict style in which there is an intermediate solution so that both partners find a middle ground they can live with
compromising style of conflict
the interaction that occurs when the behavior or desires of one person interfere with the behavior or desires of another
unconscious techniques that function to protect individuals from anxiety and minimize emotional hurt
defense mechanisms
shifting one's feelings, thoughts, or behaviors from the person who evokes them onto someone else who is a safer target
the simultaneous denial and withdrawl from a problem
statements that focus on the feelings and thoughts of the communicator without making a judgment on others.
"I" statements
a solution to a conflict in which neither partner benefits.
lose-lose solution
style of conflict whereby both partners deny, ignore, and retreat from adressing a problem issue, ( e.g. don't talk about it and it will go away)
parallel style of conflict
the ability to impose one's will on another and to avoid being influenced by the partner
attributing one's own thoughts, feelings, and desires to some one else while avoiding recognition that these are one's own thoughts. feelings, and desires.
the cognitive justification for one's own behavior that unconsciously conceals one;s true motives
paraphrasing or restating what a person has said to indicate that the listener understands
reflective listening
a solution to a conflict in which one partner benefits as the expense of another
win-lose situation
a relationship in which conflict is resolved so that each partner derives benefits from the resolution
win-win relationships
statements that tend to assign blame (e.g. you made me agnry") rather than "I" statements (I got angry and blew up)
"you" statements
transitory sypmtoms of depression 24 to 48 hours after a baby is born
baby blues
an approach to childrearing based on the principle that behavior is learned through classical and operant conditioning
behavioral approach
the degree to which parents place expectations on children and use discipline to enforce the demands
an approach to childrearing that views what children do, think, and feel as being influenced by their genetic inheritance
developmental- maturational training approach
a hormone from the pituitary gland during the expulsive stage of labor that has been associated with the onset of maternal behaviors in lower animals
a model of childrearing that focuses on trying to understand what a child is feeling and experiencing in the here and now
parenting effectiveness training
the provision by an adult or adults of physical care, emotional support, instruction, and protection from harm i an ongoing structural home and emotional context to one more dependent children
a reaction more severe than the baby bluse to the birth of one's baby, characterized by crying, irritability, loss of appetite, and difficulty in sleeping
postpartum depression
the extent to which parents respond to and meet the needs of their children. Refers to such qualities as warmth, reciprocity, person-centered communication, and attachement
an approach to childrearing that explains children's behavior as resulting from the attempt to compensate for feelings of inferiority
sociological approach
a discipline procedure whereby the child is removed from an enjoyable context to a nonreinforcing context one and left there (alone) for a minute for every years of the child's age
the period of time from the beginning of pregnancy through the first few months after the birth of the baby.
transition to parenthood
marriage involves a commitment of:
person-person, familt-to-family, and couple-to-state
people who get married on average have a _____ frequent sex life
ethnic group that instills norms of no premarital sex, close monitoring of children,intense nuturing of parent-child bond
muslime familes
marital success is defined in terms of both:
quality and durability
high levels of disclosure are correlated with:
increased intimacy
___ tend to focus on acitivities, information, logic, and negotiation to achieve and maintain the upper hand
___ tend to preserve intimacy and avoid isolation
examine the process of communication btw two actors in terms of the meanings each attaches to the actions of the other
symbolic interactionists
suggests that the partners' communication can be described as a ratio of rewards to costs:
exchange theorists
escapism, rationalization, projection, and displacement:
defense mechanisms that interfere with conflict resolution.
parenting includes:
providing physical care for children, loving them, economic resource, guidance as teacher or model, and protecting them from harm
parents reported ___ marital satisfaction then non-parents
parenthood will involve about ___ % of the time a couple live together, and parents are ____ the only influence on their children.
40% and not
about ___ % of children will spend one-fourth of thier lives ina female-headed household
children are influenced by their genetic heritage
developmentalmaturational approach
consequences influence the behaviors children learn
behavioral approach
children seek to gain attention from parents to overcome their feelings of powerless
sociotelelogical approach
the most important goal of parents is to become emotionally attached to their children
attachement parenting
intially are unaware of incokpatabilities or things detrimental to relationship satisfaction, negatively and conflict prior to marriage dont impact relationship satisfaction immediately, however later in marriage satisfaction decreases
sleeper effect
focuses upon promoting health and learning skills to facilitate better relationships before any significant problems are evident

(premartial counseling takes place at this level)
primary prevention
the first permarital counseling program in the US began in ____ at the ____

and there was two primary goals of their program:
1932 at the Merrill-Palmer Institute

To provide information and education about married life to couples contemplating marriage and to help prospective spouses work out whatever interpersonal difficulties they were experiencing at the time.
the majority of people who get married:
have no pre-marital counseling
__% of couples who get married in a religous service have some type of prematial counseling,

(avergae clergy has 4 visits and is probs not cert in it)
historically it was the ____ who did pre marital counseling, who often just focues on birth control
family doctor
____ and____ do little premarital counseling
therapists and psychologists
____ states require PMC before you can obtain a marriage license, ____ had a bill and never went anywhere
Indiana and Mississippi, and

most efffective and probably most popular type of premarital assessment system
PREPARE can predict within ___ % to __ % of the cases wether couples will be happily married or end up gettting divorced
four benefits of PMC
slows couples down to foster thought about their relationship, sends a message that marriage matters, helps couples learn of options if they need help later in their relationships, and there some evidence that PMC helps some couples lower their risk for future problems and divorce
PMC program should last about:
6-8 weeks
PMC programs should be completed within ____ of marriage
1 year
consider calling off the relationship if:
either or both people ar eunder 18, not known someone for more than 2 years, physical or emotional abuse, critical remarks, numerous sig diff in age, relgion, race, SES, values etc. on and off relationship, dramatic parental disapproval, low sexual satisfaction
about ___ of college students stay in relationships they think they should end
something with parts, these parts interact with eachother in predictable ways and seek to maintain a sense of equilibrium

came from scholars

used to describe thoughts about schizophrenia
changes within one part of the system impact changes in other parts of the system
speratee that which is outside of the system from that which is inside of the system (permeable, impermeable)
regulate the behavior of family members to maintain a sense of balance among each other, if becomes unbalances family will seek to restore balance
a family member with a presenting problem may be acting out as result of other forces going on within the family, not the individual is the focus of the treatment, or relationship
scapegoat or identified patient
there are currently more than ___ models of therapy in existence
theories of intervention



family systems

solution focused thereapy
__ was thei first to to state explcitily what worked in therapy and why it worked, others also proclaimed after
gave rise to large number of studies that compared different treatment approaches
concern over empirically validated treatments
found four features shared among all effective therapies that promoted and brought about effective outcomes during therapy
Jerome and Julia Frank 1991
faith. persistence, supportive family members, religous community, family crisis, accounts for 40% of outcome change during therapy
Client/ Extratherapeutic factors
caring, empathy, warmth, acceptance, mutual affirmation, encouragment of risk taking behaviors

makes up 30% of outcome change during therapy
Therapeutic relationship factors
beliefs and techniques that are specific to different treatment approaches, each approach includes a rational explanation of clients difficulties,self-focused therapy, accounts fro 15% of outcome change during therapy
model technique factors
portion of improvement that occurs becuase the client is in some type of treatment, both believe in power of treatment=- psotive

accounts for 15% of outcome change during therapy
Placebo, hope, and expectancy
client extra therapeutic factors account for ___
therapeutic relationship factors account for___
model techniques account for___
placebo, hope, and expectancy account for___
there is an intention to maintain the relationship, provide affection, provide support, maintain integrity, share companionship, maintain commmunication, show respect, create a relational future, and work on problems together
person to person committment
souses become legally committed to one another according to the state of law, stat's interest in couple is thay they stay married, have children, and take care of them,.
couple to state committment
__% of marriage couples have extreme sexual satisfaction while __% not married have physical satisfaction and emotional satisfaction
85% and 54%
`__% of couples reported having sex a few times a year
_-% of couples reported having sex a few times a month while __ % couples reported having sex 3 times a week as opposed to ___% having sex 4 or more times a week
45% , 34%, and 7%
established love lab that specified if people would get divoced
John Gottman
__ psotive interactions to __ negative interaction = marital happiness which leads to marital stability
5 to 1
emotionally and physiologically overhwhelmed by a situation with your partner a reaction of systems overload,

once occurs cannot have constructive conversation

men do this more easliy then women

adrenaline rate gets to 100 BPM
these are issues that remain unresolved over time and tend to be issues that couples deal with over the course of thier marriage
perpetual problems
a symbolic transactional process or to put it more simply as the process of creating and sharing meanings
sender of the communication
reciever of the communication
verbal communication
digital symbols
non verbal communication
analogic symbols
two theorists talk about the development of comminication as a relationship progresses


breadth of communication

depth of communication
Altman and Taylor
make communication a prioity

establish and maintain eye contact

ask open ended questions

use relfective listening paraphrasing or restating what the person said to you while being sensitive to the feelings communicated as well

use I statements rather than you statements

you statemnets= detrimental

avoid criticsm

say positive things

stay focused

plan for future/ consisten rules

develop rules for communication
principles of effective communication
follow up research with couples after four years of conflict traning indicates that __ % are still arguing about the same issues
go over differences btw communication btw males and females on last page of powerpoints in binder
the average number of children born in 2006 was ____ this has dramatically decreased over the centuries
number of childless or child free by choice is now at ___%
___% of couples of reproductive age in industrialized countries are involuntarily childless
If you have tried unsuccessfully for on year and have not yet conceived
most americans have:
no training for this difficult role
time from the begininning of pregnancy through the first 2-3 months of a child's life when all 3 undergo changes, strong bond usually develops quickly and they resist being seperated
transition to parenthood
result of numerous hormonal and psychological changes birth, usually happens within first month of returning home, 13% of adult women, 48% of adolescent mothers
postpardum depression
in lesbian couples, the ____ becomes the primary caregiver of the child.
biological mother
delayed parenting, birthrates for women in thier 30s have increased by __% by 1975
___ years are the most fertile years of a woman
women in their ___ are less likely to have as healthy babies as those bron to younger women

greater chance for spont. abortions genetic abnormalaties
have time to adjust to married life, more emotionally stable, and responisble before having children
benefits of delayed parenting
Tend to be highly educated, less liekly to use corporal punishment with children
GLBT parents