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126 Cards in this Set

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middle childhood age range
8 yrs- puberty
does growth rate slow down or speed up during middle childhood. how much do they grow during this time and how many lbs per year
slows down considerably. 1-3''/yr. 5-8lbs/yr
retains more fatty tissue...retains more muscle
girls-fatty tissue. boys- muscle
apetites during this time
very good. 2400 calories a day.
breakfast importatn?
yes. 25 % of calories in a day
teeth during this stage
adult teeth start coming in
body image
how you believe that you look.
which gender is body image more imp to
what type of disorder might be developing
eating disorder
what % of girls in this stage are on diets
3 causes of obesity
1. inherited (obese genes)
2. child environment. surrouned by high fat foods.
3. inactivity. huge increase in children with video games, internet, tv.
motor dev. and physical play of middle childhood
increases during this stage. faster, stronger, better coordination
rough and tumble play
vigourus, hitting, wrestling, having fun, chasing
which gender has rough and tumble play more
when does rough and tumble play peak
middle childhood
how many children under 14 play sports
20 mill.
what % of children will quit sports by their 15th bday
75% of 20 mill
3 reasons children quit sports
1. becomes very competitive
2. focus on winning.
3. critism
what do we need to encourage about sports
its ok not to win. you need to keep going. need to encourage wellroundedness
is middle childhood a safe time in life
yes, but still have some accidents.
deathrate for this time of life
what are these children recieving that helps their immune systems
increased vaccines
middle childhood regarding fitnes
meet national standards but should be more active
example of my need to be more active
families no longer going to park...instead play video games
acute medical illness
illness that lasts short amount of time
chronic medical illness
at least 3 months. require health intervention. (asma)
disfluency. repetition or prolonged.
what percentage of ppl with disfluency were diagnosed before age 10
is dysfluency more common in boys or girls
respiratory disease. coughing, weezing.
how many days of school does the average child with asthma miss
hiv/aids- how to help prevent
use universal precautions. wash hands. use rubber gloves
stage of piagetarian approach for middle childhood
concrete operational child
what is developed in concrete operational stage
3rd stage. logical thinking is developed.
use of maps, models, can communcate spacial info. give directions how to get somewhere.
cause and effect
understand these relationships. more complex/relationships
categorization (seriation)
put things in series. look at more than one attribute. ex. in relation to height, weight, length. more hands on types of ideas
transitive inference
understand relationship between 2 things by knowing how it relates to a thrid. ex. 3 colored sticks. green is bigger than yellow. yellow is bigger than red. green must be bigger than red.
class (group) inclusion
see relationship between class and parts. big pic vs. parts. ex. bouquet of flowers. is there more roses or flowers. they'll say roses
inductive reasoning
logical thought that moves from specific (my dog barks) idea to general idea (all dogs bark). not very accurate way of understanding the world. but very logical
deductive reasoning
move from general idea to very particular memebers of that group. if all dogs bark then my own dog must bark
information processing approach: memory and other processing skills
how much info we can handle at one time and how quickly can we process it.
encoding, storing, retreival. how we remeber things
take info and prepare it for longterm storage and possible later retreival. putting and labeling file.
retaining info
pull file up. access info
information processing models
mind has storehouses
sensory memorey
temporary memory, not encoded. fades away
working memory
can remeber 6 #'s explotion of working memory at this age.
longterm memory
unlimited capacity. we use very little of it.
understanding of process of memory. how we understand whta goes on in brain/memory
mneumatic strategies
ways to aid in memory
external memory aids
something outside of brain. lists/cheat notes
rehersal memory aid
repeat over and over
organization memory aid
categorize material. say all underwater animals, all afrcial secion, all monk
breathing as a way to remember
when you walk in a place you havent' been in awhile. breatha nd it will help you remember.
mental association with items. ex. way to remember mneumatic devices...
psychometric approach: assessment of intelligence.
how much intelligence is in your head. aptitude test
otis-lennon school ability test. weshler intelligence scale for children
IQ tests. good way to start but doesn't tell a whole lot about a person
acheivement tests
how much is known in a certain subject. class tests
cultural bias
tendency of IQ tests to include items that require knowledge that might be more familiar to one culture over another. child says p for patns and gets it wrong cuz they were looking for t for trousers
culture free
no culture links at all. use mazes etc
culture fair
way to use words so not culture biased
what are they working on iq test to make them better
to make them culture free and fair
theory of multiple inteligences
howard garner. we are a nation that values math and language. he says that ppl can be inteligent in many ways.
8 types of inteligences
1. linguistic- understand and use words in a nice way (lawyer)
2. logical mathematical- solving problems.
3. musical- pitch/rhythm
4. spacial- ability to find one's way
5. kinestetic- pro atheletes
6. interpersonal- comm. with others. empathetic. motivational speakers.
7. intrapersonal- ablity to understand oneself
8. naturalistic intel.-distinguishing species, flowers. hunters, fishers
triarchic theory of intelligence.
sternberg. three types of inteligence
1. componential element
2. experiencial element
3. contextual element
componential element
how ppl solve/analyze problems when trying to come up with answers. ex. 3 adults at $5 2 kids... how much total
experiencial element
how person will approach new task and how you'd think originally about it. thinking creatively
contextual element
practical piece. what are you going to do with new experience. how you going to handle it. ex. picture of something in life with parts missing. children asked to tell about picture. fill in whats missing.
kaufman assessment battery for children(kabc)

sternbery triarchic ability test
way to test inteligence
langage and literacy at this stage of dev.
no langage explotion
no big happenings
they use more precise words now
understanding that words have more than one meaning. so enjoy telling jokes. practical use of language. what words mean. raise for question
awareness of own mental processes. ex. tell jokes to see if thier friends get it. laugh if everyone else is laughing.
the child in school-how they'll do
many environmental influences decide how htye'll do in school.
family as an environmental influence with school
must provide healthy envirnoment for doing hw. saying i know you dont want to, but you must. healthy balence of playing outside/videogames/hw. must praise kids for what they do well, understanding they wdon't do everything well
self-fullfilling prophecy
live up to waht is expected of them. live down to i'm dumby i'll never amount to anything.
teacher and prohpecy
teacher expectation can either help or hinderprophecy.
educational value system
very confusing for students bc they are being taught all differnet ways. but schools can't pick one way bc not all students learn one way
social promotion
we put children into grades based on age not performance.
3 approaches to teach esl studnets
1. eng immersion
2. bilingual edu
3. two way learning
eng immersion
esl children in class are in english only class. no native language
bilingual edu
started in native. taught in native lang while learning eng. eventually all eng
two way learning
hear both lang. problem is there is many diff langages and dialects. teaching in both lang.
iq of children with developmental disabilities
70 or below
most common learning disability. reading is low. 4-5 with disabilities are dyslexic.
add, adhd
can't stay on task. inatentive. distractable, low tolerance for being frustrated. effects cognitive
boys or girls more liekelyt to have add
boys 3x more liekly
convergent thinking
aimed at finding one right answer
divergent thinking
produces fresh/diverse possiblities open ended questions. ohw does it make you feel??
approach to teaching gifted students where you move from subjects very quickly
the developing self
starting to think of selves in complex ways
representational systems
way to define selves by looking at more than one concept. and think both bad and good things. ex. school. good in math bad in history. children can't do this before this stage
erikson's stage
industry vs. inferiority. children will learn to be productive or inferiority.
virtue of this stage
competence. you can move on work hard do what's right.
erikson's stage-reading and writing
reading and writing play big roles. if not god at those will feel incometant.
the child in the family
starting to spend more time away. ideas/values of family play big role.
shared control of behavior. when in this stage parents have less control. coregulation bc parents have overall control but when child is away during the day..they're in control
is the way or outcome of solving problems more imp
way is more imp.
parent's work
effct children based on how much time out of house. kids after school programs. latchkey kids. impact depends on childs age, personality, depends on parents attitude towards work.
can either crush a kid's spirits with a negative out look or can work harder. positive outlook. (2 diff. approaches)
type of family you grow up in will effect your psychosocial dev. can also effect cognitive dev. have a math test that can't concentrate on bc too much going on in family.
child in peer groups
same age, sex, socioeconimic status. helps iwth learning gender appropriate behaviors
poss effects of peer groups
develop skills to be social, intimate. sense of belonging. sense of identity.
negative effects of peer groups
peer pressure to do things that may be wrong
unfavorable attitude towards others that aren't like you.
selmans's stages of friendship
1. momentary playmate (3-7) what can you do for me. who's close to me.
2. one way friendship (4-7) do what i want you to do. help me climb hte slide and you're my friend.
3. two way fair-weather friend (6-12) give and take. still separate interests. still looking out for #1.
4. intimate, mutually shared friendships (9-12) can't be best friends with anyone else
5. mature friendships (12- ) last through time and distance
4 types of aggression
hostile, instrument, overt, relational
hostile aggression
aimed at hurting someoone
instrumental aggression
after an object. not in this stage
overt aggression
physically hurting
relational aggression
rumors etc
persistant,delibrate. 10% bulliers
15-20% bullied
the rest do nothing

often times bullies are weak and its the only way they know to act
statistics of children with mental disorder
1 in 5 children between ages of 9 and 17
Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)
pattern, negative, hostility, blaming others, snatch things from others, angry, resentful
whta can happen if odd is not helped
can go on in life and are diagnosed with Conduct disorder (CD) and more severe disorder.
lying, fighting, stealing, rape, gun use, often diagnosed with ADHD grow to be antisocial individuals.
school phobia
unrealistic fear of going to school
generalized anxiety disorder
worrying about eeryting
comes with repetive thoughts/ behaviors. if you miss a small part of routine must start over in the beginnnig.
childhood depression
mood disorder. sense of I have no friends. can't have fun, cna't concentrate, feel worthless.
treatment techniques
individual psychotherapy, family therapy, drug therapy (increased in 90s)
resiliant children
weather storm really well. seem to be ok.
protective factors
1. good family realtionship
2. smart kids. cognitive functioning
child' personality
possitive, outgoing
children at reduced risk
may be jsut one, two bad things. have support.
compensating experiences
school environment. othe rthings to keep busy the worrying.