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68 Cards in this Set

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What results in physical and hormonal changes for pregnant woman?

processes of conception and fetal development

What do individuals who choose to become parents experience?

psychological changes

What influences decision-making processes when considering parenthood?

society and cultural norms


belief system that promotes childbearing

what do women experience cultural tension from?

from choosing between valuing motherhood and valuing career success

What are men making critical decisions on?

regarding career and family that favor more time and commitment to their families and children

Germinal period

moment of conception- day 14

58% chance of failure

Embryonic Period

14 days- 56 days

major internal and external body structures begin to form

20% aborted spontaneously

fetal period

ninth week-birth

5% of fetuses aborted at 22 weeks or stillborn after 22 weeks


31% survive to become living newborn babies


one of three periods of approximately 3 months each that make up full term pregnancy

conception and the first trimester

includes weeks 0-12 and begins after the first day of the last menstrual period `

conception to 4 weeks

less than 1/10 inch long, beginning development of spinal cord, nervous system, gastrointestinal system, heart, and lungs, amniotic sac envelops the preliminary tissues of entire body called a zygote

8 weeks

just over 1 inch long, face is forming with rudimentary eyes, ears, mouth, and tooth buds, arms and legs are moving, brain is forming, fetal heartbeat is detectable with ultrasound called an embryo

12 weeks

is about 3 inches long ad weighs about 1 ounce can move arms, legs, fingers, and toes, fingerprints are present, can smile, frown, suck, and swallow, sex is distinguishable, can urinate, called a fetus

first trimester changes in pregnant women

sensitive or swollen breasts, darkening of the areolas, nausea and fatigue, backaches and headaches, frequent urination, food cravings and aversions, morning sickness- nausea that is the result of increased hormones

first trimester changes in non-pregnant partners

experience hopes, anxieties, fears, and questions, experience a growing connection with the child, reflect on the changes caused by the pregnancy to connect with their partner

16 weeks

about 6 inches long and weighs about 4 to 7 ounces, heartbeat is strong, skin is thin, transparent, downy hair (lanugo) covers body, fingernails and toenails are forming, has coordinated movements, is able to roll over in amniotic fluid

20 weeks

about 12 inches long and weighs close to 1 pound, heartbeat is audible with ordinary stethoscope, sucks thumb, hiccups, hair, eyelashes, eyebrows are present

24 weeks

about 14 inches long and weighs 1 to 1/2 pounds, skin is wrinkled and covered with protective coating (vernix caseosa), eyes are open, waste matter is collected in bowel, has strong grip

second trimester changes in pregnant women

begin to feel the fetus's movements, changes in skin coloration, swelling in the extremities, clumsiness, backaches and nosebleeds, heartburn and hemorrhoids

changes in non-pregnant partners

couvade: male partners experience pregnancy symptoms similar to those of their pregnant partners

28 weeks

is about 16 inches long and weighs about 3 pounds, is adding body fat, is very active, rudimentary breathing movements are present

32 weeks

is 16 1/2 to 18 inches long and weights 4 to 5 pounds, has periods of sleep and wakefulness, responds to sounds, may assume the birth position, bones of head are soft and flexible, iron is being stored in liver

36 to 38 weeks

is 19 to 20 inches long and weighs 6 to 7 1/2 pounds, skin is less wrinkled, vernix caseosa is thick, lanugo is mostly gone, is less active, is gaining immunities from mother

third trimester changes in pregnant women

women begin to feel achy or tired because of the pressure and weight of the growing fetus, varicose veins and hemorrhoids, swelling in the legs and ankles, leg cramps and backaches, shortness of the breath, Braxton-Hicks contractions

third trimester changes in non-pregnant partners

social and identity shifts occur, seek out other parents' advice about their new life experience

ectopic pregnancy

complication in which a fertilized ovum grows outside the uterus, most commonly in the Fallopian tubes

ectopic pregnancy causes

pain and internal bleeding if not detected early, fetal development and survival is impossible because they have no nutrients to help them continue to grow

miscarriage (spontaneous abortion)

unintentional loss of an embryo or fetus during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy


unintentional loss of a pregnancy after 20 weeks of gestation

preterm (premature)

birth of an infant less than 37 weeks after conception

risk factors for preterm birth

having experienced preterm labor or delivery in a previous pregnancy, using chemical substances, carrying twins or multiple fetuses, having a cervix or uterus that is structurally abnormal, having abdominal surgical procedures during pregnancy, experiencing infections in either the urinary tract or the roots of the teeth, having had or currently having STI's, Being underweight prior to or during pregnancy, carrying a fetus with chromosomal disorders


Chemical found in women's saliva that may indicate preterm birth

Gestational diabetes

condition of glucose intolerance that may occur during pregnancy, occurs when a woman's body does not produce enough insulin

risk factors for getting gestational diabetes

age 30 or older, obesity, family history of type I or II diabetes, gestational diabetes in a previous pregnancy, previous baby weighing over 9.5 pounds


procedure done between 16 and 20 weeks of gestation, doctors removes a small amount of amniotic fluid via a needle in the abdomen to test for genetic abnormalities

Chronic villus sampling (CVS)

procedure in which a small amount of tissue from the placenta is analyzed for genetic abnormalities, usually performed between the 10th and 12th week of the pregnancy


form of screening used to monitor development of the fetus throughout a pregnancy

information an ultrasound can detect

number of fetuses present, fetal growth, confirmation of due date, position of placenta


expansion of the cervical opening (to approximately 10 cm) in preparation for birth


thinning of cervical tissue that occurs in preparation for birth


muscular movement that causes the upper part of the uterus to tighten and thicken while the cervix and lower portion of the uterus stretch and relax, helping the baby pass from the uterus into the birth canal for delivery

women in the USA have a greater lifetime risk of dying of

pregnancy-related complications than 40 countries around the world

how many women die everyday from pregnancy-related causes

more than 2 women

During 2004 and 2005 how many women nearly died in childbirth in the USA


what ethnicity of women is more than 4x likely to die of pregnancy-related complications than white women

African American

what are the maternal mortality rations

increased from a low of 6.6 deaths per 100,000 live births in 1987 to 13.3 deaths per 100,000 live births in 2006

According to the CDC how many of all maternal deaths in the USA are preventable

1/2 of all maternal deaths

5 main causes of maternal death in the USA

embolism, hemorrhage, pre-eclampsia and eclampsia, infection 13%, cardimyopathy

embolism 20%

a blood clot that blocks an essential blood vessel, for example the lungs

Hemorrhage 17%

severe blood loss

pre-eclampsia and eclampsia 16%

disorders associate with excessively high blood pressure

cardimyopathy 8%

heart muscle disease

what are the decisions that women reflect on when they are given options for childbirth

desires for pain management, movement while laboring, birthing environment, partner involvement, medical interventions


person who has been trained in most aspects of pregnancy, labor, and delivery but who is not a physician


person trained in the process of labor and delivery and assists a midwife in childbirth


use of a warm tub of water in the birth process to encourage relaxation


doctor passes pain medication through a small tube that has been inserted at the base of a woman's spine

What are the four interventions widely used

forcepts, vacuum extraction, episiotomy, and C-section


metal instruments placed around the baby's head inside the birth canal to aid in the birth of the child

vacuum extraction

The use of suction to assist in delivering the baby


An incision made in the perineum to create a larger space to deliver a baby

When making a birth plan women and partners should

ask health care providers about views on labor and delivery and ask about the rate of C-section deliveries, forceps deliveries and episiotomies

postpartum depression

months or first year following the birth of a child, psychological depressive disorder that may occur within 4 weeks following the birth of a child

what are the symptoms of postpartum depression?

feelings of sadness, doubt, guilt, hopelessness, or anger, inability to sleep, sleeping most of the time, constant worry and anxiety about the baby, lack of interest in or feelings for the baby and family, panic attacks, thoughts of harm to the baby or to self, changes in appetite

when can women resume having vaginal intercourse after giving birth

6 weeks after birth of a child

kegel exercises

voluntary contraction and relaxation of pelvic floor muscles to help prevent urinary incontinence and slippage of uterus following childbirth