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25 Cards in this Set

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Reasoning from a general statement to a specific conclusion...
deductive reasoning
james Reed designed these tests to assess the level of moral development...
Defining issues test
The study of populations and the characteristics associated with it...
Thought that is charcterized by the pros and cons and involves the incorporation of beliefs and experiences with all the contradictions and inconsistencies of life...
dialectical thought
Not a higher type of thinking, but a different type of thinking. For Ex: whether or not to adopt a child, or whether or not to place your dying parent in a nursing home. Labouvie-Vief makes the point that many young adults begin to turn away from a purely logical analytical approach, toward a more open perhaps deeper mode of understanding.
The view that aging makes a person's social sphere increasingly narrow resulting in role relinquishing. Has three aspects. withdrawal and passivity... A personality change, not just a decline in involvement.Opposite of activity theory.
disengagement theory
1. Shrinkage of life space; s people age, they interact with fewer and fewer others and fill fewer and fewer roles.
2. Increased individuality; In the roles and relationships that remain, the older individual is much less governed by strict rules or expectations.
3. Acceptance of these changes; The healthy older adult actively disengages from roles and relationships, turning increasingly inward and away from interactions with others.
Unusual difficulties with math...
Unusual difficulties with reading...
The particular lifestyle that adults settle in to that are compatible with their individual personality...
ecological niche
Brofenbrenner. Macrosystem (cultural context), Exosystem (Socio-economic context), Mesosystem (School, family, neighborhood and religious affiliation).
The tendency to perceive events and experiences exclusively from one's own self centered perspective...
This becomes more possible during and after the preschool years and is the ability to direct or modify one's own feelings and emotions
Emotional regulation
Theories that emphasize change and readjustment and each person's life seen as an active everchanging largely self propeled process occurring within specific social contexts thatt themselves are constantly changing...
Dynamic theories
A developmental theory that emphasizes the genetic origins of behavior but also stresses that genes are affected by environmental forces...
epigenetic systems theory
Memory that is easy to retrieve, words,data and concepts...
explicit memory
used by children to help categorize words...
fast mapping
Short term memory, abstract thought and speed of thinking is all part of...
fluid intelligence
the aspect of intelligence that reflects fundamental biological processes and does not depend on specific experiences.
Erickson's term for premature identity formation where an adolescent adopts a parents roles and values without question and analysis...
Formal language
Formal code
A person's entire genetic inheritance
An invisible barrier for women and minorities to advance after a certain level...
glass ceiling
hardening of the eyeball
The degree to which a child's temperament matches the demands of his/her environment..
goodness of fit
Ex; If the parents of an irritable baby boy are good at tolerating his irritability and persist in establishing a synchronous relationship with him, then his irritability doesn't lead to the development of an insecure attachment.
A learning process in which individuals learn through social action with a tutor...
guides participation
A process of being board with a stimulus...
The number of times a cell is capable of dividing into two new cells (50 times) ...
hayflick limit
What does the Hayflick method suggest?
That a lifespan is limited by our genetic program.
Human embryo cells double 50 times, turtle cells double 100 times, chicken cels double 25 times and adult cells double 20 times. Each chromosome in the human body has at it's tip a string of repetetive DNA called a telomere which serves as a time keeping mechanism.