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50 Cards in this Set

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Frances Galton

Maintained that personality and ability depend almost entirely on genetic inheritance.

(Human traits are Inherited)

Charles Darwin

Theory of Evolution;

Survival of the Fittest-Origin of the Species

William Wundt


Father of Modern or Scientific Psychology

John Watson

Founder of Behavorism

Applied Classical Conditioning to Advertising.

Little Albert Experiment w/the white rat.

Alfred Adler


Believed social tensions shaped personality

Believed people are primarily searching for self esteem and achieving the ideal self.

Known for individual psychology.

People had to overcome feelings on inferiority.

Carl Jung

Disciple of Freud; Extended his theories.

Collective/Personal unconscious

Coined terms Introversion/Extraversion.

Known for analytical psychology.

Gordon Allport

3 Levels of Traits;

Cardinal (Dominant traits),

Central Traits (Common to all people), and Secondary Traits (Surfaces in some situations but not others)

Albert Ellis

Father of Rational Emotive Theory, which focuses on altering client's patterns of irrational thinking to reduce maladaptive behaviour and emotion

Confrontational approach.

Abraham Maslow

Humanist Psychologist; Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Carl Rogers

Humanist Psychologist; Believed people will naturally strive for self actualization and high self esteem, unless society taints them.

B.F. Skinner

Operant Conditioning

Skinner Box

Only concerned with behavior, not cause or the unconscious.

Freedom is an illusion.

Ivan Pavlov

Father of Classical Conditioning

Noam Chomsky

Believed there are an infinite number of sentences in a language and that humans have an inborn native ability to learn a language. Words and concepts are learned but the brain is hardwired for grammar and language.

Jean Piaget

Four-Stage Theory of Cognitve Development;



Concrete Operational

Formal Operational

Erik Erikson

People evolve through 8 stages over the lifespan; each stage is marked with a psychological crisis

Lawrence Kohlberg

Theory with 3 levels of Moral Reasoning

(Preconventional, Conventional, Postconventional)

and each can be divided into 2 stages.

Carol Gilligan

Criticized Kohlberg's work;

Only Observing Boys and

Overlooked potential differences between the habitual moral judgment of Men and Women.

Hans Eysenck

Believed that Personality is determined to a large extent by genes;

Used terms Extroversion and Introversion

S. Schacter

Believed that Physical Arousal and then labeling of the arousal was required to expierence emotion.

Mary Cover Jones

Systematic Desensitization; Maintained that Fear could be unlearned

Benjamin Whorf

Hypothesis that language determines the way we think.

Robert Sternberg

Triarchic Theory of Intelligence;

1) Academic Problem-Solving Intelligence

2) Practical Intelligence

3) Creative Intelligence

Howard Gardener

Theory of Multiple Intelligences.

Albert Bandura

Observational learning.


E. L. Thorndike

Law of effect

Alfred Binet

General I.Q. Tests

Lewis Terman

Revised Binet's I.Q. Test and establlished norms for American children.

David Weschler

Established an intelligence test especially for adults (WAIS)

Charles Spearman

Concluded that all cognitive abilities showed a common core which he labeled "g" for general ability and "s" for specific ability.

H. Rorschach

Developed the Inkblot Test.

Philip ZImbardo

Stanford Prison Experiment

Proved people's behavior depends to a large extent the roles they are asked to play.

David Rosenhan

Conducted a hospital experiment to test the diagnosis that hospitals make on patients.

S. Asch

Study of conformity.

Stanley Milgram

Conducted a study on obedience when he had a subject stick a patient to the extent that they would be seriously injuring the patient.

Harry Harlow

Studied theory of attachment in infant Rhesus monkeys.

William Sheldon

Theory that linked personality to physique on the ground that both are governed by genetic endowment.

Emdomophic (large)

Mesomorphic (average)

Ectomorphic (skinny)

Sigmund Frued

Psychoanalytical theory that focuses on the unconscious; id, ego, superego; Believe innate drives for sex and aggression are the primary motives for our behavior and personalities.

Karen Horney

Criticized Frued, said that personality is continually molded by current fears and impulses rather than being determined solely by childhood experiences.

Basic anxiety disturbs our security in childhood.

Focused on gender differences.

Martin Seligman

Learned helplessness is the giving up reaction that occurs from the experience that whatever you do you cannot change your situation.

H, Ebbinghas

First to conduct scientific studies on memory and forgetting; forgetting curves.

Flaw: nonsense syllables led to quickly forgetting.


Did a study on the activities of neurons in the visual cortex.

Walter B. Cannon

Believe that gastric activity in an empty stomach was the sole reason for hunger.

The conscious and visceral experience occurred simultaneously.

Ernst Weber

Weber's Law, the just noticeable difference between stimuli is a constant fraction of the intensity of the standard stimulus.

Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

Theory proposes that the terminally ill pass through a sequence of 5 stages.

1. Denial

2. Anger/resentment

3. Bargaining

4. Depression

5. Acceptance

Robert Zajonc

Mere exposure effect; it is possible to have preferences without inferences and to feel without knowing why.

Henry Murray

States that the need to achieve varied in strength in different people and influenced their tendency to approach success and evaluate their own performances; devised the TAT (Thematic Appreciation Test) with Christina D. Morgen.

David McClelland

Devised a way to measure H. Murray's Theory - the need to achieve that varied in strength in different people and influenced their tendency to approach success and evaluate their own performances.

Created scoring system

Paul Ekman

Theory that facial expressions are universal.

James Marcia

Studied adolescent stage of Erikson didved adolescent into four groups.

- Foreclosed: (having parents identity)

- Achieved: (Your own Identity)

- diffiused stage of Erikson, differed reused

(not even searching, living day-to-day.

- Moratorium (actively searching for identity.

Hans Selye

General adaptation system