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117 Cards in this Set

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What is a joint-stock company?
A group of English businessmen that invested in a single company to support a colonizing venture (its busines). If it failed, they only lost their money invested. If it succeeded, profits were divided among them.
Who was Queen Elizabeth I?
She was a leader of Protestant England and made the Bible available in every church. Many came from miles around to hear the Scriptures read after she did this. England had a stable government and prosperity under her rule from 1558-1603).
Who was John Wycliffe?
He exposed the false teaching in the Roman Church, then the English Reformation began after that in the 1300s. He had the Bible translated into English for the 1st time.
Who was William Tyndale?
He made another English translation of the Bible (in addition to John Wycliffe's) that circulated widely in Britain in the 1500s.
Who was King John?
An Anglo-Saxon King in the 1200s who signed the Magna Carta.
What was the Magna Carta?
"Great Charter" signed by King John. It helped prepare England for limited government.
Who was John Cabot?
He was the "1st modern European explorer to set foot on the mainland of North America". In 1497 he explored the Atlantic coast of North American and claimed the land for England.
Who was Sir Walter Raleigh?
He sent an expedition to establish a colony on Roanoke Island (by North Carolina). They faced a lot of problems and left the colony.
What was the Lost Colony?
John White led 100 people to Roanoke. His daughter gave birth to the 1st English child born in America. He sailed back to England to get supplies, but England was threatened by Spanish Armada. When he returned to Roanoke, the colony vanished. "Croatoan" was written on a tree.
What was Jamestown?
It was the 1st permanent English settlement in the New World. It was named in honor of King James I. Settlers used 3 ships (Susan Constant, Godspeed, Discovery) to sail into Chesapeake Bay, Virginia in April 1607. But there were lots of problems.
What is a joint-stock company?
A group of English businessmen that invested in a single company to support a colonizing venture (its busines). If it failed, they only lost their money invested. If it succeeded, profits were divided among them.
Who was Queen Elizabeth I?
She was a leader of Protestant England and made the Bible available in every church. Many came from miles around to hear the Scriptures read after she did this. England had a stable government and prosperity under her rule from 1558-1603).
Who was John Wycliffe?
He exposed the false teaching in the Roman Church, then the English Reformation began after that in the 1300s. He had the Bible translated into English for the 1st time.
Who was William Tyndale?
He made another English translation of the Bible (in addition to John Wycliffe's) that circulated widely in Britain in the 1500s.
Who was King John?
An Anglo-Saxon King in the 1200s who signed the Magna Carta.
What was the Magna Carta?
"Great Charter" signed by King John. It helped prepare England for limited government.
Who was John Cabot?
He was the "1st modern European explorer to set foot on the mainland of North America". In 1497 he explored the Atlantic coast of North American and claimed the land for England.
Who was Sir Walter Raleigh?
He sent an expedition to establish a colony on Roanoke Island (by North Carolina). They faced a lot of problems and left the colony.
What was the Lost Colony?
John White led 100 people to Roanoke. His daughter gave birth to the 1st English child born in America. He sailed back to England to get supplies, but England was threatened by Spanish Armada. When he returned to Roanoke, the colony vanished. "Croatoan" was written on a tree.
What was Jamestown?
It was the 1st permanent English settlement in the New World. It was named in honor of King James I. Settlers used 3 ships (Susan Constant, Godspeed, Discovery) to sail into Chesapeake Bay, Virginia in April 1607. But there were lots of problems.
Who was Captain John Smith?
He was a tough ruler who took charge of Jamestown & saved it from destruction. He had the policy "any who would not work should not eat" which came from the Bible (2 Thes. 3:10). He was injured & returned to England, so Jamestown went downhill.
Who was John Rolfe?
He was married to Pocahontas. He introduced the Virginians to a profitable export crop the American Indians had long used ~ tobacco!
Who was Pocahontas?
She was an Indian princess married to John Rolfe.
What is free enterprise?
It's also known as "capitalism". The government leaves individuals free to town businesses & make a living dependent on their own enterprise (how much motivation they have). It became a cornerstone of America's greatness.
What was the House of Burgesses?
Burgesses were delegates from districts in Virginia that were sent to a representative assembly in Jamestown called the House of Burgesses. This assembly advised the governor of the colony & assisted him in making laws. The House of Burgesses set an important precedent for representative government in early America.
Who were the separatists?
They were a type of dissenter (a dissenter is someone who doesn't conform to the church of England) who wanted to withdraw completely from the official church & form their own independent churches. They wanted to s-e-p-a-r-a-t-e.
What was the Mayflower?
A ship that Pilgrims boarded in September 1620 in Plymouth, England & set sail for the New World with 101 people on board. 66 were non-separatists (which Pilgrims called "Strangers"). They all got along well because they believed in political & religious freedom. They landed 2 months later farther North in Virginia because a storm blew them off course.
What was so important about Leyden, Holland?
People from Scroogy, England moved there because they wanted to worship freely. Under the leadership of John Robinson, the pilgrims lived there 11 years.
Who were the Pilgrims?
Separatists who didn't want to remain in Holland because they feared persecution when Catholic Spain threatened to go to war with Protestant Netherlands. They wanted to go to the New World to raise their children in freedom.
What were Strangers?
It was a name given to the 66 passengers on the Mayflower who were non-separatists (people who didn't want to withdraw completely from the church).
What was the Mayflower Compact?
A piece of paper that set "an important precedent for representative government" because the Pilgrims were trying to govern themselves.
Who was Squanto?
An Indian guide & interpreter that taught the Pilgrims how to hunt, fish, and plant crops.
Who was Massasoit?
The chief of the Wampanoag tribe. He signed a peace treaty with Plymouth's 1st governor Carver.
Who was Miles Standish?
He was a "stranger" who headed Plymouth's military defense.
What was the "History of Plymouth Plantation"?
A book written by William Bradford, a 30 year governor of the Pilgrims. It was the "1st American history book" that was published long after he died but gives us much of what we know about the Pilgrims.
Who or what was Powhatan?
A tribe that was in Virginia when Jamestown was settled. It was also a language. Powhatans were also known as the Virginia Algonquians.
What problems did Jamestown encounter that almosed caused its failure?
1. low lying land was Malaria infested
2. river water was contaminated
3. hostile Indians troubled the colony
4. most were too lazy to work or too proud to do common labor
Who was the leader of England when English colonization began in North America?
Queen Elizabeth I
Queen __________ __
What religion was England when colonization began?
P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Queen Elizabeth I made sure each church had one of these....
a Bible
B _ _ _ _
Who was the 1st to translate the bible into English?
John Wycliffe
J _ _ _ W _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Who helped make the English Bible available to everyone? He also translated it a second time.
William Tyndale
W _ _ _ _ _ _ T _ _ _ _ _ _
Who broke ties with Rome, the Pope, and the Roman Catholic Church and made England a Protestant country?
Henry VIII
H _ _ _ _ VIII
What was the reformation in England called?
Protestant Reformation
P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ R _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Did the English government allow a limited or unlimited representation for the people?
Who did the Anglo-Saxon Kings have to advise them?
c _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Who signed the Magna Carta in 1215?
King John
K _ _ _ J _ _ _
What does "Magna Carta" mean?
Great Charter
What did the Magna Carta do?
It gave some power to the nobles.
What was developed in the 1200s?
P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
What are 2 things that England had by the time Elizabeth I became Queen?
1. a stable government
2. prosperity
Who was the 1st European to explore the Atlantic coast of North American and claim it for England?
John Cabot
J _ _ _ C _ _ _ _
Who searched for the Northwest Passage?
Martin Frobisher
This person has 8 letters in his last name, just like the word Northwest has 8 letters.
Who was the 1st Englishman to sail all the way around the world? He raided Spanish ships on the California coast and was knighted by Elizabeth I for the treasures he brought her.
Francis Drake
F _ _ _ _ _ _ D _ _ _ _
What city and state was "The Lost Colony"?
Roanoke, Virginia
R _ _ _ _ _ _, V _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Who sent the settlers to Roanoke, Virginia the first time? (They eventually left because of difficulties.)
Sir Walter Raleigh
S _ _ W _ _ _ _ _ R _ _ _ _ _ _
Who sent the settlers to Roanoke, Virginia the second time? (He had to return to England eventually to get more supplies.)
John White
J _ _ _ W _ _ _ _
Why was John White delayed in his trip to England to get supplies for the colony?
The Armada was going on (war).
A _ _ _ _ _
When John White returned from England 3 years later, the colony was gone. What was carved on a tree?
C _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Who was the first English child born in America?
Virginia Dare
V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D _ _ _
List 5 purposes of exploration
1. adventure
2. trade
3. new life
4. profit (gold & silver)
5. fishing rights
1. a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2. t _ _ _ _
3. n _ _ l _ _ _
4. p _ _ _ _ _ (gold & silver)
5. f _ _ _ _ _ _ r _ _ _ _ _
Why were joint stock companies formed?
Colonization took a lot of money to build.
Who joined together to form the stock companies?
Who granted the Virginia Charter?
King James I
K _ _ _ J _ _ _ _ I
How many joint stock companies settled land in Virginia?
Was the London Company given land in the north or south?
Was the Plymouth Company given land in the north or south?
What did The Virginia Charter do?
It guaranteed the same rights & liberties as Englishmen at home.
When the Virginia Colony began in 1607, how many men and boys were to receive a share of the profits for 7 years?
over 100
Name the 3 ships that sailed into Chesapeake Bay and up the James River to establish Jamestown.
Susan Constant, Godspeed, and Discovery
What was the 1st permanent English settlement?
Jamestown was easy to defend, but what 4 problems did it face?
1. malaria
2. bad drinking water
3. hostile Indians
4. lazy workers
How many settlers died the 1st winter?
What was the biggest problem in Jamestown?
the common store system
Describe the common store system and why it failed.
Every person put in what food and supplies they had, then anyone could take out what he/she needed at anytime. It failed because people were greedy and selfish. Not everyone worked the same or contributed to the store the same.
Who took control of the colony and made changes and did away with the common store system/
John Smith
What Bible verse says...if you don't work, you don't eat?
II Thes. 3:10
During the starving time, only 60 settlers still lived. They ate rats and horses. They almost gave up and returned to England. Who or what saved the colony?
Several ships came with many farmers and craftsmen on board.
Who introduced the growing of tobacco? (He was married to Pocahontas.)
John Rolfe
J _ _ _ R _ _ _ _
What crop did farmers grow that required a large labor force? This is when indentured servants were introduced to America.
What are indentured servants?
People who were poor and wanted to come here from England. They had their way paid by a wealthy person, and they promised to work for that person for free for a certain amount of time.
What could each man do in the free enterprise (or also called capitalism) system?
Own his own crops and produce his own land
Why did the free enterprise system work, but the common store system didn't?
The common store system made people lazy. Many people let someone else do most of the work. In the free enterprise system, you had to produce enough to live or you would starve to death!
What marked the beginning of the slave trade?
The Dutch brought 30 black Africans to Jamestown and sold them as indentured servants.
What was the 1st representative government in America?
The House of Burgesses
The H _ _ _ _ of B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
In the House of Burgesses, each district in Virginia sent a representative to Jamestown to advise the ___________
g _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Who revoked the charter (the Magna Carta) and made Jamestown a royal colony?
James I
J _ _ _ _ I
After James I made Jamestown a royal colony, a rebellion happened when the settlers were being harassed by the Indians. They appealed to the governor who didn't help them. What was the name of this rebellion?
Bacon's Rebellion
B _ _ _ _'s
Who burned Jamestown?
Nathaniel Bacon
N _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B _ _ _ _
Why did the pilgrims come here?
for religious freedom
Describe the dissenters.
They were people who disagreed with the established church and wanted to make it less like the Roman Catholic Church.
Describe the puritans.
They wanted to purify the church. They didn't want to really leave the church, just make it better.
Describe the separatists.
They wanted to withdraw from the church and make their own church.
King James I said he would chase the people out of England if they did not conform to the church. Where did the people go for 11 years?
the Netherlands
When the people went to Holland, their children weren't taught morals and had to go to work instead of school. The Dutch were getting ready for a war with Span, so the Puritans returned to England? True or false?
When the Puritans returned to England, who did they get permission and money from to come to America?
the Plymouth Company
What is another word for "Separatists"?
Puritans and Separatists left Plymouth, England for the new world on board what ship?
The Mayflower
The M _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Where did the Mayflower land?
Cape Cod, Massachusetts
it wasn't Virginia
Because the Puritans and Separatists were not in Virginia, they had no charter and no laws, so what did they sign before going ashore that said they'd agree to do what was best for the colony?
The Mayflower Compact
The signing of the ___________ _____________ set a precedent for the people having an active role in American government.
Mayflower Compact
Where was the first place the pilgrims landed?
During the first winter, the pilgrims had no food or shelfter. How many died?
Who was the first Indian that helped the pilgrims?
What Indian acted as a guide and interpreter and taught the pilgrims how to hunt, fish, and plant crops?
Who was the Plymouth's first governor?
Governor Carver
What chief of the nearby Wampanoag tribe signed a peace treaty with Governor Carver?
Why did the pilgrims celebrate the first Thanksgiving in 1621?
The governor called for the feast to thank God for brining them safely through the starving time.
How long did the first Thanksgiving last?
3 days
What president made Thanksgiving an official American holiday?
Abraham Lincoln
A _ _ _ _ _ _ L _ _ _ _ _ _
Who was the leader of the pilgrim military force?
Miles Standish
from a Bible Man movie
What pilgrim leader held a high office?
John Alden
J _ _ _ A _ _ _ _
Who was a pilgrim pastor?
William Brewster
W _ _ _ _ _ _ B _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Who was the first governor even before the Mayflower came ashore?
John Carver
When John Carver died, who became the new governor and lead for more than 30 years?
William Bradford
W _ _ _ _ _ _ B _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Who wrote"History of Plymouth Plantation", the 1st ever American history book?
William Bradford
The pilgrims founded what church, which is ruled by church members?
The Congregational Church