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12 Cards in this Set

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Intentional use of force, threatened or actual, against yourself or others, that does or could result in injury, psychological damage, death etc.
Catagories of violence
1. Self Directed- self abuse etc
2. Interpersonal- beatin the wife or a complete stranger
3. Collective- war, genocide, race crime
Types of Violence
1. Physical
2. Psychological
3. Sexual
4. Deprivation/neglect
How Violence affects different people differently
1. Younger Men
2. Women
3. Older Men
1. Higher rates of suicide, homicide and warrelated
2. higher rates of homicide and non-lethal violence in
interpersonal situations (askin for it)
3. highest rates of suicide
Violence: An Ecological Model
4 Levels
1. Individual- reasons from in your head
2. Relationship- close relationship increases risks
3. Community- settings that increase risk (council estate)
4. Societal- whither it is encouraged or not in society
Public Health interventions
3 Levels
1. Primary prevention- prevent violence before it occurs
2. Secondary prevention- treating injuries
3. Tertiary prevention- Counselling
Ecological Model
Assists in examining factors that influence behaviour - or which
increase the risk of committing or being a victim of violence.
Group Interventions for violence
-3 Levels
1. Universal interventions: aimed at groups or general population without
regard to individual risk
2. Selected interventions: aimed at those considered to be at heightened risk
3. Indicated interventions: aimed at those who have already demonstrated violent behaviour
Sexual Violence
Any sexual act, attempt to obtain a sexual act,
unwanted sexual comments or advances, or acts
to traffic, or otherwise directed, against a person’s
sexuality using coercion, by any person regardless
of their relationship to the victim, in any
setting,including but not limited to home & work.


Any sexualy related act against someone else’s will in any setting
Sexual Violence; Risk Factors
-Being young
– consuming drugs or alcohol
– having previously been raped or sexually abused
– having many sexual partners
– involvement in sex work
– poverty
Sexual Violence- Prevention
Similar to all Violence
1. Individual approach
2. Health Care Responses
3. Community Based Efforts
4. Legal and Policy responses
Violence Summary
Violence is a complex phenomenon
• Violence is preventable
• Prevention needs to act across various levels at the same
• Multi-sectoral task - health, education, income
• Early and sustained childhood interventions most useful
• Public health approach prioritises prevention rather than