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33 Cards in this Set

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male sexual arousal is highly cued by ___

female sexual arousal is more affected by ___ and ___
visual stimuli

circumstances and relationships
the 4 components of human sexual identity
assignment of gender
gender identity
syndrome characterized by XXY genotype, elongated axial skeleton, social disinterest, and low average verbal aptitudes
Kleinfelter's syndrome
condition involving estrogens' effect on the male fetus

leads to ambiguous or deceptive phenotype, identified as a "female"

"Penis at 13"
21 ketolase deficiency
brain differences in homosexuality
suprachiasmatic nucleus is larger
anterior commissure is larger
third interstitial notch of anterior hypothalamus is smaller
difference between the transgender phenomena and homosexuality
in the transgender phenomena, there is apathy or antipathy toward their own genitalia

in homosexuality, they are perfectly content with their own genitalia
conditions that includes persistent distrubing sexually arousing fantasies or sexual urges that are potentially harmful or involve inanimate/nonhuman arousal "targets."
two most common causes of diminished sexual desire
central anxiety and depressive illness
inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient to permit satisfactory intercourse

causes include psychological and physical
erectile dysfunction
treatment for premature ejaculation
desensitization/"squeeze technique"
unwanted, non-sexual, persistent erection
painful, tonic contraction of the pubococcygeus w/ any attempt to insert any object into the vagina

psychological disturbance treated by psychotherapy

most commonly caused by abuse or bad infection
result of a bilateral temporal lobectomy

results in an inability to associate somatosensory information w/ limbic and hypothalamic system

constantly "mounts" animate or inanimate objects when sexually aroused
Kluver-Bucy syndrome
effect of SSRI's on sexual desire
decreases (seretonin regulates blood flow to the genitalia)
relationship between dopamine activity and sexual activity
increased dopamine activity generally increases the desire for sexual activity
effect of estrogen and progesterone on libido in women and men
Estrogen has negligible effects on men and women (but does maintain vaginal lubrication)

Progesterone has negligible effect on women, but decreased libido in men
effect of dopamine antagonists on erectability
inhibit the onset of erections OR cause priapism
major neurotransmitter mediating the relaxation of the smooth muscle of the corpora cavernosa during erection
nitric oxide
persistent inability to attain or maintain vaginal lubrication and labial changes
female sexual arousal disorder
persistent delay or absence of orgasm following a normal exciteent phase
female/male orgasmic disorder
persistent ejaculation w/ minimal stimulation at or shortly before penetration
premature ejaculation
genital pain associated w/ intercourse in males or females
patient is unable to "detoxify" estorgen, has a micropenis, bifid scrotum, cryptorchid testes, but is genetically male, Dx?
21 ketolase deficiencies
What part of the brain has a sexual response to visual and olfactory cues?
What is the role of the paraventricular nucleus in sexual arousal?
Erection of the penis and clitoris, also stimulates release of oxytocin
What happens in Kluver-Bucy syndrome
Bilateral temporal lobectomy...inabitly to associate somatosensory info w/ the hypothalamic and limbic system...results in subject being unable to recognize food or sexual parteners ect. by visual or tactile "cues"...they will "mount animate or inanimate ojects.
Affect of testosterone on Men and womens sexual desire
Higher levels of testosterone do not increase libido in Men but it does in women
During physiological arousal a womens vaginal lubrication is equivilant to ___________in men?
Effects of epinephrine from the nervous system on women and mens sexual arousal?
In men it keeps the penis in a flaccid state and will reverse an erection

In women epinephrine levels increase w/ sexual arousal
NE from the nervous system and its blood levels during sexual arousal in men and women
blood levels rise in both men and women. Noradrenergic drugs (antidepressants) are less likley to interfere w/ an erection
What is the MOA of drugs that treat men w/ sexual dysfunction during the excitment phase?
Phosphodiesterase inhibitors type 5 (PDE-5)...counteracts the degredation of NO-generated cGMP
Mechanism for the production of an orgasm in men and women
Spinal cord reflex
How effective are topical applications (e.g. local anesthetics) in the tx of premature ejaculation?
Do NOT reduce prematurity