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34 Cards in this Set

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Lack of pigmentation of the body w/ alternating areas of normal and lost hair color pigmenation, child is edematous and has abundant subcuataeous fat, Dx and cause?
Kwashiorkor...sufficient calories but lack of protien
Emaciation (extreme loss of muscle and fat), monkey faces, growth failure and extreme hunger.
Marasmus - lack of calorie intake
Fat soluble vitamins
A, D, E, & K
Water soluble vitamins
B, C and folic acid
Vitamin A source, form in the body and storage
Made from Corotene...exists as retinol/al and retinoic acid...stored in the liver and shuttled around
Night blindness can be caused by a lack of what vitamin
This vitamin maintains the differentiation of certain special kinds of epithelium (including many ducts), and in deficiency state, epithelial surfaces undergo squamous metaplasia (from stratified squamous to cuboidal epith.) and hyperkeratinize
Xerophthalmia, bitots spots (masses of desquamated keratin on the cornea or conjunctiva)kidney stones are seen w/ a deficiency of this vitamin
Which vitamin deficiency is associated w/ vulernability to trachoma
How much sun exposure is needed to make enough vitamin D/
5-10min 2-3x/week
Rickets is associated w/ this vitamin deficiency?

What happens in adults


Both are from a failur of osteoid (bone matrix) to mineralize
Low serum calcidiol/calcitriol confirms the diagnosis of?
Vit D deficiency
What vitamin overdose can cause hypercalcemia and kidney stone formation
Vit D
Cystic fibrosis patients are prone to this vitamin deficiency?
Vit E if not supplemented brain damage results
This is the co-factor for ths sntheiss of gamma-carboxy glutamic acid, required for the clacium-binding clotting factors II, VII, IX X plus C and S?
Vit K
Coumarin and severe liver disease may cause a dificiency in this vitamin
This vitamin deficiency is seen in alcoholics, cancer vitctims who don't eat, women w/ extreme vomittin during pregnancy and people who are starved?
B1 (thiamin)
Wet beriberi (edema resulting from high output from heart failure) and dry beriberi (polyneuropathy - numb fingers and toes) are associated w/ what vitamin deficiency?
B1 (thiamine)
Wernikies-Korsakoff syndrome is associated w/ a defiency in what vitamin
B1 (thiamine)
Precursor for the co-factor NAD
Vitamin B3 (niacin, nicotinic acid)
Three D's of niacin (B3) deficiency, "Pellagra"
Dermatitis (red, thick flaking paint) Diarrhea, dementia and Death (fourth D)
This amino acid shuttles amiono groups and amino acids around
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)
This vitamin shuttles methyl groups
Folic acid (best source is uncooked vegtables and fruits)

Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) - involved in making thymine/DNA and methionine
Vegans, those w/ problems w/ intrinsic factor, fish tapeworm, blind loop syndrome and inflammtion of the terminal ileum can all become defiencient of this vitamin
B12 (cobalamin)
degeneration of the spinal cord (loss of prporiopreception), mild neuropathy and mental slowing all of which take yrs to develop are from a deficiency of this vitamin
B12 (cobalamin)
This vitamin is essential in the development of collagen
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
patient bruises easily, bleed spontaneously, petechiae around the gums and hemorrhages beneath the periosteum develop...the most painful of the deficiency diseases
Vit C deficiency
This vitamin can give false negative tests for glucose and blood in the urine or stool?
Vit C
Most common nutritional deficiency almost everywhere
Where is iron absorbed
What type of anemia does iron deficiency produce?
microcytic, hypochromic anemia (anemia that has an abdnormal ration of hemoglobin to erythrocyte volume)
Acrodermatitis enteropathica is the most distinctive feature of?
Zinc deficiency
Growth and Zince deficiency?
Stunted growth
This deficiency is characterized by heart failure and increases suceptibility to coxsackievirus?
Selenium def.