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116 Cards in this Set

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air passageways
nasal cavity
filters, warms, and moistens air as it passes through the cavity
hard palate
prevents movement of food and fluid from oral cavity into nasal cavity
soft palate
moves during swallowing preventing food and fluids from entering the nasopharynx
posterior nasal apertures
air passageway
passageway for air, food, fluids
air passageway and phonation
its movement prevents food and fluids entering the larynx during swallowing
vocal folds (true vocal cords)
phonation and their closure prevents food and fluids from entering larynx
air passageway
air passageway
primary bronchi
air passageway
secondary bronchi
air passageway
secrete pleural fluid
inspiratory muscles
diaphragm, external intercostals
expiratory muscles
internal intercostals
rectus abdominis
transversus abdominis
external obliques
internal obliques
oral cavity
passageway for food and fluids; alternative passageway for air
obtain food and retain it in oral cavity
retain food in oral cavity
moves food during chewing and swallowing; changes shape and position for speech
mechanical digestion
passageway for food and fluids
esophageal hiatus
passageway for esophagus
secretes peritoneal fluid
passageway for food and fluids; does some digestion; site of temporary food storage
pyloric sphincter
regulates rate at which chyme leaves stomach
prevent tearing of mucosa when stomach expands
greater omentum
fat storage
small intestine
passageway for food and fluids; site of most digestion and absorption
plicae circulares
increases surface area
suspends intestines and prevents tangling
large intestine
passageway for food and fluids; reabsorbs water and stores feces
passageway for food and fluids
ileocecal valve
prevents movement of cecal contents back into small intestine
anal canal
regulates defecation
parotid glands
secrete saliva
parotid ducts
passageways for saliva from parotid glands to oral cavity
submandibular glands
secrete saliva
produces bile and performs many non-digestive functions
falciform ligament
attaches liver to diaphragm and anterior body wall
stores bile
common hepatic duct
cystic duct
bile duct
bile passageway
secretes digestive enzymes and bicarbonate solution
moves blood
R atrium
receives blood from systemic vv
R/L auricle
increases volume of atrium
superior vena cava
drains the head and neck, thoracic region, upper limbs, and heart
inferior vena cava
drains the lower limbs and abdominopelvic region
R Ventricle
pumps blood through pulmonary circulation
Pulmonary Trunk
R/L Pulmonary aa
supplies lungs
L Atrium
receives blood from pulmonary vv
R/L Pulmonary Veins
drain lungs
L ventricle
pumps blood through systemic circulation
atrioventricular valves
prevent backflow of blood during ventricular contraction
papillary muscles
anchor chordae tendineae
chordae tendineae
prevent eversion of AV valves during ventricular contraction
semilunar valves
prevent backflow of blood during ventricular relaxation
R/L coronary artery
supplies walls of heart
coronary sinus
drains walls of heart
fibrous pericardium
anchors and protects heart
serous pericardium
secretes pericardial fluid
clears bood of microorganisms, other foreign substances, and worn-out RBCs; produces lymphocytes; stores RBCs and platelets
its branches supply the entire body
ascending aorta
branches supply the heart
aortic arch
branches supply the head, neck, and upper limbs
descending aorta
branches supply all parts of the body except the head, neck, and upper limbs
aortic hiatus
passageway for aorta
brachiocephalic a
supplies head, neck, and R upper body
R/L common carotid a
supplies head and neck
R/L subclavian a
supplies R/L upper limb
R/L axillary aa
supply upper limbs
R/L brachial aa
supply upper limbs
R/L radial aa
supply upper limbs
R/L ulnar aa
supply upper limbs
R/L posterior intercostal aa
supply back and chest wall
celiac trunk
supplies several abdominal organs
splenic a
supplies spleen, stomach, and pancreas
common hepatic a
supplies liver, gallbladder, stomach, and small intestine
L gastric a
supplies stomach
Superior Mesenteric a
supplies small and large intestine
R/L renal a
supplies kidneys
R/L testicular/ovarian aa
supplies testes/ ovaries
inferior mesenteric a
supplies large intestine
R/L common iliac aa
supply organs in pelvic cavity and lower limbs
R/L internal iliac aa
supply urinary bladder and reproductive structures
R/L external iliac aa
supply lower limbs
R/L femoral aa
supply lower limbs
R/L brachial vv
drain upper limbs
R/L axillary vv
drain upper limbs
R/L subclavian vv
drain upper limbs, scalp, and face
R/L external jugular vv
drain scalp and face
R/L internal jugular vv
drain brain and neck
R/L brachiocephalic vv
drain upper limbs, scalp, face, brain, and neck
R/L intercostal vv
drain thoracic wall
azygos v
drains thoracic wall
R/L great saphenous vv
drain lower limbs
R/L femoral vv
drain lower limbs
R/L external iliac vv
drain lower limbs
R/L internal iliac vv
drain pelvic cavity
R/L common iliac vv
drain lower limbs and pelvic cavity
R/L renal vv
drain kidneys
R/L testicular/ovarian vv
drain testes/ veins
hepatic veins
drain liver
splenic v
drains spleen
superior mesenteric v
drains intestines
hepatic portal v
drains spleen, intestines, and other parts of digestive system
exchange of substances between maternal and fetal blood occurs here
R/L umbilical aa
blood flows from fetus to placenta
umbilical vein
blood flows from placenta to fetus
has immune functions
What are the walls of the heart composed of?
cardiac muscle tissue, epithelial, nervous, and connective tissues
fibrous pericardium
a sac-like structure composed of denser connective tissue surrounding the heart
Serous Pericardium
deep to the fibrous pericardium
made of visceral and parietal
Tunica Interna
deepest layer of walls of arteries and veins
made of simple squamous epithelium
Tunica media
composed of smooth muscle and connective tissue
Tunica externa
composed of elastic and collagenous connective tissues