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6 Cards in this Set

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What is a hate crime?

-a hate crime is a crime that's usually violent, motivated by prejudice or intolerance toward another individual's national origin, ethnicity, color, religion, gender, sexuality orientation, or disability. It's usually directed at and entire group of individuals.

-dates back as early as ancient Roman civilizations. Was found all through history, such as during World War II, civil rights times, Vietnam, and even currently

-the people involved are the victim(s) and their group of people, the authorities and bystanders.

Side note***

Most hate crimes towards Muslims have been in reaction to the terrorist attacks in Paris, the mass shooting in San Bernardino, and Americans being taken hostage by ISIS in middle eastern countries. Before those events, the hatred had calmed down since 9/11, just never completely ended.

Evidence #1

-"A homeless man who is Muslim and from Iraq who was punched and told to "go back to your country" by another man in a South L.A. park"

-They aren't targeting the people responsible, only the people that are there and weak enough for them to target.

-this was unprovoked and completely uncalled for

Evidence #2

-"Worshippers at two mosques arrived on Dec. 13th to find "Jesus" spray painted on walls and at one mosque, an object that appeared to be a hand grenade lying in the driveway" (it turned out to be a plastic replica)

-targeting their place of worship and peace

-again, unprovoked

-threatening violence upon a place of peace

-trying to scare them

Evidence #3

-a man walked into a small convenience store and shot the store clerk

-"'Then he put a gun in his mouth and said, "I killed guys like you in Iraq, so I don't think about it when I shoot them anymore." The bullet passed through the man's cheek, Mr. Singh said. "There shooter thought he was a Muslim," he said, "but he is a Sikh

-Americans are being ignorant to the fact that not everyone is Muslim and there are different branches of Islam just as Christianity has different branches. They aren't even targeting just Muslims. Plus it's not ALL Muslims attacking Americans


-Hate crimes are attacks on Human decency. People must learn to stand against hate crimes, support the victims, and get the law involved ( there are already laws against it)

-communities must work together as a whole to stop the crimes and the people who commit them.

-the government should educate the public so that they realize that in a lot of these cases, they are targeting the wrong people (sikh). THE public should, instead of committing these crimes, work together to stand up against the real enemy (ISIS)