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56 Cards in this Set

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To display the sciatic nerve
reflect the biceps
sciatic becomes
peroneal and tibial
tendon of the semitendinosus
attaches to the medial epicondyle of the tibia, along with the tendons of the gracilis and sartorious muscles. This makes the goose foot.
aductor magnus hamstring portion
Distally, this portion of the adductor magnus muscle inserts into the adductor tubercle of the medial condyle of the femur. Innervated by the sciatic nerve
adductor portion of the adductor magnus is innervated by the
obturator nerve
deep to biceps femoris long head is
the short head of biceps femoris
all hamstring muscles attach to the ischial tuberosity
so.... the short head of the biceps is not a hamstring muscle. attaches to the femur proximally.
At the apex of the popliteal fossa the sciatic nerve divides into the tibial and peroneal nerve
yes it does bitch face
common peroneal and common tibial
common peroneal is the most lateral nerve and the common tibial extends almost like it was the sciatic nerve
the common tibial and common peroneal give off cutaneous sural nerves
the medial sural nerve for the tibial and the lateral sural nerve for the peroneal nerve.
in the vascular sheath of the popliteal
the vein overlies the artery in contrast to the femoral artery which is anterior ro the vein in the adductor canal
vascular sheath is medial and inferior o the
biceps femoris, and inferior to the sciatic nerve.
poplitel artery gives collateral branches called
genicular branches which give blood supply to the knee joint
the two superior genicular arteries are
directly above the condyles of the femur. The medial superior goes deep to the semitendinosus and the semimembranous. The lateral superior deep to the biceps femoris.
The middle genicular artery is different in that it
enters the knee joint by piercing the the oblique popliteal ligament.
the inferior genicular arteries arise from the popliteal deep to the gastrocnemius muslce and
the medial inferior genicular artery passes around the medial condyle of the tibula, nd the lateral round the lateral condyle of the fibula.
Biceps femoris inn.
has two heads-the long head is a true hamstring and is innervated by the tibial portion of the sciatic nerve, but the short head is innervated by the common peroneoal
Biceps femoris attt.
the long head arises from the ischial tuberosity like most hamstring muscles. IMPORTANT that it arises with the semitendonosus. The short head actually arises from the lower half of the linea aspera and laeral supracondylar ridge. Inserts into the head of the fibula. Here is split by the FCL.
Biceps action
the long head extends hip and flexes the knee joint and rotates the leg laterally.
ischial tuberosity with biceps. It inserts via a long tendon which passes over the semimembranous muscle. Inserts on medial tibia posterior to the tendon of the gracilis. The nerve is tibial portion of the sciatic and the action is to flex the knee and medially rotate the flexed leg. Also extensor of hip joint.
Arises from a tendon from the ichial tuberosity. Inserts on the medial condyle of the tibula (thick flat tendon). This muscle has extension which forms the oblique popliteal ligament. Tibial nerve of sc. and same act as semitendonosus.
The adductor magnus is a dually innervated muscle
posterior hamstring surface arising from the ischial tuberosity is the tibail and the part from pubic ramus is the obterator.
The pectineus
is supplied by the obterator and the femoral nerve.
anterio to posterior of the goose's foot is the
sartorius, gracilis, semitendonosus. Commom action is flexion of the knee joint
Each member of gooses's foot has
its own unique action and innervation besides flecion at the knee joint
flexion at the hip and femoral nerve
adduction at the hio and obterator nerve
extension at the hip and the tibial portion of the sciatic nerve
The sciatic nerve lies between
the biceps femoris and the adductor magnus
Above the popliteal fossa (variablly) the sciatic nerve seperates into
into the tibial and common peroneal
tibial spinal segments
Common Peroneal spinal segemnts
These two divisions can be seperated up to the
saccral plexus
The peroneal division of the sciatic nerve
sometimes pierces the piriformis in 12% of cases
Branches of the sciatic nerve
includes the nerve to he short head of the biceps from peroneal; medial aspect is tibial portion.
Vessels to the posterior thigh include
the profunda femoris branches from the femoral artery by passing posteriorly between the pectineus and and the aductor longus muscle close tot he femur. Ends as fourth perforating.
Popliteal fossa
is bounded above and laterally by the biceps femoris muscle. ABove and medially by the semitendonossus and the semimembranous muscles. Lower part by gastrocnemius.
Floor of popliteal fossa
politeal surface of the femur, knee capsule, and a strong fasica which covers the popliteal muscel.
Contents of the fossa
Tibial nerve, common peroneal nerve, and the popliteal artery and vein.
gastrocnemius att.
lateral head from lateral condyle of femur and medial head from posterior surfce of the femur superior to the medial condyle. Posterior surface of calcanaeus via calcaneus tendon.
Gastrocnemius inn,. and act
ALSO innervated by the Tibial nerve! Plantar flexes the ankle and flexes the knee
soleus muslce
Proximal att. is the head of the fibula and superior fourth of the posterior surface of fibula, and soleal line. Distal attachment is hte achilles tendon.
Proximally -Inferior end of lateral supracondylar line of femur to achilles tendon. Flexes knee joint and assists gastrocnemius
Lateral surface of lateral condyle of femur to the posterior surface of tibia above the soleal line.
Popliteus note;
during extension at the knee there is a terminal medial roatation at the femur that needs to be unlocked by the popliteus muscle.
Nerves in the popliteal region

1. medial sural cutaneous
arises from the tibial nerve in the popliteal foss and runs down between the two heads of the gastrocnemius into the back of the leg
Tibial branches in the popliteal fossa
to both heads of the gastrocnemius, the plantaris (posterio to gastrocnemius, the soleus, the popliteus
The common popliteal is also in the popliteal fossa,
This nerve runs along the medial border of the biceps femoris and leves the popliteal fossa. It crosses the plantaris and lateral head of the gastrocnemius and continues posterior to the fibular head. Coursing between the fibula and the peroneus longus muscle it divides into a deep and superficial branch.
The peroneal nerve has several cutaneous branches
There is a freaky communicating peroneal branch in the popliteal fossa that passes into the gastrocnemius to joint he medial sural nerve to form the sural nerve.
Lateral surface of the leg is supplied by the
lateral cutaneous sural nerve.
The posterio leg is served by the
The medial surface of the posterior leg is served by the saphenous nerve a branch of the femoral nerve.
The laterl surface of the posterior leg consists of three seperate cutaneous nerves that originate in the popliteal fossa.
Medil sural cutaneous a banch of the tibial, the lateral sural cutaneous a branch of the commo peroneal, and the communicating peroneal. These form the sural nerve (medial and communicating).
The sural nerve
travels with the short saphenous vein. The point of union of the medial sural cutaneous n. and the commu. can occur anywhere in the posterior leg, but usually around the midpoint.
Popliteal artery
is a continuation of the femoral artery and begins posterio to the femur a the adductor hiatus of magnus. It terminates at the inferior border of the politeus muscle by dividing into the anterior and posterior tibial arteries.
The popliteal vein
is formed by the junction venae commitantes of the posterior and anterior tibial arteries near the popliteus muscle. This vein recieves the small saphenous vein inthe popliteal fossa.
Branches of the popliteal arteries at the knee (note; also receives the descending branch of the lateral circumflex, the anterior recurrent tibial-a branch of the anterior tibial artery.
lateral superior genicular, medial superior genicular artery, lateral inferior geniucal, medial inferior genicular, and middle genicular.