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73 Cards in this Set

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What is the meaning of the word "Renaissance"?
What are the 4 Distingsuishing features of the Renaissance?
1. Recovery from Devastation if 14th Century.
2. Witnessed Revival of Culture of Classical Greece& Rome.
3. Renewed Emphasis on the individual.
4. Elite Culture vs. Popular Culture reserved to wealthy upper classes.
When was the Great Famine?
Where did the Black Death Start?
Southwest CHina
Where did it first strike in Europe?
How much of the population did the Black Death kill?
When was the Renaissance?
14th to 16th Centuries
Where did Economic & Political Foundations Begin?
Italian City-States
What were the 5 Italian City States?
1. Florence
2. Venice
3. Milan.
4. Rome
5. Naples
Who was the ruling family of Florence?
How did Florence make its money?
What was Florence known for?
what sea is located near Venice?
Adriatic Sea
Which city had the greatest Martiime Power?
What is the ruling family of Milan?
Which of the city-states was known for its fashion?
WHo was the ruling famiy of Rome?
Who was Cesare of Rome the son of?
Pope Alexander VI
WHich city-state was ruled by differnt empires?
Wealth from ____ made the Reniassance Possible?
What is Diplomacy?
Balance of Power between City-States
Humanism focused more on _______ than the material world
after life
What was human life seen as in Humanism?
A short brutal passage to the next life
Who was the most important person in Scholasticism?
St. Thomas Aquinas
Who was an important scholar in Humanism?
When did Petrach live?
1304 - 1374
Humans of the REnaissance were devout ____
Renaissance was the .....
attempt to recover culture of Ancient Greece and Rome
Who financed the movement towards a Renaissance?
What are the 3 central Concepts?
What was Alberts famous statement about Individualism?
"Men can do all things if they have the will"
_____ Involves the basic concern with the material world rather than spirtual
What are the 7 Liberal Arts?
1. Grammar
2. Rhetoric
3. Logic
4. Arithmotic
5. Geomotry.
6. Distronomy
7. Music
What are the major achievments of Chinggis Khan?
What are the major achievments of Khubilai Khan?
Established the Yuan Dynasty
What are the major achievments of Tamerlane?
Brutal Conqueror. Captial at Samarkind.
What are the major achievments of Osman?
Built Ottoman EMpire
What are the major achievments of Mehmed II?
Captured Constainople and made Instanbul
Who are the Mongols and where are they from?
Mongols were nomads. They were from the high steppe lands of eastern Asia.
How did Genghis Khan rise to power?
He forged various mongol tribes into one powerful alliance. BUilt the largest empire the world has ever seen.
What did Karakorum symbolize?
Symbolized a source of Mongol authoirty superior to the clan or tribe.
How was it possible for the small mongol army to conquer so much of Eurasia?
Relied on superior Equestrian skills. Used bows.
Describe something about Mongols military tactics.
Mongols placed differnyly ranking as men as leaders so that if a message must be passed on, they only have to pass it to 10 people.
What lands did Genghis khan conquer?
Perisa and Northern China and Central Asia
What happened to Gehgis Khan's empire after his death?
It was divided into four regional empires
What were the Mongol Empires by 1300?
Golden Horde - Steppes north of the Black Sea.
Ilkhanate - China
Describe Mongol rule in China
Mongol overlords saw themselves as superior to chinease subjects.
Allowed contruction of religous buildings
How did the Ilkhante Empire end?
Encountered difficulties in Persia and CHina after death of Khubilai.
Finacial difficulties
How did the Yuan Dynasty end?
Had difficulties with paper.
General population lost confidence in money and prices spiked.
What role did the Mongols play in the Black Death?
The mongols promoted trade and communitcation - this hepled spread the disease and moved from one provence to another.
Who was Temiijin and when did he live?
He was a Mongol Conqueror.
(1167 - 1227)
What was Karakorum?
A command center for Temiijins Empire
When was the Yuan dynasty and who ruled it?
1279 - 1369. ruled by CHinease.
What is Kamikaze?
A japanese term meaning "divine wind".
What areas did Tamerlane Conquer? What happened to it when he died?
Inda, Persia, Anatolia and North AFrica. His grandons split it up into 4 empires.
Who were the Ottomans?
An empire built after Osman declared indepedence. Originated in North Anatolia.
What was the "little ice age"? When did it occur?
When tempertures were muich cooler than in the era. 1300 - 1800
What are some symptoms of the Black Plague?
Inflamed lymph nodes.
Discolored Inflamations
When and how did the Black Death spread into and through Europe?
Spread through trade routes. 1300 - 1400.
How did the Yuan Dynasty end?
Financial Mismanagement. Serious economic difficulties.
Who was Hongwu?
A orphaned, poor, beggar, who entered a monastery to ensure clothes and foof. Eventually became Emperor.
How did Ming Emperors lead China to a cultural Revival?
The encouraged people to stop using Mongolian names and wearing their clothes.
What were the two important elements the State Building efforts of the late middle ages involved?
Devolopement of Fresh Sources of Finance.
Maintanence of Large Standing Armies
Who was Masaccio?
Italian Reniassace Painter. (1401-1428)
Who was Leaonardo Da VInci?
Italian Reniassiance Painter. (1452 - 1519)
Who was Donatello?
Italian Reniassance Sculptor. (1386 - 1466)
Who was MichaelAngelo Buonarotti?
Italian Renaissance Sculptor. (1475 - 1564)
Who was Filippo Brunelleschi?
Florentine Arhtiect. (1377 - 1446)
When was the Late Middle Ages?
Period from (1300 - 1500). TIme when internal problems and plague complicated European Piolitcal affairs
What was the Hundreds Year War?
1337 - 1453. Series of intermiteen campaigns in which the warring factions saught control of land in France.
Significance of Fernando & Isabel.
Married in 1469. Combined theur reigns of Castile and Aragon. Two wealthies Iberian Realms.
Who was Ivan III?
Regined 1462 - 1505. Grand Prince
What is Muscovy?
The principality ruled from Moscow.