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32 Cards in this Set

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haber que + infinitive
to be necessary to / to be essential to
Hay que comer. It is necessary to eat. Habrá que salir a las tres. It will be necessary to leave at 3.
haber de + infinitive
to be to / to be supposed to / must
Hemos de salir as las tres. We are to leave at 3. He de viajar a Nueva York. I am supposed to go to New York. Ha de ser inteligente. He must be intelligent. Había de ser las nueve de la noche. It must have been 9 p.m.
había una vez
Once upon a time
Había una vez un granjero que tenía una granja muy grande. Once upon a time there was a farmer with a very large farm.
no haber tal
to be no such thing
No hay tal cosa como un almuerzo gratis. There's no such thing as a free lunch.
¡Qué hubo! or ¡Quihúbole!
Hi! What's happening?
No hay de qué
Don't mention it. It's not important. No big deal.
habérselas con
to have it out with
¿Cuánto hay de ... ?
How far is it from ... ?
¿Qué hay? ¿Qué hay de nuevo?
What's happening? What's new?
he aquí
here is
Heme aquí
Here I am.
He lo aquí. He lo allí. He los aquí. He los allí. ¡He dicho!
Here it is. There it is. Here they are. There they are. And that's that!
haber lodo
to be muddy
haber gato encerrado
there is something fishy
haber neblina
to be foggy
haber sol
to be sunny
hay luna
there is moonlight
haber polvo
to be dusty
there is / are
there was / were
there was / were (took place)
there will be
there would be
ha habido
there has been
había habido
there had been
there may be
there might be
va a haber
there is going to be
iba a haber
there was going to be
tiene que haber
there has to be
puede haber
there can be
debe haber
there should be