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45 Cards in this Set

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Reasons for hypoactive bowel sounds
late obstruction

Hyperactive bowel sounds
Early abdominal obstruction


Rebound tenderness
Bloombergs = more pain when you let go (not while you're still palpating)

Indicative of paritoneal irritation (apendicitis, paritinitis)
murphys sign
press over liver

inspatory arrest = positive murphys sign

Notify physician

Thinking gallbladder dz
Tactile fremitis
Auscultation (bronchophony, egophany, etc.)

palpate "99"

Hearing it better = lung consolidation = pneumonia/ more density.

Empysema and pneumothorax (not tension) = more air, hear sounds worse
bruising (more extensive than petichiae)

ask about mads (anticoagulants, aspirrin, heparin, nsaids)

ask about trauma
whats one of main reasons to get extensive med hx
drug interactions

especially in elderly (polypharmacy)
if pt claims allergy
ask what actually happens
around nail bed inflamed
paronchia (water, bar tender)
spoon shaped
chronic lack of o2 = larger than 80 degrees
vesicles with honey colored drainage, crust
impetigo, kids more prone, highly contagious
red lesions or more silvery scaley
psoriasis, usually family hx of it, not contagious
shingles is ex of what
zosterform appearance, linear follows a line following a dermatome.

it starts as a vesicle and when it ruptures it forms a scab.
bulls eye
lyme disease caused by erythema migrans
to say officially that there are absent bowel sounds...
you have to listen for 5 minutes in each quadrant
tap wrist = burning or tingling = + carpel tunnel
test for carpel tunnel. press dorsal part of hands together for 1 min = numbing or pain = carpel tunnel.
arterial insufficiency
not getting enough blood to the extremity, the temp should be more cold (cool)

the leg would look shiny w/ no or little hair.

color depends on if its acute or chronic (atherosclerosis)

chronic - if you raise leg up = less blood flow = leg will look pallor

if you put it down in a dependant position, blood flow returns and leg turns red or rubor. In chronic insufficiency, pulse will be deminished or absent (note if its a new finding)
if you cant feel a pulse in a lower extremity...
use doppler
acute arterial insufficiency
throwing a clot

pt complains of intermittent claudication - hurts when they're active but goes away during rest

as the dz progresses or advances, they will develope rest pain (worse)
test for arterial insufficiency
ABI - ankle brachial index

capillary refill
bloods not going back to the right side of heart so you see edema in lower extremities
ulcurs or venous stasis cause what color

because blood is sitting there and breaking down so they release something called hemociteran which turns the color to brown.

more prone to VTE (venous thrombo embolism) aka DVT

can test by doing homans sign.
Homan's sign
ask pt to dorsiflex and if they have pain = + homan's sign, indicates a venous problem such as DVT.
Acute arterial
pale, cool, pulses diminishe or absent, paralysis, parasthesia....

but acute has no shiny or hairless appearance.

blue toes could happen in acute or chronic.. very bad.. late sign.
neg affects smoking
ask ppd

associated w peptic ulcer
Gastric CA
decreased sleep
orthopnea, pnd, dyspnea
pillows, wake up SOB, SOB
when doing infant exam and infant is sleeping what do u do first
auscultate heart lungs and abdomen because if infant wakes up theyll cry and u cant hear

do eyes, nose, ears last (most invasive)
Tanner stage
Know the stages of puberty (male, female)
s shape
normal lung sound peds`

heart s3 could be normal in children
peds best indicater of nutritional status
height weight on growth chart
head chest circumferance
At birth the head is bigger than chest

check on every visit for the first 2 years of their life. then once a year till they're six.

plot it on growth chart.

by age 2 the head and chest circumference becomes equal

elderly has more wax which can lead to hearing obstruction , which is conductive hearing loss vs. sensorineural
tympanic membrane
pearly grey, pink, cone of light should be either 5 or 7 o clock
abnormal finding in ear
loss of
red draining
otitis media = loss of landmarks , no cone of light

external, look at tragus, can be very painful with otitis externum aka swimmers ear
equal round reactive to light and accommidation
looking distant -= pupil dilated

close = conrtict
ocular mm
6cardinal gaze
dirsct consentual
both constrict
abnormal pupils

always assess they're baseline for change (their normal)
CN 2 ocular
perif vision confrontation
5 trigeminal

trigeminal neuralgia = pain in face sensation